Passing Notes

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A/N: you guys should read this :) please, please, please, pretty pleeeeeaaase, I don't know his favorite food I just put something random lol


Fred had convinced me to let him walk me back to the Hufflepuff common room, using the fact he is the best to do so since he knew how to avoid prefects. "Favorite food?" He asks, hands shoved in his pockets. I still don't understand the reason for all the questions.

"[Your favorite food.]" I reply quietly, moving a bit closer to him because I can barely see him in the dark. "Yours?"

"Turkey." He murmurs, his arm brushing against mine. I'll admit that he was beginning to grow on me, he really wasn't as bad as I previously deemed him. "Now that we know each other so well, will you go out with me?" He questions, his grin finally illuminated by the dimly lit Hufflepuff entrance.

"Frederick." I whisper around an exasperated sigh.

"Come on, I really want to, Y/N." 

"I said no. Twenty million times."

Then his grin is back, "how about we make a deal?"

I look at him suspiciously, "what kind of deal?"

"A good deal, if we are friends by the end of our detention, you have to go out with me." He holds out his hand and I reluctantly take it.

"Just no asking me out until then."

I grumpily drop next to Oliver at the Gryffindor table at dinner, too busy being infuriated to care about 'where I am supposed to sit.' I'm soaking wet and sweating like crazy, still in my quidditch gear. "You reek, L/N." Dean Thomas decides to let me know and I give him a glare that makes him move down. 

"Calm down, Y/N/N." Oliver says, already probably knowing how upset I am. "No need to wind yourself up and end up knocking him off."

"Snape couldn't referee without cheating if it meant his life." I growl lowly. "I would be doing everyone a favor by knocking him off."

"Want us to play a little trick on him?" I look up, Fred and George had changed seats so they were across from us. 

"Slip a little something in his pumpkin juice?" George wiggles his eyebrows.

"Pay his classroom a little visit while he is eating?" Fred smiles, "by the way Y/N you look absolutely ravishing."

"Shut it, Weasley." I glare at him and contemplate moving back to the Hufflepuff table.

"I'm serious, Y/N/N." Then his smirk turns devilish, "how about me and you pay Snape's classroom a visit while he is gone? We can teach him a lesson on his desk, in his chair, against his chalkboard-"

"Now is not a good time to rile her up, George." Oliver interrupts.

"It's Frederick." I had taken to calling him so because I know he hates it so much. I turn back to trying to murder Fred with a look, but now he's got this smile on his face, one that just looks like I'd made him just so happy. My face gets red and I get nervous and stand up, moving back to my table. 

Fred's POV

"Aw, I wanted to sit with my dearest love." I say half-joking, I wanted to sit with her. 

"Don't worry Fred she'll fall for you eventually," George pats my back, "if she doesn't kill you and/or fall for me first."

"Or me." Lee says as he takes a seat next to George.

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