Satisfying You All

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A/N: Last part!

The first time I meant Mrs. Weasley, at least as Fred's girlfriend, was an accident. I came to the Quidditch World Cup with Oliver, it was incredibly last minute, and Fred failed to mention that he was going as well. So, naturally, when someone wrapped their arms around me from behind and pressed a kiss to my neck, I elbowed them in the teeth. "Damn!"

"Well, I'd think you'd know better by now Freddie!" Two familiar voices have me spinning around, Fred has a grimace on his face, blood flowing around his teeth.

"That was dumb of you, dear." I deadpan and cast aguamenti on his teeth to clean the blood away.

He smirks through his grimace, "you know I like any chance for you to take care of me." I roll my eyes and use episkey to heal the damage I'd done. Then, he lifts me up and smashes his lips to mine. Our kisses were almost always like that, spontaneous and passionate. It may be because we both had a streak of impulsiveness in us.

"Do you honestly think that's the first impression she wants the family to have of her?" I hear George laugh and immediately pull away from Fred, scowling at his impish grin.

I glance over and immediately the embarrassment floods me. Six redheads and two kids everybody knows were blinking at me, trying to decipher what exactly is happening. Fred had not told any of them yet of me, only the kids still in school would know because of the giant spectacle our relationship began as and continued to be. "He-hello." George starts laughing and I send him a death glare that has him backing away slightly.

Mr. Weasley cleared his throat and shakes my hand, "I am Arthur, it's a great pleasure to meet my son's... girlfriend?"

I nod my head, "it's nice to meet you, Mr. Weasley, I'm Y/N L/N." I smile, finding myself standing against Fred because of my shy demeanor.

"Please, call me Arthur." I nod my head, but I'm sure I won't do so. He smiles kindly and breaks the others away, ordering them about in a playful manner.

"That's my youngest brother little Ronniekins and his friends Harry and Hermione," I nod along as he points them out, hand around my waist. "That's Percy, you know him of course, pay him no mind he's become ever more insufferable since he's become Crouch's personal slave." I grimace, I could only imagine, Percy had been somewhat kind, but he was definitely prideful. "That's our coolest brother Charlie, he went off to Romania to tame dragons."

The man with a red stubble, long hair and very muscular body rolled his eyes and came over at this, "It's not dragon tamer, it's dragonologist, meaning I study them, there is no such thing as a tame dragon." Closer, he had blue eyes and a tan mainly made up of his many freckles. He smiled at me kindly, like his father, but it had a playfulness like the twins. "He did happen to get right that I am the coolest brother."

I narrow my eyes, the mischievousness in me had greatly increased since the twins and Lee barreled into my life. "But who is the coolest sibling?"

"Ginny." He said automatically, making me smile and I shake his calloused hand and we begin a short conversation about his occupation.

I had watched the match with Oliver and returned to his family's tent and had a long conversation all about the match when it happened. "Come on, Y/N!" He screamed at me when I hesitated in the running crowd of people, screaming for their lives.

A pained look comes across my face, "get your parents out of here." He struggles with it, but finally let's go, knowing what I had to do.

I push and run my way through the bodies and the spells flashing through the night, in the direction of the Weasley tent. I exhale when I see him, pushing his way frantically towards me. He wraps his arms around me tightly and I shove my face in his chest, "I love you." We said it at the same time and for the first time.

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