The Beaters, The Keeper, and The Commentator

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"Come to crash the party then?" I question Lee and George as I place my books on the desk next to Fred.

"We thought Fred was hogging you, Y/N/N." George replies from his position leaned against the desk him and Lee are at, next to Fred and I's.

Lee leans back in his chair so he could see me, "can't have him having all the fun now can we?"

I smile shaking my head at them, "That'd be my preference." Fred quips, sticking his tongue out at the two, but I know he's glad they joined our detention.

"So, what did you two do?" I look at McGonagall, wondering why she hadn't told us to quiet down yet, probably letting us get it out of our system.

"Oh it was nothing really." Lee begins and the professor makes a sound of disagreement and I suppress an amused grin.

George shrugs, a nonchalant look upon his face, "just stacked every object in this room on top of the lovely Minerva McGonagall's desk."

"Wasn't completely worth it, we missed lunch putting it all back." Lee grumbles slightly.

"As was deserved," Professor McGonagall finally intones, "now if you will all take your seats and begin any work you have to complete, it would be much appreciated."

"Oh Minnie, Minnie, Minnie, how you do make my heart race." Lee recites with a dramatic flair and a hand clutching his heart. I laugh, these three definitely keep things lighthearted and interesting.

"Mr. Jordan, would you like three extra weeks detention?" At his strangled sound of disagreement, she continued, "Then please refrain from speaking, especially in such a disrespectful manner." Nobody could miss the amusement in her eyes though.

I finally begin my potions essay, only with the occasional disturbance in the form of Fred trying to play with my hair or his inability to sit still. I am well underway when a note lands in front of me, it wasn't Fred's handwriting so it had come from the other boys. "Sneak into our dorm tonight?" I look up and all three are staring at me with their palms together and fingers interlocked, mouthing 'please, please, please.'

McGonagall clears her throat and they all return to their "work." I furrow my eyebrows, "Why?"

Fred sends it over to the boys, apparently it wasn't his idea. "To make out of course." I groan, but can't help the smile that appears, "We want to have a sleepover, you know, gossip about people, have pillow fights, the like." I can't help the laugh that tumbles out of my mouth.

"Is something amusing you, Miss L/N?" The professor queries, eyeing me over her spectacles.

"No, professor, I just made a silly mistake on this potions assignment." I lie with as charming a smile as I can muster. If I gave us away and she found the note, I'd forever be remembered as the girl that ruined it for everyone else. The enchantment placed on the girls stairs would be placed on the boys.

"Well, please refrain from outwardly expressing such matters." I nod my head and she returns to her work.

I look back at the note and think for a moment. It seems they had forgotten a wanted murderer is on the loose, "What about Sirius Black? I'd rather not be maimed and murdered." I slip the note over to Fred and as he reads it over he begins to frown, as though he had forgotten Sirius Black was at large. Not too long ago the man had broken into their common room and attacked their little brother. He levitates the note over to the other two, who seem less concerned about the prospect.

"It's okay, we'll protect you." I roll my eyes, before continuing, "When you think about it, he's after Harry not us."

I frown, I kind of wanted to go, but I didn't want them to know that. "That's not a very nice thing to say."

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