Boils and Questions

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"I need you two to go help Professor Sprout with something in the greenhouses, run along." McGonagall says, waving us away.

"Have you missed me?" A now bruise-less Weasley questions me as we walk towards the greenhouses.


"Come on, can you stop being all upset with me?" He walks backwards with a pout. "Give me a chance."

I think about it, "we'll see."

Professor Sprout had us transplanting a bunch of Bubotuber plants for the fourth years. I dig a hole in the dirt in a pot using my hands, "you're a Hufflepuff, you like Herbology?" The redhead questions.

I roll my eyes, "just because I'm a Hufflepuff does not mean I like Herbology," I place one of the plants in the dirt, "but yes, I do happen to like Herbology."

"What else do you like?" I narrow my eyes at him.


"Because I'd like to know, beautiful."

My cheeks heat up, not use to being called stuff like that, "don't call me that." I mumble, grabbing another plant. "I like quidditch."

"I know that, everybody knows that. I hear, you're like the Oliver Wood of Hufflepuff." He smirks and I shake my head.

"I'm nowhere near as bad as he is." 

"So, what else do you like?" 

"I already told you."

"Tell me more."

I sigh, "after you."

He grins, "what do you want to know?" He begins, helping with the plants finally and I frown at his lack of gloves, but don't say anything.

I try and think of something, but I'm not even sure I want to know him at all. I dig one of the plants out and place it gingerly in its knew pot. "I don't know." I mumble, cheeks dusted red. 

He pauses and and his thoughts always seem to place that smirk on his face. "You already know I'm the handsomer twin-" I interrupt him, still trying to establish which twin he is.

"You're George." I say with less confidence than I wanted to have.

A mischievous look dances in his eyes, "I'm whatever twin you want me to be."

I frown, feeling embarrassment flood me, "so you're Frederick?" I grimace, I'm going to stop trusting Lee's descriptions.

He smirks, "I guess we will never know." And then his nose scrunches, "You called me Frederick."

I scowl, "I think I just might owl your mother." I would too, I already knew her because Oliver's friends with his brother Percy. We once had spotted them in Diagon Alley and I introduced myself, she is one of the sweetest and scariest women I've ever met. And she gives a damn good hug.

He tilts his head, "sorry beautiful, she can't tell us apart either." Suddenly, he winces in pain, some pus from the Bubotuber had slid across his hand.

"Are you serious?" I sigh and take his hand, using my cloak to wipe it off. His skin was irritated, thick yellow boils began sprouting up. I drag him over to a cabinet Professor Sprout has for this reason and look through it all. "She doesn't have any premade cure, you have to go to the hospital wing." 

"I want you to take care of it." He pouts, "can you make the potion?"

I sigh, I don't understand why it has to be me, I'm only a student. "Why can't you just go to the hospital wing? I have to finish doing this." I say, gesturing to the Bubotuber plants.

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