late xmas special because i felt like it

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{This has nothing to do with the story line, I just wrote this for fun oh and this takes place in the future kinda so deku is now a pro hero}


❀Shigaraki's POV❀

I was suddenly woken up by loud noises coming from the bar. I groaned a bit before I sat up in my bed and looked over at my clock on the night stand... It's 3 fucking am! What are those bastards doing!?
I scowled a bit before I got up off my bed. I slipped a shirt on then headed out of my room towards the bar that was downstairs to see what the fuck was going on. "You guys better not be opening your presents right now... It's 3 in the fucking morning." I said as I entered the bar area.
Once I was there I had to let my eyes adjust a bit more since it was pitch black except for the dim light coming off the Christmas tree we kept in the corner of the room. Once my eyes had adjusted slightly I could see dark shapes in the room. "Damn bastards..." I muttered to myself before I flipped the switch to the room on, blinding me for a couple seconds before I could see again. "Now what are you-" I stopped mid sentenc as soon as I saw what was happening.
In the middle of the room stood toga, dabi, twice, mustard, and a couple others. They where standing in front of something, facing me. "Ok, what's going on here?" I asked before I heard what sounded like a muffled groan coming from behind the group.
Toga began laughing before she and the rest moved out of in front of whatever they where hiding from me. "Hehe, merry Christmas shiggy!" She said in her annoying high pitched voice. I glared at them slightly before finally seeing what was behind them and boy was I shocked.
There dead senter in the middle of the room was the green haired pro hero, izuku midoriya, tied to a chair and gagged. "What the..." I wasn't sure what to say. I had been watching this boy for weeks now since I may or may not have a crush on him but that's besides the point. "Why is he here!?" I yelled at the group.
Toga began giggling again. "Well you see, dabi here-" Toga was cut off.
"Hey hey hey, don't say my name, he's gonna kill me." Dabi whispered tho I could still hear him.
Toga rolled her eyes a bit. "Ok ok... Someone..." She looked at dabi slightly before she continued. "Looked through your diary and saw that you had a little crush on little broccoli boy over here so we all decided to kidnap him as a Christmas present for you!" She said happily.
My cheeks grew hot probly from a mix of embarrassment and anger and I was just about to yell at all of them but they must have noticed because before I even had a chance to do anything they all ran for it. "Have fun with your lil present!" Dabi yelled back before they all disappeared.
I growled under my breath slightly before I kicked the floor a bit. "Mmph!" I heard the muffled groan again and I quickly looked back over to izuku. I had totally forgotten he was here. "Tch... Now what to do with you...?" I muttered to myself as I slowly walked over to him.
He began squirming, trying to get free but they did a surprisingly good job tying him down, there was no way he was escaping. He looked really cute up close... Wait no he didn't... I shook my head slightly before I leaned over to get down on the same level as the kid. I looked at him slightly, he had such a baby face, I was actually surprised he was pro hero. "Ya know... I would have totally made you mine by now if you weren't a hero..." Ok what the hell did I just say? Am I going mad!? I internally groan, regretting what I said for a moment but then I saw a soft blush cross his cheeks as he calmed down slightly... Interesting...
I smirk a bit before I gently extended an arm, gently placing my hand on his cheek tho I made sure to lift my middle finger since I didn't wanna hurt him.
He flinched a bit but after a second I could feel him lean into it slightly, so cute. "Ok I'm taking the gag out... You better not start yelling." He nodded his head in response causing me to smile a bit.
I untied the gag before I took it out of his mouth, strings of saliva connecting the rag to his mouth. I blushed slightly before I tossed the gag to the side.
"What are you going to do to me?" He asked softly as I wiped some of the saliva off of his chin and cheeks... There wasn't really anything there I kinda just wanted to touch him.
"I'm not really gonna do anything... Probably just keep you as a pet or something~" I purred out softly as the boy turned red slightly causing me to smirk a bit. "Ya know.... You're actually pretty cute... For a hero I mean..." I muttered the last part as I watched his cheeks go even brighter.
"S-shut up villain..." He stuttered out slightly... So cute~ I chuckled a bit before I leaned in, gently pressing my chapped lips to his soft ones, earning a small gasp from the other. I had never done something so irrational in my life so why? Why am I doing such a thing now? I quickly brushed my thoughts away when I felt the younger boy start kissing me back slightly. This shocked me quite a bit but I didn't question it since something like this probably won't ever happene again.
"Eek, it's happening!" Toga squealed, running the moment.
"What the fuck? Shut the hell up Toga, you're gonna get us caught!" Dabi said right after.
I broke the kiss and growled slightly.
"I can hear you!!" I yelled in frustration as I turned around to face everyone. They where all just standing there, I'm not sure how long they where there but it pissed me the fuck off that they just ruined my moment.
"Run!" I heard mustard say before everyone scattered again.
"I'm gonna kill all of you once I get my hands on you!" I shouted as I began chasing them, leaving izuku all alone.

❀Deku's POV❀

What just...... Did I...... Did he..... Did we just KISS!!!
And did I LIKE it!!!!


{I hope you liked it, this was pretty much just a last second thing I wanted to do so yeah btw I'm halfway done with chapter 8 so.... yay :)}

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