Chapter 7

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In this book I'mma make it so eri is with the l.o.v she doesn't wanna be a villain but she was pretty much raised there so yeah. She also doesn't wanna be a hero she just wants to live a normal quiet life and the villains respect that. So pretty much eri is just everyones little sister/emotional support


❀Deku's POV❀

I've been with the league for about.... Let's see.... I was knocked out for who knows how long and left in a cell for about a day... And I was tortured the next day... So about 2 and a half days there... After that I joined the league so that makes 3 days and then I've been there lil maid for about 3 days now so yeah.... I'd say I've been here about a week now... Not gonna lie... I wish I picked being killed.
It fricking sucks here! Ever since I've 'joined' I've been given the chores of a fricken house wife... Shigaraki makes me clean his room since he says he can't do it himself.... I call bull crap! Then after that I clean whatever other rooms he tells me to do and lastly he makes me cook dinner! I can't even cook!
This place also isn't any better than junior high.... Whenever a villain gets the chance to they'll trip me on 'accident' or give me a beating and it's all because I 'wanted' to be a hero... I still wanna be one... Boy if only they knew...
Other than all that it has its ok{ish} parts. I mean I have made a friend. She's a little girl, her name is eri and pretty much everyone here calls her lil sis, she's the cutest thing in the world. When I'm not cleaning or getting bullied me and eri will spend time together and I love it. She's so fricking cute and innocent.
Right now me and eri where actually spending some time together. I was sitting on the floor in front of a couch while eri was sitting on the couch behind me braiding my longish curly green hair.
"Hehe, Mr. Deku your hair is so fluffy!" She giggled happily as she finished the fourth braid in my hair.
"Aww, thank you eri chan!" I said happily with a soft chuckle as she continued braiding my hair.
After a couple minutes of me and eri time someone came in and ruined the mood....
"Dekuuu.... I accidentally turned my pillow into dust... I need to borrow one of yours..." Whined the crusty man child who I work for.... Actually believe it or not but we've gotten a bit closer ever since I started working for him. I wouldn't say we're friends but he also doesn't hate my guts anymore.... Me on the other hand... I still hold a very big grudge against him, not just for kidnapping me but also telling people that they could torture me.... That really hurt and honestly I can't look at or pass dabi without fearing for my life.
"Nooo.... Ask someone else for a pillow. I use both of mine." I said back as shigaraki rounded a corner, into the room I was In.
Eri finished the braid she was doing then giggled slightly at our conversation.
"Shiggy look! I did Mr. Deku's hair!" She said proudly as she patted my head a couple times.
Shigaraki smiled at eri and complemented her work before he sat down on the couch besides her. "They look great eri." He said before looking down at me. "But why waist your talent on broccoli boy over there?"
Eri giggled softly before hugging me. "Because he looks so pretty."she said happily.
I chuckle a bit. "Aww, thank you eri." I say happily earning a soft groan from the crusty villain.
"Whatever..." Shigaraki muttered before looking at eri. "Oh by the way... Toga was just looking for you, eri...." He muttered a bit as he looked between me and eri.
Eri's face lit up and she quickly jumped off of the couch and began running towards the stairs. "Thank you shiggy!!" She called back before she disapered around a corner.
Through the three days I have been here I have learned that Toga is eri's favorite. I'm not really sure why but those two are extremely close.
I sigh a bit before I began standing up. I had just realized that shigaraki wasn't going to go anywhere and I didn't wanna be in the same room as him. For some reason my acting skills wear off er something like that after a certain amount of time and I just loose it. Not in like a kacchan way but in more of like I begin to have an emotional breakdown. I think all the stress of having to act like living with all these villains like I was one was really beginning to mess with my mind.
Once I was up I began dusting off the back of my pants with my hands before I began walking away. "Wait deku...'' I heard shigaraki say as he began shifting on the couch slightly.
I stop walking and start to regret not leaving faster so I wouldn't have to talk to him. "Hm?" I hum slightly as I turned to face the greyish blue haired villain who was now opening his mouth to say something to me but nothing came out.
When nothing came out of his mouth he quickly shut it and looked away slightly as if thinking about something. "... Can you..." He finally said something but as soon as he did he went quite again and began probably thinking about what he was gonna say. "Never mind... Just go..." He finally managed to get a whole sentence out, yayy...
"Uhh... Ok?" I was honestly a bit confused, like what was going through his mind? What did he wanna ask me before he was rudely interrupted by himself? I shrug it off and just walk away. If it was important he would have just told me...

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