Chapter 2

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❀Deku's POV❀

I woke up shivering. "So cold..." I thought to myself before I began pushing myself up. A sharp pain suddenly shot up both my arms causing me to groan in pain. "What...?"
I look down to my arms that where both in a cast. "Oh right... I broke both of em yesterday while fighting muscular...." I thought to myself before I looked away from my arms and towards the center of the room I was in.
It was very dark but I could still kinda make out what was in the room, which was nothing.... Absolutely nothing. The room was empty, it had nothing in it except for mabey a few chains that where dangling down from the walls. Wait.... Chains!! "Where am I!"
I began panicking as I suddenly realized that I had no idea where I was. "Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap! Where am i! What's happening!" Thoughts raced through my mind as I began standing up.
"Looks like you're finally awake... Good..." I heard a dry raspy voice say from behind me, causing me to jump slightly. I quickly turn around and see a man standing in front of an open door that I hadn't noticed before. I squinted my eyes slightly trying to see who it was but the light from the doorway made it so I couldn't see them.
"W-who are you!? Where am I!?" I blurted out, earning an amused chuckle from the other before I heard a click. Before I knew it the dark room was suddenly illuminated by a couple dim lights.
I blinked a couple of times before I rubbed my eyes a bit, trying to adjust to the sudden light. "I'm pretty surprised you can't remember what happened, but I guess that's what shock can do to people..." I heard the man rasp out before I heard the door shut.
I opened my eyes again now being able to see a bit better now that my eyes had adjusted to the lighting a bit. I was still a bit confused until my eyes landed on the man. My eyes widen in fear and I could feel every hair on my body stand up as I suddenly remembered what had happened.
"What do you want from me!" I yelled at the guy that I have now recognized as the villain "Tomura Shigaraki" He smirked at me slightly before taking one of his gloves off and tossing it on the ground. "Oh, nothing much... I just want you to die..."
Cold sweat began to form on me and I began nervously backing up as I saw him moving closer to me. "No, no, no, no... I don't wanna die... Not yet at least..." I thought to myself before I began trying to activate my quirk.
"It's no use trying to use your quirk, we put a quirk canceling bracelet on you. We couldn't quite get it on your wrist for well... Obvious reasons, so we put it around your ankle instead." He said with an evil smirk spread across his face as he slowly got closer to me.
"I-i can't use my quirk...?" I accidentally said out loud as i continue backing up before my back hit a wall. "Nope..." He said before I heard a cold laugh escape his lips.
He continued moving closer to me until he was only a couple feet away causing me to panik a bit. "D-dont come any closer!!" I yelled at him
"Or what? Are you gonna try to hit me?" He began laughing. "Without your quick you're useless, so if I where you, I wouldn't try anything er else I'll use my quirk on you..." He placed his hand on my shoulder, hovering his middle finger over my bare shoulder.
My eyes widened in fear by his actions and I quickly looked towards my shoulder where his hand was. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you yet... First I'm gonna use you as bait for that stupid number one hero..." He hissed before pushing me down to the ground.
I wince in pain as my butt hits the floor very hard. "H-he will beat you...!" I yell, trying to sound intimidating.
He scoffed at my remark before kicking my arm, causing tears to form in my eyes. "Keep telling yourself that... We've recruited a bunch of new, 'powerful' villains who will no doubt defeat all might... And even if he does somehow beat us I've made it so you'll die before he even reaches you...." A dark smile crossed his face for a moment before he turned and began walking away.
The tears in my eyes slowly began streaming down my cheeks, I'm not even gonna lie, I'm terrified right now and I have no idea what to do.
"Keep this in mind, you're dead no matter what, unless...." He paused for a second earning him more of my attention. "Unless you join us...."
I sniffled a little before whipping the tears off of my cheeks. "Never!!" I yelled with no hesitation. "I'd rather die than betray my friends!"
He scoffed then opened the door. "Suit yourself then..." He growled out slightly before he left the room, slamming the door behind him, leaving me all alone again.

❀Shigaraki's POV❀

Once the door had shut behind me I yelled in frustration before punching the closest wall to me. It left a slight dent but my knuckles where now bleeding. "Damn it!!!" I yelled.
"I'm taking it didn't go so well..." I heard the familiar annoying voice of dabi say behind me. I growled in frustration before turning to face him.
"This is all your damn fault!! If you hadn't fucked up, we would have that damn katsuki kid here instead of that damn stubborn broccoli looking boy!!" I yelled, taking all my frustration out on him.
"Oh! My fault!? Well tell that to Mr. Fucking Compress!! He's the one who dropped the damn marbles!!" He yelled back
I was just about to say something else until kurogiri came in and broke us up. "Calm down you two... This isn't something to get all worked up about..."
I scoffed at kurogiri before crossing my arms and turning away.
"I want all of you to try and convince that kid to join us! You have a week. If he continues to refuse after that week is over.... Kill him." I growled out before I began walking away.
"Are we aloud to tortur him?" I heard dabi ask. I paused and looked back at him for a moment. "Do whatever it takes..." I muttered before heading towards the bar.

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