Chapter 6

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Welp... I finished this a bit sooner than expected.... Oh well
❀Mr. Aizawa's POV❀
❀Back at U.A.❀
❀Small time skip {2 days later}❀
{Deku has been missing for about 5 days now... I think... I lost count... Lol}

The media has been going crazy ever since they found out what happened. We've tried keeping deku a secret but a missing kid case can only go silent for so long before something leaks.
We're not sure how info was leaked about the case but the two most likely answer's are most likely either
1. Inko {i think that's how you spell her name} or 1 of our students cracked under some pressure and told someone who then spread the news or
2. There is a traitor among us and they wanted to cause chaos, but no matter how it got out that's no longer important, what is important tho is keeping the media away and under control while we try and find Midoryia.
I sighed slightly and tapped a pin against the table, eyes shot over to me but I hardly payed them any attention.
"Eraserhead...."{again I think this is how u spell this but I'm not 100% sure so sorry if it's wrong} nezu said as he cleared his throat slightly. " Have you found anything yet?"
I sigh and put down the pen and look around the table that was full of a bunch of pro hero's. "No sir.... Nothing new..." I state before waiting for someone else to say something but it seems like we are all at a loss for words.
This is the first time UA has ever had one of their students kidnapped before. We honestly never thought this was going to happen. We always thought that the security was impeccable. Yes some of our students in the past have had to fight some villains but it was never on school grounds or on filed trips, it was usually outside of school hours... Like at the mall or something like that.... Actually now that I think about it... The league of villains are the only villains to have ever set foot on UA grounds.... There probably the most bold villains I have ever seen... Which isn't a good thing...
I was snapping out of my thoughts by a loud booming voice. "How the hell does a future pro hero just get kidnapped like that?! If you ask me if we ever find him he should get kicked out of the hero program! He doesn't deserve to be a hero if he can't even save himself!! Shouted... Guess who.... "My son Shoto can do better!"
Sigh... If you guessed endeavor you are 101% right...
"Enji {i think that how you spell his name} Calm yourself..." Nezu said with a sigh as he began rubbing his temples. "We are not here to decide the kids future... We are here to save it..." What nezu said hit endeavor and most of us including me pretty hard.
We all knew the kid was in some serious shit but just hearing nezu say that really hit us hard.... If we don't find him... He might not have a future.
"I uhm.... I have somewhere I need to be..." All might spoke up after a couple minutes of awkward silence. Nezu nodded his head slightly saying he could go. We all knew all might didn't need to be anywhere right now but ever since problem child went missing all might has been having a really hard time... He can hardly even stay in meetings about deku for too long before he has to leave.
"It seems no one has any new news so I'm calling this meeting to an end.... If anyone happens to find anything pls come and tell me..." Nezu said a couple minutes after all might had left. We all nod our heads slightly and head our own ways.
Once I was out of the room I headed out to the schools parking lot to go home. The meeting we had just had was after school once all the kids had left. Usually those meetings would last an hour at least but today no one really had anything to say so it was hardly half an hour, actually... No one ever really has anything to say when it comes to deku... No one has found a single clue as of where he could have gone much less what was happening to him right now and it was eating us all up inside, just some hide it better than others.

❀Time skip❀

Once I got home I let out a soft yawn and take my shoes off before slipping into a soft pair of slippers. "Aizawa....?" I here the voice of my kid say as I enter the living room. I look over and see my son, hitoshi sitting on the couch, cat in lap. "Did anyone have any new information on him?" He asked as he slowly moved the cat off his lap to stand up.
Ever since deku and hitoshi fought each other in the sports festival they had become pretty close friends so when he was suddenly kidnapped at the camp, Hitoshi was devastated.
I sigh softly and shake my head. "I'm sorry... But nothing new yet...." I say as I look at him sadly. He looked at me sadly before looking down to the ground. "Hitoshi...?" I speak softly before he looked back up at me.... He looked really mad.
"This is what you say every time you come back from one of those stupid meetings!!! Are you guys even trying to find him cause it doesn't feel like it!!" He yelled before storming off to his room.
I let out a sigh before rubbing the back of my neck. "Are we really trying tho....?" I question myself. I mean... No one has found a single trace of deku and that's extremely weird.... I mean at this point we should at least have some information about him and where the villains might be keeping him.... Right...?

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