Chapter 9

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❀Back to U.A. .... Again❀
❀Kaminari POV❀
{There's probably gonna be a bit of back and forth between U.A. and the LOV for the next couple chapters so yeah... Just wanted to give a bit of a heads up.}

I let out a bit of a frustrated sigh as I scrolled through news articles on the Lov. I was trying to see if there where possibly any clues on where there hide out could be but I just couldn't find anything. It was so frustrating.
"Mnn... Babe what's wrong? Why are you still up?" Asked a sleepy sero as he slowly began sitting up. I panicked a bit before quickly turning off my phone, making the room dark again.
{Sorry if you don't like this ship, I just thought it was pretty cute}
"O-oh, nothing, don't worry just go back to sleep baby." I awkwardly smiled at him, hoping he wouldn't ask any more questions. It's not like I didn't want him to know what I was doing, it was just that todoroki and hitoshi specifically told all of us not to get anyone else involved.
Sero frowned a bit before he gently rested his head on my shoulder. "I know when you're lying, so just tell me what's up." He yawned softly as he gently looked up to me causing me to feel guilty, I mean I've never hidden anything from him before... This was so hard.
I bit my lip slightly before letting out a bit of a groan. ''... I'd love to tell you baby..." I paused for a moment, trying to find the right words so I wouldn't sound even more secretive than I already am.
"But...?" Sero gently wrapped his arms around my waist as he gently nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck causing soft shivers to run down my spine... Damn it, I can't do this. I need to tell him.
"Ok ok... I'll tell you, but you can't tell anyone else about this." I muttered as I slowly took my phone back out. He smiled happily before he gently moved to look back up to me. Ahh... My heart...
I quickly turned my phone on and handed it to sero, showing him what I was doing. He looked at the screen in confusion before looking back to me. "Why are you looking up the lov?" He asked in confusion.
I gently rubbed the back of my neck before sighing. ".... Me and a few others are planning on getting deku back but we don't exactly know where to start looking for him so I'm looking up news articles to see if I can find anything that might help us figure out where there hide out is but I can't find anything..." I gently took my phone back and began strolling through the articles again.
Sero hummed slightly in acknowledgement as he looked over shoulder at my phone. He was being really chill about this, honestly I was kinda expecting him to try and stop me from doing this since this is kinda dangerous what we're doing.
After maybe a minute of silence sero finally spoke up. "Hey, look at this..." He quickly took my phone from me and began pointing several things out. "In every article it mentions that a bunch of there minor attacks take place around this area... I don't think that's a coincidence..."
I look over his shoulder and looked to what he was pointing at and a huge smile made it's way onto my face. "Oh my god... You're a genius baby!" I say in excitement, if I where to never tell sero about this we probably wouldn't have gotten this close any time soon, I'm so glad my baby has a good eye.
I lean into him slightly and press our lips together causing his face to flush a bit. "Thank you so much baby~" I smiled softly at him.
He looked at me for a bit before smiling back softly and letting out a soft chuckle. "Don't get so worked up about it, I didn't do much." He chuckled a bit more before he lied back down. "Now go to sleep, I don't need you being super tired tomorrow."
I chuckled softly before lying down besides him. "Ok ok~" I mumbled softly before I gently wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him into my chest softly. "Goodnight." I whispered softly into his ear.
"Mmm, goodnight." He snuggled into my chest a bit before we both eventually fell asleep.
{If you where at all curious or confused, Kaminari is top.}

❀Back to the Lov, yay❀
❀Deku's POV❀

.......... I never wanna go to another villains meeting again.... Or any Meeting in fact.... I had to answer so many questions, gah it was just so stressful. I don't usually get stressed out by being asked questions and stuff like that but this time was different... I had to give out information that will most likely put my friends and the pro's at a disadvantage when the league attacks them again... Tho this does put me at an advantage since now, shigaraki and the others trust me a lot more. Mmm freedom is so close I can feel it, and as soon as I escape I'll tell the others everything I know about the Lov.
I smiled a bit to myself before I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I quickly looked over to the hand and I knew who it was immediately.
"I didn't expect you to do so well in there, I'm impressed." Shigaraki said as he smiled down at me it an almost evil way.
I shivered a bit under his gaze, I can never get over how cold it is. "Uhh, thanks." I muttered slightly as I shifted under his touch uncomfortably.

{Ok before I continue, I just noticed that the time is all wacky in this chapter but I'm too lazy to fix it so just ignore it lol and if you didn't notice then... You're awesome 😊}

❀Back to da story❀

Shigaraki hummed softly before he took his hand off of my shoulder. "Since you helped me out in the meeting I'll think about removing the quirk canceling bracelet..."
I let out a soft gasp and quickly looked over to him. "Really..?" I asked softly.
He rolled his eyes before looking back at me. "I said I'll think about it and I'll only do it if the information you gave us was valid..." He growled out slightly as he glared at me.
I smiled happily, I can't wait for this stupid bracelet to come off, it's super annoying and hurts like a lot. "I promise you, everything I told you was correct." I said happily as my smil grew.
As I smiled shigaraki quickly looked away from me and I could see his face slowly start turning a light shade of red. "Whatever... I'm going..." He muttered softly before he quickly walked away.... Well that was weird tho I quickly shrugged it off and began walking away. It was probably nothing anyways.

❀Shiggy's POV❀

I bit my lower lip softly before I began scratching at my my neck slightly. "What the hell..." I muttered to myself slightly as I felt my face heat up a bit more. He wasn't even that cute... Why am I blushing? No... No I'm not blushing... Especially not at him.. No, I'm just becoming sick... Yeah, that's it, there's no way I thought that brat looked cute.
I groan in frustration before I was brought back to reality by someone tugging on the back of my pants leg. I look back and quickly stop scratching at my neck as I noticed in was eri. "Yes?" I asked softly as I looked down at the small child.
She frowned a bit as she saw my face... Jeez was I really that ugly? "Are you ok?" She asked softly catching me off guard slightly. No one really ever asked me that tho she is a child so I guess this is natural.
"Don't worry about me, I'm fine." I mustered a bit of a smile before I ruffled her hair a bit. "Now go find Toga or something... I need to do something." I didn't really have anything I needed to do I just wanted her to leave me alone... I mean I don't hate her it's just I need to be left alone for a bit, the meeting really has me stressed.
She pouted a bit before slightly nodding her head. "Ok shiggy." She said almost sadly before she turned around and began walking back to wherever she had come from. Man, how did we even get her again?... Oh yeah that's right... Toga stole her from overhaul, heh... He's still really mad about that.
I chuckled a bit to myself before I began aimlessly walking again... Damn it... I'm really bored....


Sorry this one was short and sucky, I'll try to make 10 longer... And less sucky, anyways I hoped you enjoyed this, see you next time hopefully. ^-^

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