Chapter 3

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❀Dabi's POV❀

I silently cheer in my head a bit as shigaraki said I was aloud to use torture on the kid. I'm not really the type to enjoy torturing people but that brat has caused so many problems for us that I honestly don't care. He honestly deserves what happens to him for the next week.
I look over to the door that led into the cell that was holding the kid, I'm so tempted to just enter it right now and get on with it, but kurogiri is giving me the 'not yet' stare.... Well at least I think he is, his quirk makes it kinda hard to tell what expressions he's making.
I reached towards the door handle ignoring all the stares I was getting from kurogiri until he spoke up. "Not yet dabi..." He said with what almost sounded like pity in his voice. This pissed me off, I mean what the hell? What side was he on right now!?
"Tch... Why the hell not?" I growled, earning a mere sigh from the other. "I doubt he'll even consider it right now, so at least wait for tomorrow when he is we'll rested and can think properly."
I rolled my eyes and began walking away. "Whatever... But I wanna go at him as soon as he wakes up..." I growled. I'll let him sleep for now, but as soon as that bastered kid wakes up I'mma teach him what pain really is. I chuckled darkly to myself before heading out to the bar where Shigaraki was.
When I got to the bar I saw Shigaraki sitting on a bar stool, whisky in his hand and 'father' lying besides him on table. Honestly all those hands he carries around is pretty... Disturbing, but I guess you get use to it after a while.
I sit down besides him and let out a tired sigh before taking the bottle of whisky that he had stolen from behind the bar top out of his hand and began drinking it.
"Hey, what the hell!" He growled out as he grabbed for the bottle. I smirked a bit and just turned away, continuing to down the rest of the bottle. "To slow~" I teased before handing him the now empty bottle of whisky.
"Bitch..." He muttered under his breath before placing 'father' back on his face.
"At least I'm not a crusty bitch." I shot back, I wasn't just gonna let him insult me like that and get away with it. That's only something a loser would do, and I ain't no loser.
He glared at me through the side of his eye before getting up and walking off. "Aww, can crusty bitch not take an insult~" I chuckled softly as he shot a bird at me before walking away, he was probably going to his bedroom so he could go complain to all for one about how 'terrible' we all where. What a baby... I rolled my eyes slightly before standing up and heading off to my room as well. I mean after all... I need a good night's sleep for what I'm about to do in the morning.

❀Next morning❀
❀Deku's POV❀

I yawned slightly and opened my eyes, I wasn't as cold as last time since one of the villain's, I think his name was kurogiri gave me a blanket. He's pretty nice but he looked at me with what kinda looked like sad eyes, tho... I'm not 100% sure because of his quirk.
Once I had lifted myself up into a sitting position I groaned a bit, my whole body was soar from lying on the hard ground and I really wanted recovery girl right now. My arms where far from behind completely healed. I think it'll take about 2 months for them to completely heal, I mean their both shattered, but that's only if the league doesn't hurt them more than they already are.
I let out a long sigh and looked down to the bracelet on my ankle and began fiddling with it a bit. It was starting to get rather annoying and it hurt like hell, not to mention the fact that it also keeps me from activating me quirk and getting myself the F out of here.
I let out a groan of annoyance before I heard the door open. I quickly looked over and saw a tall black haired man who had burn marks all over him. If I remember correctly this villain should be the one they call dabi.
"Good, you're up." The villain said. I glare at him slightly before looking away, I have nothing to say to him and I honestly don't wanna hear what he's gonna say, I mean I already have a good idea of whats gonna come out of his mouth. "PlEaSe JoIn Us, YoU'lL mAkE a GrEaT vIlLaIn" I snicker a bit at the impression I made of him before I was snapped out of it by the sound of him walking towards me.
"What's so funny?" He asked in a very unamused tone before he squatted down right in front of me, probably trying to get to about the same level as me.
"Nothing..." I muttered softly, not making any eye contact with the older male. He tsked before reaching his hand out towards me. My eyes widened and I quickly flinch away but I wasn't fast enough. He grabbed a hand full of my curly green hair and yanked me forward roughly.
I yelp in pain and squeeze my eyes shut causing him to let out a cold chuckle. I flinch slightly as I hear him. What was he gonna do to me?

❀Dabi's POV❀

I could feel the child trembling, it was quite satisfying actually. "I'm gonna ask you this once and you better answer." I growled earning a soft groan of acknowledgement from the other. "Will you join us? Yes or no...?" He didn't answer so I gripped his hair tighter before hitting his head against the wall harshly. "You better answer!"
"N-no! I'll never join you!!!" He yelled as tears streamed down his face.
"Fine then..." I growled before reaching my other hand out and placing it on his neck. "Have it your way..." I muttered before a sick a twisted smirk made it's way onto my face.
He struggled under my grip on his neck trying to get it off but it was to late. I activated my quirk and began burning his neck. Tears streamed down his face as he began screaming in pain.
I continued this for probably about 15 more minutes before I stopped. The skin on his neck was red and was already blistering from the heat. "Have you changed your mind yet or are you still trying to be the hero?" I asked, my voice filled with disgust and hate for the kid.
"...No.... N-never..." His voice was worn out and it sounded like he had smoked about 50 cigarettes at this point.
"Tch... You stubborn lil brat..." I hissed before I continued, tho this time my hand was on his shoulder. I had to move where I was burning him since I knew if I kept going for the neck it'd eventually kill him and I didn't want that. Not because I cared for the brat it was just that shigaraki would be all over my ass if I killed him so soon.

❀Hours later❀

After hours of pain and this kid flat out refusing to join us and end his suffering I finally gave up. "You stubborn bitch... One of us will be back tomorrow so you might wanna change your mind... Unless you want this to continue." I hissed at the half unconscious kid before I left the room.
Honestly, if I where him I'd most likely wanna change my mind and fast since tomorrow is Toga's turn....

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