Chapter 10 part 2

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Heyo sorry I was gone so long I needed a bit of a break but I'm back. Anyways just a bit of a warning this chapters a bit violent so yeah. If you're not up for that then pls don't read. Anyways enjoy part 2 of chapter 10 ^-^


❀Back to the lov❀
❀Deku's POV❀

My legs shook from underneath me as I staired at the bloody mess in front of me. I didn't know what to do or say... I just stood there... Stairing... I felt like puking as one of the snake heads began twitching on the ground. I wanted to look away so badly but I couldn't... I couldn't look away but I also couldn't bare to look back to who those snakes once belonged to... I was so ashamed and grossed out.
"Looks like that lil notebook of yours was valid huh?" Shigaraki purred in my ear before he leaned down, disintegrating the quirk canceling cuff right off my ankle.

{Quick lil game of guess the hero lol.
Which hero was it that the league kidnapped this time? Who is deku to ashamed to face?
. There a lesser known hero due to such short exposure
. They got pretty helpful snakes lol
. And they be female}

{Try not to cheat lol, I know it's hard but you'll get more satisfaction if it's right and you didn't cheat. Anyways back to the story lmao}

❀Hours earlier❀
❀Still deku's POV btw❀

Most of the league including Dabi, shiggy, Toga, twice and a bunch of others went out so I was on erisitting duty. {baby sitting but with Eri instead of baby lmao} Toga didn't trust anyone else... Well except for Kurogiri but he was busy with bar duties... What does that guy even do!? I mean I know he serves drinks and other stuff but no one was even using it right now... How could he not have time for Eri!?
I sighed a bit. It's not like I minded, I really didn't I mean, more time with Eri. The only sane one here. I turned to look at the sky blue haired girl. She looked very peaceful as she watched the tv. Some kids movie was on... I wasn't really sure what it was anymore but that didn't matter. My attention was caught on the girls hair. I'm not quite sure how I didn't notice it before but it looked almost like shiggys... If I had never met the two before and they just happened to be standing besides each other I probably would have mistaken them for siblings or something.
A soft chuckle escaped my lips, catching eri's attention. She curiously looked back to me. "Mr. Deku? What's so funny?" She asked softly. Her piecing red eyes instantly caught my attention. Holy crap... Even her eyes where that same as shiggys... Are they really not siblings!? I shook my head a bit... Why am I even thinking this much into it? I should probably stop before I turn into todoroki or something...
I gently patted her head. "Ah, it's nothing. I just thought the show was a bit funny." I gave her a smile tho I was greeted with a funny look. "... How was it funny...? The little deer just lost it's mommy..." She said, almost heart broken.
My eyes widened... What type of movie was this!? "Ah i-i mean... Uhhh..." I began panicking slightly, I didn't want Eri to look at me as some heartless monster who enjoyed little animals loosing there parents... God I was so stupid... Someone please save me...
"Deku! I need some help!" Kurogiri called out. My prayers where answered... Kinda... I was still waiting to be rescued rescued but this was fine for now.
"Ah I'm coming!" I quickly stood up. "Sorry Eri, gotta go..." I said before quickly rushing towards the bar to help kurogiri. Wasn't really sure what he needed but I would happily help due to the fact that he helped me out of that situation.
Once I got to the bar, kurogiri shoved a couple glasses into my hands. "I need these spotless." He pointed to the glasses in my arms before pointing to a few more on the counter before he began leaving. I didn't question anything, I honestly didn't want to know, kurogiri was a busy man. Whatever he was doing was probably important and I should just do what he asked.
I began humming softly to myself as I began polishing the already polished glasses. I wasn't really sure why he needed these polished again but this was kurogiri... What did I expect.
A few minutes later I heard the door open... The door that led outside. I couldn't wait for the day to come when I got to use that door. That's pretty much all I want... Freedom. I couldn't wait to be out in the sun again... wind blowing through my hair as I listen to birds sing... You really don't miss something until its gone huh...
I set the glass down looking over to see Dabi as he rounded the corner. "Fuck kurogiri, get me some-" he paused as he noticed it was me, not kurogiri who was behind the counter.
"... Some whisky...?" I asked, finishing his sentence. Luckily for Dabi, kurogiri showed me how to do simple bar stuff just in case this happened. He even taught me everyone's go to drink.
I grabbed the bottle of whisky and did a few tricks with the bottle. I flipped it around a bit, tossing it hand to hand before I opened it, pouring the other his beverage. This trick took me forever to master... I went through so much liquor it wasn't even funny, honestly I'm surprised kurogiri didn't ban me from the bar I mean I wasted over hundreds of dollars worth of liquor... We don't talk about that tho...
"Damn, Kurogiri has taken advantage of you huh?" Dabi grabbed the shot I had just pored him, downing the thing in hardly any time before he handed it back to me. "Give me another." He demanded.
"I guess so." I said quietly, poring him another shot before glancing back up to the male. "Why are you back so early? Didn't you go on a mission with the others?" I asked curiously.
Dabi downed the glass again before handing it back to me. I knew what he wanted... "Not really... I just headed out with them, after that I did my own thing... I don't even know what there doing." He shrugged his shoulders, taking the now filled glass, downing it once more.
Once again he handed me the shot glass, wanting more but just as I was about to kurogiri came back into the room. "That's enough midoriya, three is enough for dabi and he knows it." He said calmly as he came back to claim his spot at the bar again.
Dabi groaned a bit. "Damn it kurogiri, you know I can hold my liquor, gimme another." He said, slightly grabbing for the bottle but I quickly held it away.
"This is no time to get drunk. I'll give you more later." Kurogiri stated as he took the whisky from me, setting it back up on the shelf.
Dabi walked off with a huff leaving me and kurogiri alone. "Thank you midoriya, you may go now." He said softly. I smiled happily, nodding my head a bit.
"Thank you." I said happily. I turned to walk away tho I was stopped by the sound of the door opening once again.
I turned back around and was greeted by shigaraki, twice, Toga, and the others coming back in. "Welcome back shigaraki, was it a success?" Kurogiri asked as he cleaned dabi's shot glass.
Shigaraki smirked a bit. "It was, and it went rather well." His gaze turned to me, causing me to shiver a bit. I don't know why but every time he looked at me I just felt... Week and... And scared... God I hated this feeling quite a bit.
Shigaraki snapped his fingers before pointing towards the basement door. "Take her down and don't do anything. I'll be there in a minute." He demanded. His little henchmen nodded and quickly did as he said, no questions asked.
I looked over slightly catching a slight glimpse of a torn maroon dress. I gulped slightly, not really liking what was going on. "Shigaraki...?" I asked slightly as his arm draped over my shoulders.
"Aww, don't act so scared." He chuckled in an almost evil way before he leaned down a bit, getting closer to my ear. "I'm pretty sure you know what's going on, am I right?" He purred softly sending chills up my spine as his warm breath hit my ear.
His voice was so cold yet his breath was the opposite... It almost felt... Good... Against my skin... My cheeks flushed a bit and I quickly shook my head a bit, getting rid of unwanted thoughts. "Was that... Was that a hero?" I almost didn't want to know but curiousity took over.
Shigaraki smirked once again, wrapping four of his five fingers around my neck before he began dragging me along towards the basement. "As sharp as always I see." He pushed me in front of him, leading me down the dark basement stairs. Memories of my first day here began flooding back. The pain of dabi's flames melting and burning my skin where the most prominent. "Shiggy..." I whimpering softly. Fuuck I sounded so pathetic but I was terrified. Was I about to get hurt again...
Shigaraki ignored me but I could feel his hand tense around my throat a bit as I whispered out his name.
After a moment I was shoved into a room. It was... The room I was kept in... I bit the inside of my cheek, practically shaking before shigaraki pressed his hand to my shoulder. "Chill... This isn't for you." He directed my head towards a small group of villains. "This is for her." Shigaraki let go of me, walking towards the others. He shooed them all away except for Toga.
Once they where all gone my eyes focused on a very pretty blonde haired lady with three snakes protruding from her head. I instantly knew who it was.... "Uwabambi!" I said in shock.
Toga ripped the pice of tape from her mouth, causing a slight groan of pain but she quickly regained herself. "You! The missing boy!" She said quickly. Her eyes where wide with fear but even in this situation I could tell she hadn't given up... She was like me... Ready to fight. I gulped slightly, feeling almost ashamed being in a heroes presence. "It's ok... I-ill save us both-" she was cut off as a sharp slap connected with her cheek.
Toga giggled a bit. "Oh silly... He doesn't want you to save him~" she jumped around slight, knife in hand. "He's with up!" She did a little twirl before slicing one of the snakes off of her head.
A shrill shriek echoed around the room from the snake hero causing me to back up slightly in horror. "Ah, don't worry deku kun! We're just preparing you for the future!" She chuckled happily before cutting off another snake. Blood splattering everywhere as the hero cried out in pain again. This was sick!
Toga quickly cut off the last snake, humming happily before she begin randomly slicing the hero. Tears began filling up my eyes. This was horrible. It was so horrible!
My legs shook from underneath me as I staired at the bloody mess in front of me. I didn't know what to do or say... I just stood there... Stairing... I felt like puking as one of the snake heads began twitching on the ground. I wanted to look away so badly but I couldn't... I couldn't look away but I also couldn't bare to look back to who those snakes once belonged to... I was so ashamed and grossed out.
"Looks like that lil notebook of yours was valid huh?" Shigaraki purred in my ear before he leaned down, disintegrating the quirk canceling cuff right off my ankle.
I shook there silently before shigaraki began dragging me out of the room. "Finish her off Toga and make sure to collect as much blood as possible. We can't have the pro's noticing one of them has disappeared." After that... Everything went dark... I can't believe I passed out from fear... How am I gonna explain this...


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. See you next update hopefully lol btw sorry if it was a bit off, I was in a slight rush making this ╥﹏╥

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