Chapter 1

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❀Deku's POV❀

I stood their in shock as I watched my "𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥" slowly get pulled into the portal. "Kacchan!!!" I began running towards him as fast as I could, my broken arms hanging behind me.
My mind was racing and I was no longer thinking strait, my vision was going blury, I could hardly see anything but I knew if I kept running I should hopefully collide into kacchan, pushing him out of danger.
What felt like forever was just mere seconds before I felt myself running into what was hopefully kacchans side. My eyes where shut so I had no idea but I had a good feeling that it was kacchan since he's the only one that calls me deku well... Other than ochako but she shouldn't even be here so I'm really sure it was kacchan that I pushed.
Once I reassured myself that it was kacchan I pushed I slowly opened my eyes and saw him a few feet away lying on the ground, making me feel a bit better. I sigh in relief forgetting all about the villain that was right behind
"Midoriya!! Move!!" I hear todoroki yell, causing me to turn and look at him. "Wha-" I couldn't finish my sentence before I felt a hand tangle into my messy green hair, yanking me backwards.
"Oh no.... You're not going anywhere brat..."  I heard a menacing voice growl as they began moving backwards, causing some type of cool purple Mist to surround us. ''Wh-what...?" I stuttered not knowing what was happening, it was just all going to fast. Before I even knew it my body was engulfed in darkness, I couldn't see anything.

❀Dabi's POV❀

"Damn brat..." I muttered to myself as I pulled the kid into the portal with me. "He's ruined are plans once again..." I thought to myself as I knocked him out before we got through the portal to the base.
"Did you get them!" I heard shigaraki ask in his annoying scratchy voice as soon as I exited the portal. "Tsk.... No, this brat got in my way so I decided to take him instead..." I tossed the knocked out child onto the floor in front of me so shigaraki could see. He did not look happy at all.... Well, he never looks happy so I guess this is normal...
"The hell!" He began yelling. "I thought I told you I wanted the spiky ash blond! Bakugou Katsuki!"
I tsked and turned away. "Well you would have had him if this brat didn't get in the way, so you better blame him, not me!" I yelled back angrily before I kicked the child out of frustration.
"You better be grateful I even managed to snatch him at the last second." I muttered under my breath before walking out of the room, ignoring the glares shigaraki was sending at me.

❀shigaraki's POV ❀

I growled angrily as dabi walked away. "Damn idiot... Can't do anything right." I growled before looking down to the child that was on the ground. My face scrunched up in disgust, not because I disliked him er anything... Nah what am I saying I hate him 100 percent, he's way too damn goodie goodie, it pisses me off.
"What are you going to do with the boy?" I heard kurogiri ask behind me. I let out an annoyed tsk before turning to face him. "I'm gonna lock him up and use him as lure for that damn symbol of peace... Or maybe I'll just kill him... I never needed this kid anyways." I grumbled before I sat down on one of the bar stools.
kurogiri nodded slightly before he put a glass up. "Maybe you should try to convince him to join like you where gonna do with that other kid."
"Are you stupid? You're talking about goodie two shoes deku... The "all might wanna be" Hero in training. He wouldn't join us even if it caused him his life." I growled out before I began furiously scratching my neck.
kurogiri just nodded again before waving over a couple of the lesser villons that where still here for some reason. He motioned to the kid on the ground and I guess they knew what kurogiri wanted because next thing I knew one of them was carrying the kid away, most likely to lock him up.
I sighed before standing up and heading toward the stairs that led to the bed rooms. "Tell me when the kid wakes up... I'm gonna have a little chat with him..." I said before disapiring up the stairs.

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