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Eli walked slowly into the bright room as heads turned to face him

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Eli walked slowly into the bright room as heads turned to face him. The room was large with computers everywhere. Monitors rimmed the walls with virtual screens popping up and older equipment too. There were so many screens and equipment Eli didn't know where to look.

"6! I have been waiting for you. I need to run your data through our program" A female voice shouted Eli as he scanned the room looking for the voice. His heart seemed to crumble and he felt like he couldn't breathe as he turned to see her face.

"El..." His voice could only whisper her name as a tear left his eye. It was her, his baby sister. She was one of them, just like him. He walked over slowly as the room seemed to spin. His hands shook as he tried to compose himself.

He found the chair and dumped his heavy body down feeling broken "I am glad to see you again 6. I missed our canteen chats" Eli searched her eyes as he sat across from his little sister, he wanted to jump as far down them as he possibly could. She had to be there somewhere; she had to be.

She seemed stiff, like the other droids. "Can I plug you in 6, it won't take long to download" She looked at Eli and held up a cable that he needed to plug into him somehow. He knew he couldn't plug himself in or else his cover would be blown, he needed to do this for Luna. His heart seemed to beat faster as he stared back at his sister and her empty eyes.

He looked around at another droid that was plugged in, laying back in the chair. The cable seemed to be plugged into the top of his collar bone. Eli pulled his top-down to check if he also had some kind of port there too. He did, a wave of sadness flew over him again. For the past few days he truly felt human, he felt so many emotions and even pain again. But now seeing this, it made him feel like a robot.

He took the plug from his sister finally and laid back into the chair.

"It shouldn't take long, 6. we can see what you have been up too and report back" Eli nodded and pretended to plug the cord into his port.  His sister spun around back to her computer and waited for the information. She clicked a button looking confused "It doesn't seem to be working 6?"

Eli checked his port again and pretended to pull out the cable "I think my port might be damaged?" He hoped she would fall for it as he waited for a response.

"Yes, that makes sense. Ok, you can go back to your dorm room to rest if you like then head to the engineering floor. They can do the download there. After they fix you up and run a full diagnostic on you.

He almost let a sigh out as he sat up quickly "Yes. I will do that. Thank you"

Eli stood and left the room as quickly as possible. He knew he needed to get to Luna next and then try and find some answers. He headed back the way he came toward the droid boss lady, if Luna was anywhere it would be there.


Luna's head throbbed with pain as she slowly opened her eyes to a bright white room. Panic ran over her as she remembered what had happened. Her body was so weak and the pain in her head was so great she just closed her eyes again and tried to think of a plan.

"Hello, Luna" A clear voice came over from the corner of the room. Luna opened her eyes to see the lady with the green eyes again.

"We have been watching you for a long time now Luna. You are a very special young lady" Luna winced as she tried so hard to look at the lady, but the pain was so strong she couldn't open her eyes.

"Me? special?" she managed to say something back at least. The boss lady could see Luna was in great pain. She walked over and handed Luna a tablet. Luna held the tablet in her hand opening her eyes trying to see what the lady had given her.

"Don't worry, it's a painkiller. I kept some all these years in case we ever had a human here that needed them" Luna didn't care if the boss lady was lying at this point and swallowed the tablet

"Here" she passed her a cup of water. She walked over to the end of her bed and sat down. This boss lady was different from the other droids too. She wasn't programmed by anyone, she was free like Eli.

"You have survived on this godforsaken planet all alone Luna, you have gained skills and have adapted, even to the air. There are only a very small amount of humans left now, Luna. They all die. Afterall there is nothing left here on earth, its dead. But you, you seem to thrive"

Luna used the blanket to cover her eyes from the light "So? I'm sure there are a lot of humans like me?"

The lady let out a stiff laugh "Oh, I can tell you there isn't. Luna. While you were out sleeping I ran a full medical diagnostic on you. And well, it looks like your lungs have adapted to the air over the years. They have mutated in a way. It's fascinating. My job was to hunt the remaining humans here and help them to survive by adapting them with droid equipment so they could survive on this planet. But it seems you have done that all by yourself"

Luna was confused. The air hurt her lungs and she felt like she couldn't breath when she was outside. This lady was crazy.

"The air still hurts me! That cant be true, and what will you do when you have every human?" She made a strange noise as she faced the wall. Luna could catch flashes in between opening her eyes. The tablet seemed to be helping finally.

"Actually" She paused for a long time before she spoke again " If you had stayed outside for longer your lungs would have just gotten used to the air. You just panic and then breath faster. We have every single human in this building now, here. All of your friends. We have found every last human and we have helped them to adapt and survive. They are only a handful of you left, the rest have been given droid parts. They are still human of course but also part droid. Stronger and better"

"Why do you control them? why can't they all leave and live their own lives then?" The lady let out a laugh.

"That's a very sweet idea, Luna. But look what happened to this planet when humans ran free, uncontrolled? see.... This is why I love having you here. You are so human. I am in control of every single droid here. I am the queen bee. I want to rebuild this planet and make a future for us all"

"You are crazy" Luna closed her eyes even more tightly and laid in the fetal position. She wanted the lady to leave her. She was wrong. Eli was here somewhere and he wasn't being controlled by her.

"Anyway Luna, I would like to run some more tests on you and then see if we can help you with any droid equipment and make you even more special"


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