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The room seemed to fill with bodies and all eyes were on Luna

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The room seemed to fill with bodies and all eyes were on Luna. What had seemed like a never-ending room soon felt small and hot. Eli guarded her, standing over her as she fought for her life. He knew he was outnumbered now but all he was worried about was Luna.

Joe fumbled her words as panic ran through her. She ran her hands through her hair taking the red bandana out and letting her hair down. She looked at Eli and then back at Theo who was becoming impatient.

Theo placed his heavy bag down on the floor and gave Joe another irritable look "So?" He pointed over at the table where Luna laid. Theo was a man of few words. When he spoke he was blunt.

" It was all my fault. I was nervous after all of you had left. Only the two of us left here to defend our selves and after the last time.." Joe rushed her words her voice becoming tearful as she paused.

" I heard the alarm go off and this time it was in our building, I panicked. I took one look at the blond girl then over at the bright blue eyes and she wasn't wearing a mask so I thought she was one of them.." She broke out in a sob as Lilly came to comfort her.

She regained her posture looking back at the others "This is Eli, he isn't like the others out there, he's different. He's not one of them. And the young lady on the table who I shot is Luna. And we are going to help them, no matter what"

Joe stood up, her head held confidently as she smiled back at Eli, wiping her tears.

Eli could see she was a good person and he knew Luna would feel the same about her.

Theo stood up and walked over to the table looking down at the new face of the injured girl. He studied her, he could feel Eli's eyes on him but he didn't care. He studied her face. He wanted to see her eyes just to make sure. He knew deep down Joe could never lie to him but this world they now lived him made you hard, trusting was almost impossible.

Just as he studied her long dark lashes that seem to flutter Luna's eyes opened. He was met with the hue of the forest, like the green that brings the earth back to life in the spring.

Theo took a step back almost in shock that she had opened them just for him, so he could see she was just like him.


The other's in the room seemed to have accepted Joe's reasons and were happy to help Luna and Eli. Everyone seemed to have their jobs and went off to get to work like nothing had happened, apart from Theo.

He waited, silently watching the injured girl and the strange bot that seemed to guard her. Thoughts ran through his mind. How did she control him? Could he do the same? Who was this girl? She was different from anyone he had ever seen. No one had ever controlled a bot.

He pulled out a book and a pencil and crossed his legs glancing over every so often.

Luna finally came out from the temperature that she had battled with over the last 24 hours. Her eyes fluttered as sweat beads ran from her forehead. She opened her eyes and was met with Eli's smile.

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