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The closer they got to the old museum the thicker the fog seemed to get

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The closer they got to the old museum the thicker the fog seemed to get. The large broken concrete buildings still stood tall with remnants of shattered glass and corroding metal.

Luna clutched her bottle to her chest as she walked. She had learnt not to expect anything in this world she was living in now.

She hoped in the back of her mind that this Joe would still be alive, but she didn't want to get her hopes up like so many times in the past.

Nothing could have prepared Luna for this life she now lived. She wondered to herself sometimes what her mother would have thought of this life?

Luna walked as quietly as she could noticing every movement the three of them made. She quickly noticed Todd had stopped. She turned in the thick fog and could see his blue eyes like homing beacons shining back at her.

"Todd, are you ok?" She whispered her words quietly into the thick fog as she walked back towards him.

Todd looked back at Luna like she wasn't there. He fell back on to a pile of rubble covering his forehead like he was in pain.

"Todd, what's happening?" He could barely hear Luna like he was dreaming and she was trying to wake him.

The pain resonated across his forehead blinding him.

"Eli? Wake up! You said you would take me to school instead of mum today"

My eyes flashed frantically as the kind and familiar smile greeted me. She was perfect. Her bright blue eyes bounced as she walked my room.

"Come on Eli, get up" I sat up slowly looking down at my hands and arms. No marks, no chips or scars.

"EL?" I remembered her, she was my sister.

"Be ready in ten for a coffee to go" She was gone in a flash.

I stood up like in autopilot and went to the bathroom. Like I was watching myself in a movie I got dressed and ran down the stairs into the huge kitchen.

"Good morning Eli, here's your coffee and toast to go"

A dark-haired lady with the most contagious smile greeted me. Her curls bounced as she handed me the cup of coffee. The smell made my mouth water.

"Thank you, Mum, I promised El, I would drop her at school before work this morning"

Mum. She was my mother.

"I know she hates me taking her. I'm not her best friend at the moment. But I have to be at work late tonight so you will have to sort tea out anyway Eli. ZOA-robotics don't let me have a life outside of work remember?"

"Well don't worry mum, I will sort tea after work"

Her watch beeped as she quickly sped out the front door to her electric car that drove its self to work every day. One of her early designs. She was always thinking of ways to get out of this mess the earth had got its self into.

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