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Luna was confused after the boss lady had told her she was some kind of evolved human. Could she trust anything she even said? She knew the lady would want to control her too like the other droids.

Luna tried to focus and ask the right questions before the boss lady left her. She hit her forehead trying hard to focus.

Come on Luna, wake up. Focus.

" What do you want with me?" The lady walked to the large door and gave Luna a tiny smile " I want to look after you, Luna. You are very special, I want you to feel welcome here. I have sent for some food and then you can have a lovely hot bath. I can imagine it's been a while since you had one"

She left the room quickly as another droid entered with a tray full of food. The smell filled the room making Luna even more hungry than she already was. She held her hands beside her body watching the droid.

" Hello, Luna. I have your meal for you, please enjoy" The droid was very robotic in the way he spoke and the way he moved. Luna felt such sadness for him like he was trapped inside his own body. She needed to free all of these, poor half-human, half-robot doids.

"Thank you" She sat on her bed and scanned the large tray. It looked amazing, they had so much food. Potatoes and beans and some other things Luna didn't even recognise. She quickly spooned the food into her mouth as quickly as she could but slowing down a little midway. The food tasted so fresh and full of flavour.

After a good 15 minutes, the same droid came back through the door collecting Luna's tray.

" Follow me, Luna, I will take you to the large baths" She stood up feeling a little dizzy but followed the droid holding onto the wall to steady herself. They didn't have to walk far, maybe two or three doors away was a large room with a beautiful large round bath. It was huge, Luna had never seen one this size. The droid passed her a towel and some new clothes for after. They smelt so clean, everything here was so clean.

Once the droid left Luna pulled her old dirty clothes off and stepped slowly down into the large bath. The water was so warm and felt like a warm embrace as she laid her head back and let her dirty hair float. Even if she could get one hot meal and bath and then find a way out of here it would be worth it for this bath.

No matter how relaxing the bath was or how good the food was Luna still felt lost.

Luna didn't know what was going to happen anymore. Her life, as she knew it was gone now. Ever since she met him that day it changed. She was in this big ocean now and she felt like she was drowning. She felt like she did so many years ago, alone and afraid, for so many years she had survived alone just meeting one or two people but it had been safe and she had her home.

With Eli, it felt different.

The droid returned after a long while and showed Luna to the same room. As they walked towards the room she recognised the droid that was walking towards her. Her heart jumped for joy. She never thought she would be happy to see those bright baby blue eyes shining back at her. She had to act cool and just walk to her room following the other droid.

Eli felt so much relief when he saw her walking towards him. He couldn't help but give the biggest toothy smile but then quickly stop and look more like a mind-controlled droid again.

He waited for the droid to leave the room and caught the door just before it closed.

"Luna?" he whispered into the room cautiously

"Eli, I'm here" Luna quickly ran towards him wrapping her arms around him ever so tightly.

"Am I glad to see you, Eli" Eli smiled down at Luna and hugged her back "Shall we?" Eli opened the door and gestured for Luna to follow. "Do we have a plan?"

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