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He lay deadly still on her bed, the only thing that moved was his chest slow movements in rhythm

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He lay deadly still on her bed, the only thing that moved was his chest slow movements in rhythm. Luna sat on the cold bunker floor, pulling her hands around her knees watching him.

Luna knew she had to help him or he would be taking his last breath right here in her home, on her bed. Sweat pooled around her forehead as she nervously stood up and paced the room.

Ok, so I try and fix him then he wakes up and kills me.

She watched him as she paced the room trying to think clearly. She had survived this long mostly on her own. She hit her head in anger.

Why do I have to have a conciencia, I mean look what these things have done to humans and now you want to help one.

Lucky came and gently rubbed her fur against Luna's legs making a whimpering sound. Moments later a puddle formed around Luna's feet.

"Lucky! Really?" She picked the small dog up and took it outside for a very short toilet break. Lucky took one look at Luna and ran straight back into the bunker.

Picking up an old rag to clean the mess it came to her.

Wipe! That's it I will try and wipe his memory clean.

She washed her hands and then went to her kitchen area and found the large bottle of whisky. She wasn't sure if this robot could get infections but she didn't want to take any risks. She gathered her tools including a small sharp blade.

Luna stood directly over him, she removed his boots and outer clothing. His body was hot like it was overheating. She examined his body starting at the bullet hole. Lifting the amber liquid up she poured some over the wound standing back a little just in case he woke from the pain.

He didn't move or react. Luna took the small sharp blade and stuck it into the hole until she could find the bullet. It didn't take long until her knife met another piece of metal. Luna's hands were shaking uncontrollably, she had only ever seen this happen once and now she was hands deep in droid blood.

She stopped for a moment and took a deep breath wiping her arm against her forehead.

You got this Luna.

The blood was warm and felt gluey between her fingers. Pulling the small ball of metal from the wound she carefully placed it on the side. Blue blood pooled out from the wound making Luna panic. His breathing seemed more rapid now. Luna stuffed a rag into the bullet wound and then heated a larger blade.

She was ready to close the wound with a burning hot blade. She took a deep breath and then held it against his skin.

A groan left his mouth as his body jolted, shocking Luna making her drop the knife. He had never made a noise up until now. It sounded real, not robotic in any way.

She quickly picked it up and checked the wound. The bleeding had stopped now.

She stared over him wide-eyed and in shock. He really was more than just a robot. She bent down and laid her head onto his chest, her ear grazing the soft cotton t-shirt he wore. She waited a moment until her eyes froze. She couldn't move but listen, listen to his heart beating the sound echoing in her ear. like a metronome, it beat in rhythm.

She walked backwards away from the bed gasping in shock, moving her messy hair out of her face.

What did they do to you?

She was running out of time, she needed to wipe him before he woke. She walked back standing over him again. He groaned in pain sweat pooling from his forehead. He spoke words in between groans. His voice was deep and silky but frail just as his body now was. She searched his body again looking for a sign.

Does he have a switch or something?

She picked his arm up looking at the scaring. His arm was covered in small scars. Luna gently traced her finger over the large scar on his wrist. A small buzz vibrated from his wrist as lights flashed up his arm making Luna panic again and drop it.

It looked like a control panel of some kind. A small smile came from luna's lips, at least she knew what she was doing with controls and technology.

Luna studied the symbols and movements the lights made. One of the panels had his vitals, they didn't look too good at the moment. She needed to make up the volume of blood loss. Luna went to her medical supplies and fetched a bag of saline. She hooked him up to the bag and hoped that would help.

She moved his raven black hair from his forehead and gently tilted his head to the side so she could try and fix the circuits that hung out from behind his ears. His skin was so delicate and ivory, human-like, maybe it was his real skin.

The circuit hung completely loose now. Luna opened the small hole and looked as closely as she could at the circuitry. There was a tiny chip hanging from the circuit, It was complex like nothing she had ever seen before. She quickly ran over to her computer desk and dragged it across the room over to the bed.

Taking one of her readers she hooked it up to the tiny piece of silicone. It was a hybrid chip a lot more complex than she had ever worked with.

The computer flashed with codes running haywire across the screen. Luna's eyes dilated with joy as she pulled her chair over and tried to study the codes. If she could hack into his mainframe she could try and wipe his memory. She held the control panel on his arm at the same time.

The numbers and letters rolled across the screen like a swarm of bees, hypnotising her. She took her keyboard from the table and typed a sequence and pressed execute. No response came from the screen just more jumbled codes running haywire over the screen.

Luna knew this would take time and she grew nervous as she watched his chest rising and falling.

She entered different sequences every few seconds until she finally hit something. Words started unscrambling across the screen making her sit closer and open her tired eyes wider.




Luna froze as she read the words bringing her hand up to her mouth. She was right about his program. Quickly she copied the information to her computer trying to find as much information as she could steal.

The only way to wipe him clean would be to fry his memory circuit and hope he had a brain in there somewhere to make more memories.

Luna unplugged him from her computer and into a different device. She took a deep breath and pressed the execute button sending a jolt of electricity through the wires and into the chip. Smoke erupted from the chip as Luna watched him for a reaction.

Nothing happened.

She cut the chip away and fixed the circuits back in place closing up the small hole behind his ear. She had done all she could. She wasn't sure if any of her efforts would work or not but at least she had tried to save him.

She placed a blanket over him as a thousand questions ran through her mind, just like the swarm of codes on the screen, making her feel dizzy.

She moved her chair closer to the edge of the bed and continued to observe him with tired and aching eyes. Leaning her heavy head onto her hand she watched the rise and fall of his chest and the sound of his breath leaving his chest like a soothing lullaby sending her ever so gently to sleep.



Just in case you cant understand the odd Spanish word I shall have the translation in the authors note for you. Thank you for reading and hopefully voting too :)

conciencia = Conscience

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