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Luna felt like someone had walked over her grave as she glared at the dusty corpse that was now just nothing but bones and material

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Luna felt like someone had walked over her grave as she glared at the dusty corpse that was now just nothing but bones and material.

Todd walked around the vault trying to find some more light. Luna stepped back against the wall and slid down till she met the floor. Her chest hurt after being outside and breathing the contaminated air in. Bringing the oxygen would have probably killed them in the explosions.

Her throat stung as she coughed loudly. Luna could taste the salty tears that rolled from her cheeks across her lips. She was glad it was dark in here. Lucky shivered as she cuddled up to Luna in a small ball, the poor dog had no idea what was going on.

It was all gone. All of her life in one blink of an eye was gone. Left with only one bag and a dog. Luna hugged her knees as he covered her face to hide the sounds of her sobbing. She felt Todd's hand on her shoulder again as she lifted her head "I'm sorry Luna. This is all my fault. I found another bottle of the oxygen back there next to Mr Howard"

Luna passed her torch to Todd so he could continue searching. He could sense she was probably more injured than she made out. He pulled the bottle over and placed it next to Luna. Taking his shirt he cleaned the mask he found and handed it to her. The air in the vault was better than outside, Luna could probably survive in here without the oxygen. But for now, she needed to breathe some oxygen in after being outside for so long.

She placed the mask over her face and hit her head back against the wall as her chest inflated and the cold air ran down her pipes making everything feel a little better. She watched Todd move around the large creepy room shining the torch. She wondered how he could breathe the air and not become ill?

She lifted her mask up "Does the air hurt you too?" placing it back over her mouth. Todd walked toward her shining the torch at her green eyes. "No, the air doesn't seem to affect me. I must have a filter built into me or maybe I have droid lungs?" He sat down next to Luna looking at her with his icy blue eyes, they looked sad.

"We can't stay here can we?" Luna lifted the mask off and tucked it up next to the valve. "We can't stay here. It's dark, there's no food and let's face it- it's creepy. And we don't want to end up like Mr. Howard" They both looked over at him. Todd let out a laugh. It was the first time he had laughed out loud. His laugh was contagious making Luna smile

"Where can we go?"

Luna thought for a moment. What could they do now? They couldn't track them anymore at least. She turned to face Todd who was shining the torch at Lucky trying to irritate her. "I think this was all a trap Todd" Todd immediately stopped and faced Luna "A trap? For you?"

"I've been thinking. All these years I've rarely even heard a droid let alone see one. Only once we encountered one" Luna looked down in the dark, Todd noticed the tone of her voice change.

"They killed my friend Stan. They have always been here watching me in the city waiting. They know I have to come back there to get supplies. I think this time they used you as bait to try and catch me- it's me they are after Todd" 

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