Vacations are for...

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The kendo club was bustling with members practicing and dueling one another for the experience. Takashi and his cousin were in the corner, Mitsukuni typically did homework or went home on Saturdays when they had their half-classes.

Takashi suspected his visit had something to do with Kyoya walking up to him.

Kyoya never came to the kendo club.

Takashi kept swinging the bamboo sword down as the two got closer.

"Takashi! Kyou-chan is inviting us to a water park!"

Takashi hummed, he had a suspicion that there was more to the invitation.

"It's a new resort that my family has developed, it won't be open to the public for a bit. What do you think?" Kyoya asked as Takashi swung down his kendo sword.

Kyoya was definitely up to something, Takashi swung the sword again. What was he up to?

"We'll go with everyone, right?" Honey asked as he watched from the sidelines.

"Yeah, the twins and Tamaki have already agreed to go to the waterpark. Today is an early day for us to leave, why not relax a bit?" Kyoya asked.

Takashi let out a sigh, between the crazy girl from France -who thankfully left back to France-, the twins fighting to get Haruhi to let them visit her home, to the little boy who ended up taking piano lessons from Tamaki.

Takashi really needed a vacation, he had agreed to join a host club, not a therapy club. Lately, that was what the club was turning into and frankly, he had his own issues to take care of. Come to think of it, it was mainly Haruhi helping people.

She needed to focus on herself and stop worrying so much about others. If she let the ordeals their club president let go on, she could get distracted from her studies. She needed a vacation too and if it were just the twins, Tamaki, and Kyoya there she would hardly be relaxed.

He would only intervene if they bothered her and she was annoyed.

"Sure," Takashi said as he walked off the mats and joined the two.

"When do we leave?" Honey asked.

"In about ten minutes, we'll be riding in one of my limos so you should call off your own," Kyoya said.

"Is it just going to be us guys or is Haruhi going to be joining us too?" Honey asked.

"Oh, the twins are taking care of that."

Takashi raised an eyebrow but said nothing as he went to get dressed for their day off. He had been hoping to squeeze in some more practice, it was hard being part of the kendo club and host club with a lot of demands from the host club.

Though, he really only went after hosting hours if there was enough time. It was simply to participate in the high school competitions, nothing more.

"Takashi! Kyou-chan says that he already got us swimming trunks!" Honey chimed as Takashi finished buttoning his shirt.

"Are we supposed to change into them now?"

He frowned slightly, he had just finished buttoning the damned shirt and he would have to unbutton it almost immediately?

"No, we'll change at the park."


The cousins grabbed their school bags before following Kyoya to the limo.

Once they got in, they were greeted by Tamaki wearing sunglasses and a flower necklace with a drink in his hands.

"Hello! Glad you could make it, senpais," Tamaki said.

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