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"I-I didn't-!"

Kasanoda stuttered as Takashi held him in a chokehold, he wasn't sure why that had been his reaction. Takashi quickly released Kasanoda from the hold, but by then the others had arrived.

"You saw!" The twins shouted as they cornered him.

"Ah!" Kasanoda shouted as he shook, "I didn't look! Well, I-I mean I did get a glance, but it was just for a second! So I didn't look!" Kasanoda rubbed his head, "No, I did see what I saw, but no I wasn't looking!"

Takashi felt something unfamiliar.

He wanted nothing more than to hit Kasanoda until he either went back in time to prevent it from happening or he gave Kasanoda memory loss. Although, the second option didn't appeal as much as the first.

Honey frowned, noticing the pale look on his cousin's face. Takashi looked like a statue.

He walked up to Kasanoda, "I think that people who can't make up their minds are scum."

Kasanoda shook, even more, wondering how such a cute-looking person was somehow the scariest looking person in the room.

"So Fujioka is really a girl?" Kasanoda asked. An extra weight on his shoulders begging to be lifted.

"He appears to have learned Haruhi's secret," Kaoru said to his twin.

"That's not good, huh?" Hikaru said.

Takashi's fist curled.

"How much of Haruhi's soft, maiden skin, unknown to us, did you see?" Hikaru asked.

Takashi cringed at Hikaru's words, his mind unhelpfully providing an image. It's not like he meant to either, he had been trying to do the opposite.

"Well...she was changing, so I saw her in her undergarments..."

Takashi stiffened.

"You saw Haruhi in her underwear?!" The twins shouted.

Takashi's chest felt tight, his fists clenched harder. His dull nails threatened to break the toughened skin of his palms. He could even hear his blood pounding in his ear.

"What do we do?" Kaoru asked.

"There's only one thing to do," Hikaru responded. "First thing we have to do is clobber him, and make him lose his memory!"

Kaoru grabbed Kasanoda as Hikaru grabbed a baseball bat seemingly out of nowhere and prepared to swing. A sick and twisted part of Takashi wanted to be the one hitting Kasanoda. He bit his cheek, things weren't right with him recently.

"Now, now," Kyoya intervened, "Stop that. It's a lot of trouble to cover up a crime."

"Kyoya-senpai! How can you be so calm?" Kaoru asked.

"Look! Even Mori-senpai is shocked and he hardly shows emotion."

Everyone turned to look at Takashi who stilled. He did his best to calm himself as he quickly let go of his fists.

"What about Tama-chan?" Honey quickly asked, not wanting his plan to go to waste.

He knew that his cousin was feeling jealous and angry. He had never even seen Takashi get jealous before so he was merely speculating. Still, whatever it was, his cousin was upset at the thought of another guy seeing Haruhi as a girl. Especially while she was changing.

Honey knew that it would only be a matter of time before his cousin began to question his feelings and reaction. His cousin wasn't dense, he would figure out that he liked Haruhi sooner or later. Honey actually mentally thanked Kasanoda, he was what he needed for his long-term plan to come to an end.

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