The Beginnings of Admiration

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The day was bright and sunny as it usually was, Haruhi believes it was because rich people never seemed to face any inconveniences. She had not been attending the school for very long but each time she arrived, it always looked straight out of a movie set or show where nothing was real.

"Hey, Fujioka, is it true that you haven't joined any clubs yet? Since you're really smart you could potentially join the academic team but do you get much spare time as a commoner?" A classmate asked as Haruhi walked towards their classroom.

Damn rich people.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I want to focus on my studies so I spend my free time studying, I don't have time to be in any club," Haruhi responded before walking on.

If the others kept on talking to her and hitting her with insulting comments, she would surely break. Haruhi had found that the rich lived in their own little bubble which she seemed to disturb so she had decided to stay to herself as to keep their bubble from getting too shell shocked.

It was going to be like any other day, she would work in class then eat in class, and study in a quiet place. She usually stayed in class to study but lately, there have been more and more students staying back and chatting around instead of going off to do whatever rich people do.

Haruhi wondered if they even studied, they all had their lives set out in front of them so did they have to study anything aside from their family business?

"Good morning class, today we will..."

Haruhi took notes vigorously and made notes in her textbook. Since she was attending on a scholarship, she was given the textbooks with no fee so she was putting it to great use. Though, the scholarship had not covered her uniform cost since the uniform was not required. While everyone wore one, it was more so to look professional and Haruhi would rather get weird looks than have to pay for such a ridiculously expensive uniform.

For lunch, she ate rice with a side of steamed vegetables and a banana. She had run out of the house in a rush that morning so her lunch got hit.

Haruhi hummed to herself as she looked at the vegetables, the market was probably going to have some marked down fish later. If she left school early enough, she might be able to get there right as they are marked down!

The thought of getting the marked down fish drove her and soon it was the study period. If she studied quickly enough, she would be able to leave on time.

She headed to library two since it was closer to her classroom. However, by the time she arrived, there were already students chattering loudly and she spotted a few girls from her class laughing obnoxiously in the corner.

Oh well, there were still three other libraries.

Haruhi headed for the first and third libraries but they were no better.

Damn rich people, if they were just going to socialize why did they not go out in the courtyard of something? Perhaps even join a club since they had so much damn free time.

Haruhi calmed herself before peaking into the fourth library. If anything, it was even louder than the previous libraries. Haruhi sighed as she walked away, the school had four different libraries in the high school alone and yet they were all noisy.

As she walked through the empty halls, she walked past the large windows giving her a clear view of the outside sky and doves flew by. She suddenly thought of her mother, she wondered how things were in heaven for her. It had been ten years since she had lost her mother but she still thought of her regularly.

Her last hope for some peace and quiet was the unused third music room upstairs. Hopefully, the stairs were an inconvenience to the rich kids who seemed to only come to school to have a good time. It was probably the only place she would be able to study in peace and quiet.

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