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'"S-someone..!  Anyone..! Please..h-help me!" '

' "I need your help! I-I need you!" '

"S-someone p-please.." '

' "A-anyone..p-please.." '

' "I need you" '

- - - -

Blue then shot awake in pure pain and in pure shock, suddenly coughing up blood onto his pillow with a tight grab his slight newly-formed- stomach. Looking down while still coughing and quite literally throwing blood, he noticed that his stomach was now, what seemed to look like Water- or at least seemed to have the consistency of water in a sense. His eyes widened as he tried to get up from hearing..someones voice, but a force was preventing him to. He was able to get off of the bed and at least try to make his way to his bedroom door to leave, but something almost..Other Wordly, or Holy, or Good Spirited was preventing him to. Trying to get up to follow the voices and to go to where they came from, something then brought him down to his knees- as he tried to get back, but then that same something brought him down to his stomach, almost forcing him down to the floor to try to get him to comply and follow their directions without being rude about their actions. 
And so, it wasn't long before Blue began to cry harsh and hot tears of sadness, soon gripping onto his head in pain with a loud yell, this Something soon filling his head with images, thoughts, messages and memories of two people and someone in particular. He could hear their thoughts clearly and not foggy- he could see the images clearly and cloudly- he could hear and see the thoughts of what they were saying and what all they needed, wanted, and pleaded for. 


Blue yelled out into the air/atmosphere in the form of a question.


Blue asked again, but louder this time, expecting an answer.


Blue asked once again, his voice lowering
But soon enough, his sobs, cries and sniffles began to fill the air, gripping his head more while  being on his knees and his head rested on the floor, not really expecting an answer anymore.

".w-what..i-is there you..w-want m-me to d-do..?"

-  - "I Want You To Stay Here" - -

A voice then said that almost shook/shattered the air and atmosphere- this causing Blue's eyes to shoot open wide in fear and in surprise, sitting his head up on his shin and looking around slowly and cautiously, tears still streaming down his face. His eyes were so wide it was almost..creepy..but in a cute way. 

"w-..wh-..who..s-said t-t-that..?"

- - "Hehe, Who Else, My Child?" - -

Blue became more freaked out by this, staying in the same position as he was in already, not really sure of what to look at, see, sense, feel or cry about anymore.

- But then a sensations came over him -
This sensation was warm and comfy..very warm- almost like a cloud. Blue's tears then immediately went away, or dried away because of the warmness, soon getting the feeling that he was floating on a cloud, or raising up into the sky. His eyes slowly closed due to the warmness, all of his nonexistent nerves relaxing to the point where they were no longer they, the grip that he had soon fading, with his shaking body quickly relaxing to a still. His breathing became slow, relaxingly slow, regulated, calm and soft. 

Everything around him didn't seem real, but at the same time everything was a very new experience for the Blueberry Boy. Feeling as if he was raising in the air, the feeling of being Lovingly rested on a cloud then came upon him, his lips opening as if a moan was trying to escape his lips- the expression on his face being of cuteness, a deep blush and almost gone of any harmful emotions. It felt like he was sleeping, but still awake- it felt like he could touch thing but at the same time it felt like they would pass right through his hand and finger tips- it felt like..all of the worries in his mind, around him, within him and on him were melted/washed away by this comforting Warmth.

- - "Listen, My Sweet Child, You Can't Leave Yet. You Must Stay Here And Rest" - -

" friend..he's hurting pain"

- - "I Know He Is But, You Must Rest And Recover. I Will Keep Him Safe, Along With Your Other Friend, Okay?"


Blue could barely get his words out, from how cozy and warm he was, falling into a very deep sleep. His voice was so low, warm and soft that it sounded like he was mumbling, but in a(n) comprehensible way.

His stomach began to feel all tingly as well, this causing him to smile in his sleep and rest his hands on his stomach, giggling softly from taking it as a tickling sensation, blushing more while soon beginning to drool. A smile om his face for once..a Genuine one.

- - 'My Child. I Know How Much Your Friends Mean To You, But You Can't Go To Some Place Without Having  A Plan On How You're Going To Go In, Or Find It. You Must Lay And Rest My Child, For You Don't Know The Dangers That Come With Saving A Friend Yet. He is In Pain, I Know, But he Can't Be Helped Right Now, With You Just Going And Barging In With Your Injury, You Can't Expect NOT To Get Hurt Again. So, I Advise You To Stay Put, Get Some Rest, Let Your Wound Heal For Now. I Need You, Your Friend Needs You, And Others Need You, So Let Me Take Care Of This, So You Won't Hurt Yourself. Or Worse' - -

| 3 - Prologue  |

Dream layed on the floor, crying his eyes out in pure sadness and in pure pain, his rear literally pouring of Blue 'Liquids' and..even White 'Liquids'. His tears were so hot and his cheeks were so hot that he couldn't even feel himself crying anymore, all he could and focus on was the pain and pulsing Pain that was coursing through his body from his rear, while laying on the cold floor in his own 'liquids'..which was just as cold as the floor.

Cold To The Soul

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