Blue was currently laying on the ground, panting harshly while his eyes were slowly losing the life in them. He could barely breath, see, move a finger or even his toes. His eyes were half-lidded his eye-lights being widened, his body felt cold- and yet, in this moment, it did feel like he was dying..or about to die. He was laying on the ground in a forest, the forest being so thick of trees that he didn't know where he was going or what he was doing or where he was when he entered, and that honestly scared him. Knowing that he was alone and on the edge of the cliff of death, he also knew that there were specific 'Animals' that were in the forest, those animals being 'Wolves', 'Foxes', and possibly 'Tigers'. This would've shocked Blue more if he currently wasn't out of commission, he would've thought of a way to get away from them if he could think straight, which he can't at the moment..and this just scares him more, know that he might get mauled out in the middle of no where and no one will know about him being missing..except for maybe one person.
His eyes then slowly began to close, starting to feel his body begin to go limp, his vision slowly getting more blurry with his breathing slowly getting more slow..along with blood starting to trickle from the corner of his mouth..everything within him starting to shut down like software. Not only this but, his breathing began to become shaky, trying his hardest to stay awake by this point- only for his eyes to suddenly widen slightly to was now in front of him, face first at that.A Wolf was directly in front of his face, sniffing him out like they do. He wanted to politely shoo it away, but e was way too weak for that, instead using the last little bit of his strength to give the softest smile possible, as the Wolf began to sniff and lick his blood.
"c-..c-come o-on..b-..buddy. i-i'm..o-..ok-kay" Blue said with a little bit more strength to spare. Though, the Wolf began to pout the moment he said this, moments after he sniffed and licked his blood, soon beginning to lick Blue's face softly, who gave a weak chuckle and more of a smile.
"c-come o-on b-..boy..i-i..i-i'm o-okay. d-Don't..w-w-worry" Blue said once more, raising his hand slowly and shakily as he rested it on the Wolf's head, which he began to rub softly, opening his eyes as much as possible to get a good look of the boy.The boy looked medium-sized, meaning he wasn't at all that old. He felt warm, and he was quite big to be such a big Wolf. Not only that, but parts of his body was glowing- or starting to glow actually.
Blue's eyes widen slightly but softly from this.As he continued to rub, the Wolf's eyes began to glow of a Deep-Ocean Blue, along with is paws starting to give off the same color, even his inner ears began to do the same. But it wasn't long before Blue began to sense another Animal behind him. He could sense that it was much bigger than the Wolf that he was currently rubbing, starting to feel scared again from this. Blue gave a shiver once he felt this Animal give a soft, warm breath against his neck, his rubbing stopping abruptly, looking out of the corner of his eye to see what did so.
He saw that it was Tiger, and could sense that it was a female, as Her eyes were glowing of the color of the Sun, but much brighter- almost to the color of white. Her paws and inner ears were glowing of the same color as well.
And so, it wasn't long before the Tiger and Wolf cuddled with Blue. The Wolf cuddling into his stomach and the Tiger laying on her stomach and resting her head on his shoulder. Blue then began to feel the same warmth as he did before..and it was very..Nostalgic if he had to say. It..made him smile more, his eyes slowly closing softly as he fell asleep softly, his vision very slowly coming to him again.
And so, throughout that night, Blue's Wolf and Tiger was..somehow transferring Energy over to him- or Magic in a much more simpler term. Even the Earth was giving him Energy throughout the night while they slept. Blue was starting to look better, feel better and feel much stronger in his sleep- for the first time in a while having a good dream, as he has been having Nightmares for the past couple of days..even though its felt like more than three days.
- Early In The Morning -
Blue's eyes then shot open, his vision being crystal clear- more than crystal clear actually. He slowly relaxed, his breathing being rather quick with is body shaking softly,the blood that was once streaming from his mouth now being gone. Along with the blood that was on the ground, as it was replaced with drool instead. Blue also noticed that his whole body was wet, turning onto his back to see that it was raining in the forest that he was in, knowing- Knowing for Sure! that he wasn't in a rain forest, because it always rains non-stop in those kinds of forest, so he wasn't in one. Blue simply stared at the sky for..who knows how long y this point, he was just staring until he realized that he was doing so- not only that, but he also noticed that his Wolf and Tiger were gone now, looking around and even sitting up to look around as well. It did take a minute but he was able to confirm that they were gone, as he couldn't sense them anywhere, looking down slowly and sadly as he stood up.
And as he did so, he began to sense someone nearby, least 'Something' nearby at least. He followed this, the feeling of his Soul being tugged again as he followed and went in the direction of this. But this wasn't the only thing that he could sense/feel- but ignoring the other two, he simply focused on the one that he had a strong connection to..feeling in his chest that it was slowly dying..or at least wanting to give up- or losing hope. This made him feel as though a part of him was dying, holding back a cough and a pained groan..wanting to do something about this.-
(This isn't the best chapter in this book- well, to me its not. I've been having slight writers block these past couple of days and that's why updates have been slow, so, i hope to come back better with a better sounding chapter, for this one, To Me didn't end well. It may have Started well, but it didn't End well)
(But, I do hope you still enjoyed reading it though. And like I said, I will try to make the next chapter a little better)