And So..

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"b-Blue~! M-more~!"
Dream begged, wrapping his legs around his waist softly, along with scratching his back softly, yet heavily, his drool being a semi-dry puddle on the sheets. Blue gladly doing so for him, as he rammed harder and faster into him, somehow going deeper into him as well. Dream's moans got louder and more lewd, softly digging his finger-tips into his Lover's back, feeling his back roll as he did so.

"D-don't do that, D-dreamy~!"
Blue said as he looked down at Dream, pulling away from his neck to do so. Dream gave a smirk from Blue's plead, taking this moment to rub his hands down his back slowly and softly, earning a shay and loud moan from him. Blue's back rolled lewdly and slowly from Dream doing this, his face already being a burst of the sky, of embarrassment and lust.
"I-I know you l-like that, Blueberry~! You're t-too cute to deny-- OoOhHhh~!!!"
Dream's head went back along with his dominant act, Blue haven hit his 'Sweet Spot' again, causing him to cum harshly on himself like the other 8 times. Blue looked down at Dream with a smirk in return, pulling out of Dream once again as he filled the 8 'Protection' that he has used so far.

"W-who's the one in c-charge now, Dreamy~?"
Blue asked, rubbing his hands down his sides slowly and softly, earning a shiver along with a shaky exhale of breath from his Lover, smiling more with a chuckle.

Dream looked up to him while panting heavily and lewdly, Blue huffing heavily and huskily as he looked down at him, soon leaning onto his arms to look into his eyes, wanting to know if he wanted to go again. And once again..his eyes saying everything he needed to ask, Dream shivered heavily with a bite of his lip, nodding quickly and wantingly.
Blue nodded in return, sitting up slowly to get another 'Protect'- Dream then gently and, Very Quite Suddenly, grabbed ahold of his 'Member', or..Cock, Blue stopping on a dime with a shiver. He looked back to dream, who was now sitting up on one hand, giving a low moan once he began to stroke him off, slowly resting back on his hands.
Before he could ask, Dream said something that made his eyes widen. .two things actually.

"I-I..want this Thick C#ck in me, Blueberry~ And..I-I want it i-in me without the 'p-Protection~"

Blue's eyes were fixated on Dream's now, asking him if he was sure and..if he wanted that after what he had to endure. Dream bit his lip more, nodding softly and looking down of embarrassment, pulling Blue down by his shoulders slowly and gently, and wrapping his legs around his waist once more..his gaze meeting Blue's once more. They stayed like that for a moment, Dream rubbing his hand down Blue's chest softly, slowly and seductively, breaking the silence.

"I-I..I want to feel you..cum in me, Blue~ I want to feel y-you cum in m-me..maybe even more than once, h-hehe~.. B-but..I-i want this w-with one e-else b-but you- I want you bare ins-side me~I-I want to be able to..Feel You~"

The moment Dream got finished saying his last words, he gently pushed Blue back onto his back on the bed, getting onto pf him in his lap, Blue's eyes widening more from this sudden..display of Full Glassed Lust and Dominance. He..he saw a completely different Dream in his eyes now, as his eyes calmed down to being lustful slits, his Mates being the same.
They both smiled softly and lovingly to each other, Blue's hands rubbing down Dream's sides, who's hands rubbed down his now more toned body..the both of them drooling for each other now. 

"I n-need you in me b-badly, BlueBaby~"
"A-and I want to be i-in you badly, SweetDream~"
(Cringe, I Know, h-hehe)

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- 7 Years Later -

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