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Blue was currently hiding in a tree branch somewhere on the side of the Mansion, being able to see through a small slip-like hole in the wall in the shape of a small square, looking like a small window, as he was able to see what looked like Nightmare's office. Looking at it, he almost puked from seeing what all was in there, but he kept a hand over his mouth to keep to himself and to keep quiet- his eyes then widening once he saw Nightmare entered his office, quickly ducking to the side to not be seen. But, he slowly looked back through once he began to hear Nightmare scream over what seemed like nothing at all, but Blue's eyes then widened once he heard what he was screaming and yelling about.

"This Idiot is seriously going to make me Kill him at some point!! He just can't seem to follow orders- one moment he's all 'Incapable of Living'! But then in the next, he wants to 'Live' and stay 'Alive', for BLUE!!! Freaking Dead Blue!! I killed that weak piece of Trash what feels like ages ago, and now he wants to LIVE for a Dead Person!?! You. Have. Got To Be! KIDDING ME!!!"

Nightmare screamed and yelled, his appendages flailing and swinging all over the place while he was doing so, as if they were mad as well, as they were knocking things over and stabbing into the things,, Nightmare's anger just seeming to build up and build up. But as he was having a meltdown, Blue jumped down from branch, his eyes being blank in what he could only describe as Anger. Blood then began to pour from his previous stomach wound, along with starting to stream from his mouth, not even noticing that he was growling..like a Tiger. Not only that, but the moment he reached the door, he held himself back enough to knock on the door softly-


"Go see who that is, Ink..!"

Nightmare slightly yelled, Ink immediately doing so with a nod, once reaching the door he opened the door without asking who it was, only to then be suddenly pulled harshly out of the door way, with the door closing harshly behind. A loud roar could then be heard that was in the mix of Child-like but also Adult-like..and somehow..Heavenly.
The door slamming so harshly then alarmed Nightmare, causing him to jump slightly and look in the direction of his office door quickly. He called out to Ink. .not getting an answer. To then get up to investigate, not having any hesitation to either, getting his appendages ready like always.

While looking around he saw that there was blood droplets in front of the door- and so thinking that something happened to Ink, he opened the door quickly, to then take a few steps back, blocking himself with his arms and appendages from the sudden harsh winds that invoked. Nightmare then slowly opened his eyes as he lowered his arms a little, seeing nothing but the Full Moon in Full View, quickly going and closing the door of annoyance, growling heavily from wanting to know what was going on. He soon began to look around, yelling out in question at what might've been in his Mansion, telling them/it to come out and to show themselves, really eagerly wanting to stab and..'Dismember' something, a very wide smirk on his face.

With it being slightly dark in the Mansion, Nightmare couldn't really tell who's or What kind of blood it was, simply taking it into account and deciding to go on the Offense/Defense.

Blue was looking at Nightmare with his eyes glowing a Dark Blue like the Deep Dark ocean where he once was, as he was in the shadows while he looked, his eyes glowing in anger while trying his hardest not to pounce Nightmare from how much he was keeping pent up, growling lowly while doing so as well. Nightmare couldn't sense anyone besides Dream who was currently down in the basement..very slowly dying from blood loss, with Blue being able to sense this as well, that part of him slowly feeling as if it was still dying while he tried his best to stay quiet, doing so with a little bit of difficulty.
Nightmare then slowly turned his back to Blue, with another sudden gust of wind coming through the door, causing it to burst open as it did so, Nightmare almost falling to his feet- only to then have his tentacles clawed/cut off all the way down to the root, being his back. Nightmare felt this, swiftly turning around to see his appendages on the floor, his eyes widening as he began to look around swiftly, wanting to know who did this to him, yelling into the dark by this point since the wind had blew out all of the lights. But as he looked, he still didn't notice the Dark Blue eyes in the darkness, while he was looking around in distress, Blue wanting so bad to slash Nightmare in his face, but he knew what he was made of and didn't want to give away his position, so he kept to himself.
But what he did do was some how slip past Nightmare while being directly in front of him- and by that, he was able to stay by a wall that was quite far away form Nightmare since, you know,it was a Mansion, and he and Ink lived in it alone. Not only that, but Blue's eyes were still glowing in the dark while he passed by, the door that was still currently open letting in enough moonlight to illuminate close to the wall, with Blue able to slip by without his toes even able to be seen- which is saying something.

Nightmare continued to look around, being very cautious at the moment.


Blue was following the feeling in his chest, letting out a few quiet whimpers- to then start to hear a few quiet whimpers in his mind, chest and Soul, this simply causing him more pain as he made his way to what he presumed was the dungeon, wanting to try his best ti save Dream..his Only Friend..in this moment in time.
Ink was quite literally dead to him at the moment, Ink not being in his right mind didn't really care for anyone nor himself at the moment, so why should Blue care for him at all any more after what he did to Dream..and after what he did to him.

What he did was simply unforgivable, and it would take a very long time before Blue would do so..if Ink would ever come back from his 'Left-Minded State'.

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