Sensual/\Healing III

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As Blue was rubbing his hands down Dream's arms, his hands were glowing of a soft Baby Blue, he groaned softly, soon beginning to shiver heavily while his leg began to bend softly, his toes curling more. Not only that, but Dream was finding it harder to keep his moans in, instead he just let them out anyway, letting his body move on its own. While doing this, Blue bit his lip more, moving his hips back a little- his hands now being down at Dream's lower back, being sure to heal every single wound Dream sustained. Every cut and bruise was slowly starting to heal while that tiny 'flames' went around to the others, healing them as well. Dream's body was now shaking harshly, his moans practically jolting from his mouth and body, drool soon going down his chin. 

Blue could almost tell this, chuckling softly with a shiver- only for his head to shoot back with a soft gasp from feeling Dream's rear press heavily against his 'area. Dream gave an apology with another shiver, Blue saying it was okay, slowly getting back to massaging Dream's back. As he continued, he was now at his rear, biting his lips softly from the view, looking to Dream to ask if he had permission. But before he could ask the question to completion he was interrupted with a quick and Lust-Filled 'Yes', giggling softly and resting his hands on his Friends' lower back softly to Tease.

Getting a low whine..Blue instead slowly took off his shirt, beginning to pant softly after doing so, the atmosphere of the room beginning to get to him. His pants were becoming even tighter while he was trying to hold back his groans, soon resting his hands on and beginning to squeeze and grope Dream's rear as to 'Massage' it. The one that was receiving the 'Massage' was in soft pleasure, loving the feeling of it to the extent that he couldn't let out anything but moans, nit exactly able to speak anymore at the moment. Blue could tell this clearly from how his hips were bucking softly, along with how his hands were gripping the pillow under him softly and heavily on occasion, biting down on the pillow softly. Not only that but, Dream was finding hard to stay in his right mind at this point, sweating up a storm now, his rear slowly starting to become slick and slight shiny,

This view was making Blue more..aroused, the atmosphere around them becoming more..m-More. . .H-heated- so much so that Dream released the pillow from his mouth, letting his moans out while bucking his hips more intentionally now, his uninjured leg moving, shaking and tingling heavily while his toes were curling even more. 

This sensation and feeling was so unbearable but bearable at the same time, as if fireworks were going off in Dream's body from head to toe- the only time he has ever felt this way was when Blue gave a big and warm hug a long time ago, as he thought to himself that nothing else could really compare to that moment. But now..this moment surpasses that by a landslide, as he wasn't able to keep himself under control by this point- everywhere Blue touched on his rear felt like electricity flowing through his body, this was completely amazing and uncontrollable. But..this irreplaceable feeling stopped when Blue began to move down to his other leg that was currently injured, ripping the bandages in the same way as before and beginning to rub like he did his back. 

He pressed, rubbed, squeezed and groped softly to banish the pain away, wanting it all to go away. Dream could feel it going away as well, smiling happily to this, panting softly as well.

- Small Timeskip To Not Waste Your Sensual Time -

Dream was now laying on his back, his hands now being above his head while looking up at a now nude Blue, who was looking down at him, keeping his hands above his head as to pin him down. The both of them were panting heavily while sweating up a storm while, looking in between each others eyes and lips with their breaths being fast yet slow at the same time. Dream's 'Member' was rested in between the soft clouds which was Blue's rear, who's 'Member' was rested softly on Dream's stomach, the both of them 'leaking' softly with pleasure jolts and slight jumps. 

No words were spoken at all in this moment, no interruptions, no nothing, just pure lust in the air like a passionate night when you come home from doing something special for the person you love- but this..this was different..somehow. Not only did they love each other as friends, but that Love was slowly morphing into something more- the 'Event' that Dream haven went through being completely washed from his mind and body. All of the cuts, bruises and many other injuries that he sustained were now gone..all that was left was a completely healed body from head to toe- all of this being made possible because of Blue. 

Before Dream could say anything, Blue rested a finger over his lips softly as to say 'Shhh~', looking up at him with loving eyes- only for them to widen softly when he felt two very warm and plump lips land on his his. It did take a moment but, he slowly fell victim to it, kissing  Blue back with a loving sigh. Being able to tell this, he licked Dream's lips softly as to ask for entrance..who gladly gave him permission.
And so, it didn't take long before the two were having a full make out session. Nude, Hot, Steamy, Wet, 'Messy', and completely filled with Lust. They were in such a high that they didn't realize that they began to grind against each other softly, moaning into the kiss softly with Blue cupping Dream's cheeks softly, caressing them  softly. 

The words that they wanted to speak were being spoken through the kiss, smiling happily into it as well.

'Thank you~'
'You're welcome~'

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