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Dream layed on the floor, crying his eyes out in pure sadness and in pure pain, his rear literally pouring of Blue 'Liquids' and..even White 'Liquids'. His tears were so hot and his cheeks were so hot that he couldn't even feel himself crying anymore, all he could and focus on was the pain and pulsing Pain that was coursing through his body from his rear, while laying on the cold floor in his own 'liquids'..which was just as cold as the floor.

Cold To The Soul

Dream couldn't move, he couldn't feel, he couldn't even say anything. He was choking on his sobs, choking on his tears and even choking on the pain that he could feel, his rear was hurting so bad that he couldn't move his legs from how numb they felt. They were shaking violently and feeling almost as if they were going to shatter if he moved them one inch.
He fully expected Nightmare t take advantage of him, for he is scared of him..Now at least. But..he didn't expect INK to do so as well- it really made him feel more or less like what Nightmare called him.

- One Hour Ago -

"Hehe, If this is all that you are good for Dreamy Boi, then I guess you won't be good for anything else, huh~!?! Look at you~! You're being used as a 'Toy' for Me and Your 'Old Friend' Inky Boi~! How does this make you feel huh~! To know that no one cares for you, and to know that No One is coming to save you~!? They'll leave you in here to rot like I did many others- HA~!!"

Nightmare then came for the 15nth time inside Dream,hearing him scream and choke sadly, helplessly and of nothing but sorrow against Ink's 'Member', who had a firm grip on his head. Dream also being blindfolded in this moment. His arms being wrapped behind his back with Nightmare's tentacles and his legs being wrapped around around his waist with his tentacles as well, feeling as if they were going to break off of him at any given moment.
Dream couldn't help but cry at what was happening to him for the Second day in a row, he couldn't believe that it was happening again..and it truly crushed his soul more. He prayed everyday for someone to come and save him, he prayed everyday for someone who knew him or didn't know him to come and save him..he even prayed to Blue, his dear friend that Passed to come back and save him..but he knew that would never come to pass..and thinking of it that way only crushed him more.
In this moment in time, it felt like..there was no hope left for him in this world- but THAT is EXACTLY what he thrives on in this world to stay alive and to stay positive, Hope..and yet..Hope was slowly slipping from his hands as the days went by.

Every send, every minute, ever hour, everyday of everyday felt like a task, a mission for him to just survive the day while being in the abusive clutches of his Brother. Every day from now on just felt like nothing but lies, as something better was supposed to come of it, as something good and something cheerful and something happy-filled was supposed to come out of them- but judging from just these two days alone..it most certainly did not feel that way.

"You will never mean anything to anybody. I NEVER cared for you, so why should I or anybody else care for you, huh~!?! You will always remain an idiot for believing that there is happiness in everyone, and you forever remain nothing but an Idiot who hope that things will get better for himself and others everyday~!! You Truly and Udderly Disgust me~!!

- Current Time -

Dream told himself to Give Up, and that's what Nightmare did..but something was telling him not to. Something was telling him it will get better soon, that all of this will seem like a bad dream once he was gone from this place, something told him to hold onto that Hope, hold onto the Faith and stay in his Right Mind. Something told him that Everything will be okay, and that Someone will come and save him soon. And..this something said that he will be okay once he gets to this safe place. Nothing will hurt him there, nothing will bring pain to him there, no one will be there to torment him and bring upon sadness to him, nothing will seem unfair to him anymore- Everything will just be..Okay.

And it was in this moment that..Dream slowly began to stop crying, slowly lifting his arms up to his sides to put his hands o the floor, to then try and slowly push himself up. While trying not to slip on the 'Liquids' that was on the floor beneath him, he slowly moved and bent his legs to try and at least sit on his legs, soon groaning in pain from feeling that pain slowly increase in them, but he kept at it. As he slowly turned his legs on their sides and sat on his rear on the floor, the cold floor helping out with the pain that was coursing through him, a small smile coming to his face while he was leaning on his hands as well, breathing in a deep breath. . .and breathing out slowly in a sigh of relief. It felt so good to a sit on the floor for once, but he wished that he had a soft and comfortable bed or couch to sit on instead..but he just had to make due with this for now.

"...i hope..that one day..someone will come to save me..and give me such a better life than i'm having right now. ..my friend Blue..i wish you were here to help me..i wish you were here to take me away from this Nightmare..i wish you were here to bring me back to reality..but..i at least hope that you are having a better life where you are now, for your death was not deserved and was never supposed to come to you. ..and my other friend..i hope that you at lease come back to this world, to think of what ll you've done, the pain that you have cause many..and suffer the consequences."

Dream said, slowly and shakily looking behind him, only to see a faint Baby Blue Silhouette, with a Scarf of the same color behind him- for his eyes to then wide to feeling it hug him softly..a warmth suddenly overcoming him.

And for once..a big and..happy smile came to his face, covering and wiping his tears away..with Hope filling his Skeletal Being again.

"...Blue..where ever you are..i hope that you are being treated better there..by those Above"

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