The moment Blue got down to the dungeon it was almost like he knew where to go, as he made his way there immediately, his head turning in all directions to be sure that he would be able to find Dream, knowing that he was in there somewhere. But..the moment he turned his head to the right of him..his eyes widen so much that it felt like his eye sockets were going to crack. What he saw was..purely horrifying to him and..thought that it was something that he would never be able to get out of his head.
He saw that..Dream was laying on the floor on his back, blood pouring from his head, chest, stomach, both arms, and one of his legs..even seeing that it was also coming from a lower-behind area. Dream's ectoplasmic body was slowly starting to fade with his bones going from a Pearly white to almost a dark grey..a sign that he was coming close to dusting away. Dream's expression also looked as if he was..beaten to death..blood coming from his mouth and nose, along with cracks being all over his skull with blood coming from them..his lips opening and closing v e r y slowly and shakily..another sign that he was very close to 'Passing' and trying his hardest to even chest barely moving with his breaths at all.
Blue..immediately, somehow, phased through the bars, going by Dream's side as he quickly fell to his knees, his hands slowly and shakily reaching out to touch dream but..finding it very hard to. Having to bite his lip he slowly and shakingly slid a hand under Dream's shoulders and his other arm under his knees..very slowly, gently and shakily pulling Dream into his lap, Blue's tears soon falling down his cheeks and onto Dream's head, which rolled down his skull and own. Blue having heavily gritted teeth while holding his dear, dying friend close, his tears falling like waterfall, as he held him close- more close then he ever has..being in heavy distraughtness, Dream's head soon being cover in Baby Blue tears, who..slowly smiled softly lowly from knowing who's tears they were from the warmth..his hand slowly moving up to Blue's cheek and cupping it gently- who's eyes shot open and widened harshly, slowly looking down at Dream..who had a soft smile on his face..looking at how a part of his skull was missing and how his fingers looked as if they were going to break at a certain amount of pressure.
Blue looked into Dream's only eye and his smile, his tears falling more with his body just shaking in harsh sadness, Dream himself starting to cry while just being in the arms of Blue again..his smile also showing how happy he was..along with how bulgy his eye light was..the light within it slowly starting to shine again. And so soon, their tears began to mix together to make such a color that some would or might call..Holy. It looked so Beautiful and Rich could cure the sadness of anyone that simply caught a gaze of it. wasn't long before Dream said something that Blue was hoping that he would say when he found him, ever since that night of him spending the night with his Animal Friends."Take Me Home"
Blue nodded very quickly, knowing that he only had enough Magic to only teleport once, he did so with all the remains he had- -As he and Dream sudden appeared on his bed..Dream haven fell asleep the moment he ad Blue gently landed, Blue knowing and hearing this from his light snores..or so he hoped..
- Early, That Morning -
Blue had Dream all bandaged up..part of his head bandaged, along with both of his arms, his chest, stomach and his injured leg. Dream was still sleeping while Blue was still awake, haven not went to sleep ever since last night, the bandages he put on Dream being healing ones that you had to custom make yourself, this being the reason why he was always o low on Magic and energy in a sense. Blue even patched up Dreams 'Back', which he really felt bad for doing because he didn't want to and never liked interfering with anyone's and everybody's privacy..even his Brother's when he and Frisk were. .'Bed-Rocking' in his room, which always made Blue turn in the other direction quickly every time. But other then that, he didn't want Dream to be in pain 24/7, so..he had to do what he had to do make sure that Dream wouldn't be in too much he still didn't stop crying at all ever since last night.
Blue was currently sitting in a chair beside his bed, looking at Dream with blank saddened eyes, his body shaking harshly in the thought and to the thought of losing Dream..not wanting to lose him now or ever..even praying to the One Above All to not let him die..wanting ot keep him safe as much as possible.'Dream didn't deserve this..he didn't deserve any of this..he didn't deserve Nightmare did to him..he didn't deserve what Ink did to him..he didn't deserve any of it. He was a kind, pure and kindhearted soul..he would never hurt anyone unless it came down to the proper moment that he had to step in and help someone or stand up for himself- he was one of those souls who would never..let you go even if you begged him to..he was one of those Souls where he would hold you in a warm embrace and hold you tight and make sure that you were okay before letting you go. He of those 'One Of a kind' skeletons that you would obtain every or be able to see or be able to run into once in a life time or once every generation- or..once in ever decade, century or..a Millennia. This person..this someone that cannot be replaced..he is completely irreplaceable and i wouldn't want anyone to- not even me- He's!..he's..h-he's..h-h-he's-'
Blue's inner thoughts were then interrupted once he heard a giggle, looking to the source of this giggle, as his eyes widened heavily.
"hi, Blueberry"