Blue, being the reasonable one, told Dream that since he was now healed up he had to learn to walk again, essentially having to learn all of the things you would have leaned as a baby/toddler again, which..Dream was quite upset about. "Come on , Dream, you have to. If you don't you won't be able to go to your favorite placeee" Blue said this in a sing-song tone, rubbing Dream's stomach softly and soothingly. Earning a pout in response, which he knew his provoking worked, he got up from on top of Dream, holding a hand out for him to take, smiling softly at him. He was a little reluctant but, Dream eventually took Blue's hand politely with a shaky hand and arm, gently and slowly being pulled up into a sitting position on the bed.
"Are you ready for your Rehabilitation?"
"Y-..y-yeah, h-hehe"- Small Time Skip To. . .At Least 4 Months Later -
- - But, I Will Tell What Happened In Those Four Months - -
~ Month One ~
|"Easy, Dreamy, Easy. You're only just now starting to train and get better"
This is what Blue said said on the first day if the first month, as he was helping Dream with his arms first. He was sitting in his lap while Dream was sitting in a chair at a nearby Gym, (Because Why Not), the both of them being embarrassed but also not caring that people were watching.
Although Dream was taking it easy with raising and lowering his arms slowly, he was still finding it hard to get past the pain that was still slightly in the undertone of his body. Blue might have been able to get most-of-all of the pain away but, some-of -a-little was still lingering behind.
"I-i-it still hurts y-you know..? Mm..!""I know but..there is no other way to do this besides doing this.."
Blue said sadly but persuasively, wanting to reassure Dream that he will be okay, so long as he would take it easy, and not force himself.|
~ Month Two ~
|Dream was now standing while he leaned from side to side, on arm at his side while his other was in the air, going to the side as he did as well. Blue was also standing behind him, holding onto one of his hips with one hand while he had his other hand on Dream's side. His hand on his left hip keeping him steady and standing while his right hand was gently pushing Dream to the side more, wanting to be sure to stretch him as much as possible. Dream still gave groans of pain, but these were a little bit more tolerable, his arms still having a few nicks and crannies of pain within them.
Not only that but..with Blue being so close to Dream, his 'area' was rested and pressing softly against his butt, the both of them blushing heavily while they were still doing their routines. .especially Blue. He was holding back groans, but, his face would sometimes scrunch up from the pressure against him every time he would 'clutch', in a sense. And since they were standing in front of a mirror..Dream could tease Blue a little..he did, but didn't on occasion. 'Wink-Wink'.
~ Month 3 ~
|Dream was now doing squats, sit up, push ups and jumping jacks, Blue being sure to help with all of this. Dream's one leg was the one that took a lot of damage, Blue stand behind him and squat with him, holding his side with one hand while having a hand on the underside of Dream's thigh. He would be sure to be gentle when Dream was doing sit ups, pushing down his feet down to the floor softly when they would raise form it, having a gentle hold on them. Blue would support Dream's leg when he would do push ups, holding it so it was completely folded out having support at his knee and at his ankle. He was aware that Dream was in pain but, it honestly had to be done..and Dream knew this as well.
But when it came down to his jumping jacks..Blue would start him off at 5 number increments- starting from 5, then going up to 10, then going up to 15, but stopping at 18 since he didn't want Dream to over work himself and his leg.
Blue would also stand behind Dream when he was doing his jumping jacks, but keeping a distance away this time- but when they were doing their squats..Dream was teasing by that point.|
~ Finally, Month 4 ~
|Blue and Dream were now almost done with their Rehabilitation Time, Dream being very excited about it. So, for this months exercise, Blue was helping Dream spread and stretch his legs, the both of them having to take their shoes off for this month. It's not that they wanted to, it's just that, to them, it would feel weird to stretch legs with them on..sooo they decided to take them off. They also got a private room, Blue telling Dream the stretches that they will be doing will be kind of..sensual..? Sooo yeah.
Blue helped stretch Dream's legs in a way that, if you were a ballerina, or just a regular exerciser, you would be able to stretch your legs all the way up. Not only that, Dream had to stand against the wall with some of them, or sit against it, or lay on the floor. And so, Dream was understanding that everything was sensual..heavily understandable. Blue had to spread his legs all the way out while they were in the air, Blue having to get in between his legs and keep them steady with his hands. The both of them felt like they were teasing each other by this point, their ectoplasmic bodies glowing brightly in the dim-lidded room, Dream not able to take the teasing anymore, Blue not able to take it either."W-we have to get through this, D-dream..~ W-we can't falter now..!"
"I-i-i k-know but..this is s-so..l-Lewd..~"
"I-i know..but we both know that y-your body won't be able to get back to the right pace i-if we don't do this..~"
"I..i-i k-know..~"|
~ And Soo ~
- - Two Weeks After- Being Now - -
"e-Easy, D-dream~ E-ea- Ah~"
"A-after what we went through~? I-i don't think so~"