(Warning: 18+ and Slight trigger warning)
(I'm so very sorry in advance)Dream's eyes slowly opened to see a very low-lighted room, his vision being so very blurred to the point were he could only see a small ball of orange light in a corner of the place he was in. Not only that, but as he slowly began to sit up on one of his hands his vision began to slowly clear up, with what looked to be jail bars in front of him. This didn't strike him until a couple of seconds later- his eyes widened heavily once he did realize it, crawling his way to the cage-like door, only to suddenly but softly he stopped strongly by something when he began to reach out towards the handle bars. Looking behind him to see a shackle wrapped around his ankle tightly, his eyes widening once more from this and to see that he was also in the nude- having to quickly sit back on his knees and cover himself up when he heard someone unlock and open a very heavy door, his eyes seeing none other then Ink..but..from what Dream could feel from him- he felt nothing from him, as he came over with a tray of food.
Ink went and sat the tray on the ground, sliding it under the bars for Dream, who looked down at it, seeing that it was..descent enough- as it was a Corndog, Pear slices, and some candy, along with a mini bottle of Water.
Dream was a little surprised by this but was more scared, looking at Ink and asking him if he could help to get him out, but Ink didn't respond, simply walking away and leaving, ,leaving Dream behind in the coldness of the room.Who was left speechless himself.
- 30 Minutes Later -
Dream was eating a now cold Corndog with tears going down his cheeks, facing the wall behind him which was now in front of him, haven already eaten the Fruit but keeping the candy for last. He couldn't do anything else in this situation, he never learned how to teleport, and the only things he knows how to summon is his staff and his bow and arrow- but the shackle that he had around his ankle was Special. So he couldn't do anything.
And just when he thought that he was going to be okay for a little while, he was startled by. .Nightmare, who banged his hand against the bars 3 times, beginning to laugh once he saw Dream's reaction, Dream blushing lightly of embarrassment but also becoming scared, swallowing the bit of Corndog in his mouth.And so, after a couple of minutes, Dream finally asked what Nightmare wanted with him and why he was keeping him hostage, ,and all Nightmare said was that he didn't want him interfering with his Plans- not knowing what he meant by this but getting a little hint, Dream couldn't help but get a little mad, turning halfway to face his Brother, still covering his 'area'. As he asked why, with Nightmare not giving an answer, with him also looking Dream up and down with a wide smirk coming onto his face.
Dream being taken aback by this, he couldn't help but get a chill up hid spine, hiding himself more as he also got a bad feeling- that bad feeling increasing exponentially when Nightmare suddenly opened the cell door, stepping in and closing the door after, with his smirk growing more. Dream's eyes widening once he got the full picture, scooting back towards the wall and asking what Nightmare wanted, having to ask this multiple times before getting his answer.Nightmare had then lifted Dream up in the air with his tentacles, as they forced his legs to open wide, holding them by his knees and ankles, with other forcing his arms being his back and sill holding him up..but by his neck.
Dream had gave a yelp the moment he was picked up - blushes deeply when his legs were fixed open - tried his best to force them back closed but was too weak to do so - even trying to get his arms free but was still too weak to do so — soon blushing more with a held back groan when Nightmare took a firm grasp of his 'member', as he began to stroke slowly.
"I wANt YoUR BoDy, DreAMy BoY~"
Nightmare said sinisterly, stroking faster and harder, making it harder and harder for Dream to hold back his moans- which were mixed in with begs and pleads for him to stop, tears of sadness starting to well up in his eyes as they were closed tight. Nightmare not stopping, with his pleads and cries only provoking him to go even faster and harder, licking Dream's cheek heavily and slowly, with his other hand resting in his pocket. Dream tried his best to move his head away, but the tentacle at his neck was preventing him to, having to cry tears of sadness from this sudden change of events, begging for someone to help him mentally..absolutely begging for someone- anyone—but those pleads were then quickly melted from his head as he gave a held back low but slightly loud moan from cumming heavily into Nightmare's hand and clothes. Nightmare lifting his hand up and licking his hand if his Brother's cum, chuckling deeply.
Dream thought that he would stop after this..
He thought that he would be left alone after this..
He thought that he would be left at peace after this..
But of course and sadly..he was heavily mistaken-
-as he gave a sudden shriek of pain from Nightmare shoving a tentacle into Dream, causing him to unwillingly stretch to the size of his appendage, blood starting to run down and drip. Dream now having more of a reason to cry, clutching his hands so hard that his palms began to bleed-
But Nightmare was enjoying this, stripping himself of his shorts with a very wide and sinister smirk, putting Dream in a position that he could come back and easily enter into Dream- who was begging him not to, almost to the top of his nonexistent lungs, but was ignored- giving yet another loud shriek if pain once Nightmare began to shove/force himself into Dream..
EnJoyINg and LoVIng hIs CriEs aNd PleADs
(If you didn't like this chapter because of what is written, I'll try to quickly re-write it)
(I'm so very sorry once again)