Frank with the cool car

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Your pov

After that awkward phone call I sorta just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling

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After that awkward phone call I sorta just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. I didn't know how to feel or what to do. I felt empty. All my happiness was drained from my body. I was interrupted from my thoughts by the phone ringing. I went downstairs and picked it up. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey, Y/n I got the job!!" My mom said. "Oh, that's great! When are you coming home?" I asked her. "They wanted me to start as soon as possible so I don't think I'll be home tonight" She replied. "Oh alright well have fun I guess" I replied "Thanks bye Y/n," she said hanging up.

I put the phone down and right as I was about to walk away the phone rang again. I sighed before picking it up. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Hey Y/n I've got a question," Theo said. "Is it important?" I said annoyed. "Very! So remember how you said Boris had a girlfriend?" He said "Yeah what about it?" I muttered. "Did you catch her name?" he asked. "Uh yeah it was like Kotku or something" I heard him gasp. "Are you being serious?" he questioned. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said confused. "Are you sitting down?" He asked to which I hummed no in response. " Well, you might want to" I was a bit confused but still sat down. After a few seconds of waiting, Theo said "So when I first got to school I sat next to some girl and she kinda told me a bunch of gossip." "Okay go on". "Well I heard she was one of the troublemakers. Let me elaborate she got caught making out with some dude and I heard she does drugs like hardcore drugs." he finished. I bit down on my lip. My leg started bouncing up and down. "Well they're just rumors right?" I said. "I don't know Y/n I passed her in the halls and she seemed pretty sketchy." He finished. "Okay fine how about we invite her to hang out with us. All of us. So then we can see what the heck is up with her," I said sighing. "Okay see you at school tomorrow goodnight." He said. "Goodnight Theo," I said before hanging up and putting the phone down.

'Holy shit'

I decided I should probably go on a walk to clear my head. I opened the door and bam there was Frank. We kinda awkwardly stared at each other before he spoke up. "I think we got off on the wrong foot." He explained. "You see I really like your mom and I want us to get along. I know it can be tough right now but-" he paused. "give me a chance will ya? How about I take you out to eat show you around if that's alright with you?" I bit down on my lip and looked around. "Fine just let me ask my mom," I said turning around. "Oh, I already called her that's kinda why I was here." He said. "Oh okay then," I said. I closed the door grabbing the key and locking it. 'I really hope this doesn't go to shit' I thought. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car being unlocked. "Holy shit," I think I said that out loud. "sorry," I said. "It's okay. It's nice right?" "It's more than nice. I've always wanted a car like this" I said slightly touching it. "1969- "Chevy Camaro Convertible" I interrupted him. It was a blue color. "Well come on hop in," he said. I got in the car and he began to drive. He turned up the volume. 'What's with these homies dissing my girl?....' he smiled at me when he saw my face light up. "I love this song!!" I exclaimed. We started singing along.

We pulled up into some sort of fast food restaurant. "My dad used to take me here when I was your age he said these were the best burgers he ever had," he said as we got off. We both ordered before we went back into his car. He drove us into a drive-in where they were playing some scary movie. We finished our food and finished the movie before he drove me back home. "Thanks for tonight I had a lot of fun. And I'm sorry I was acting like a a bitch" I said he chuckled. "I got off and waved. He drove away and I got inside. Maybe he isn't so bad. I have school tomorrow I should probably get ready for that. 

Authors note: I know this was super short like WAY shorter than my normal chapters but trust me this is chapter is very important for what I have planned >:). Well, stay safe love u all! As always my Instagram is in my bio if you need to talk to anyone even if it's just cause you want to talk to me about your favorite food. I will listen <3

𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 (𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨 𝙓 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now