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~Your Pov~

After that whole thing, I didn't know what to think

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After that whole thing, I didn't know what to think. More like I couldn't.
After a while, my mom got home. I lied and told her I was feeling better and that I'd go to school tomorrow. I waited impatiently for Theo to call. "Y/n phone! It's Theo!" My mom yelled. I ran downstairs and picked up the phone. I waited a while as I saw my mom walk upstairs.
"Hello? Y/n?" Theo said into the phone. "Yeah I'm here" I replied sitting down. "What did you have to tell me?" he questioned. "oh yeah well..." I paused and took a deep breath. "BorisandIkindamaybekissedthreetimes" I spit out. "what?" Theo asked not understanding a word I said. I sighed. "Boris and I kissed three times today" I finally said. "one sec," he said. I heard him walk away.
It's been a few minutes and he still hasn't said anything. "Theo? Are you there?" I asked. The front door suddenly SWUNG open "YOU KISSED BORIS?!" Theo yelled stepping inside. My jaw dropped. 'I know he didn't just run to my house ' I thought. "DID YOU JUST RUN ALL THE WAY TO MY HOUSE?!" I yelled back hanging up. He nodded and dragged me to my room. Once we got in we sat down on my bed. "" he said. "I don't know it sort of just happened I mean first he asked for one in the morning and then when I was making breakfast and then when he was leaving." "That's it?" Theo said. I shrugged. "What else is there to it?" I replied. "What about Kotku?" He asked. "that's what I've been thinking about. I felt so guilty but I don't know it just felt so right." I replied sighing. "she's gonna find out sooner or later." he told me. "Yeah I know but let's not think about that. You should probably head back home it's getting late and we have school." "kicking me out I see. That's harsh y/n" Theo said playing poking me. "I'll see you tomorrow," I said walking him out. He waved me goodbye and I walked back to my room. My brain isn't functioning right now. I need to get ready for bed.

Time skip

I laid in bed feeling guilty. I felt so many things. I know I like Boris but he's with Kotku it isn't right. I sighed. Just get some sleep y/n to get your mind off it. Don't stress it. You'll be fine.

7:00 am

I opened my eyes. The sun shining through a small hole in my curtains. I groaned. I was so not ready to see Boris again but I told my mom I'd go so now I have to. I got up and got dressed nothing too fancy like all those uptight bitches at school. Just some simple pants with a band t-shirt. I slipped my shoes on, put a sweater on, and did whatever else I needed to do. I groaned as I waited for the bus.

After a while of waiting it finally arrived. I only saw Theo on the bus so I sat with him. "good morning" he said with a wide smile. "morning" I said laying my head on his shoulder. "I'm guessing you didn't get much sleep." "Nope," I said. After a bit, Boris and Kotku got on the bus. Boris motioned something to Theo and he stood up and sat next to Kotku in the front while Boris grabbed my hand and took me to the back. "what're you doing?" I questioned as we sat down. He made sure no one was around or looking. He then ducked a bit. I did the same still confused. He pressed a warm kiss on my cold lips. My body instantly woke up. I got goosebumps. Boris chuckled noticing that I got flustered. I playfully pushed him. "Do it again" I said. He nodded and once again. I felt so warm. I smiled. We went back up and secretly held hands as if we were in kindergarten or something. But hey better safe than sorry. He was blushing. I caressed his hand gently.

𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 (𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨 𝙓 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now