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Your pov~

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Your pov~

We entered my house and surprisingly my mom was home. She was facing away. "Hey mom Theo is gonna sleepover I hope it's okay," I said. She turned to face us. Mascara streaming down her face. Empty bottles around the kitchen table. "mom? what's wrong?" I asked dropping my backpack on the floor. "He left me," she said through her loud sobs. "Frank?" I questioned. She nodded sipping the bottle. "Theo go to my room okay? I'll be up in a bit." he nodded and went upstairs. I took the bottle from her. "it's okay mom. it's okay" I said holding her. "I loved him.." she whispered. "I know," I said. "everyone always leaves me" she sobbed. "It's all your fault," she said pushing me
off. We both got up "Mom you need rest" I said trying to take her to the couch. "NO" she lashed out at me. "Everyone always leaves me because of you! I can't see your brother because of you! Your father left me because aaa aww of you! you're such a disappointment Y/n!" she shouted. She kept stepping closer to me. "Mom I-

I was interrupted by a slap across my face

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I was interrupted by a slap across my face. My face stung. She's never hit me this hard. I didn't know what to say. I got up from the floor holding my cheek. I didn't know whether to cry or yell. I looked towards the stairs and saw Theo. He never went upstairs oh no. My mom kept hitting me. I covered my head and silently cried. Remember when I said I
didn't like my mom. Well, this is why. it's not just because she doesn't let me
go to the mall with my friends it's because she hits me. She stopped and went to her room. There was broken glass everywhere. I'm pretty sure my lip and nose were bleeding badly. I got up from the floor and limped over to the kitchen. I heard Theo rush down the stairs with a worried look. "okay Theo in my bathroom there's bandages and a first aid kit can you bring it to me pl- please." I said stuttering. I couldn't even form a sentence. He rushed to the bathroom. I grabbed some ice packs and sat on the couch. She hit me everywhere I'm pretty sure I have bruises everywhere. Theo came with the first aid kit and cleaned my cuts. "ow" I yelped. "sorry" Theo whispered. "it's okay"

We cleaned everything up before the phone rang. I answered "hello?" I said. "hey y/n is your mom home I wanna talk
to her" I heard Frank say. I quickly hung up. that asshole. "who was it?" Theo asked "stupid prank caller" I mumbled. "let's go to my room," I said holding his hand.
We played some board games and watched a movie. We took turns showering before watching another movie. We both dozed off to sleep.

𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 (𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨 𝙓 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now