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{your pov}

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{your pov}

I woke up before everyone else did. It was 6 am I sighed and tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I decided to just go for a walk. I put a sweater and some shoes on and also grabbed some cigarettes and a lighter. I walked down and saw my mom sitting in the dining room. "What are you doing up so early," She asked me. "Why do you care?" I asked before walking outside slamming the door. I walked to the swing sets Boris once brought me to. No one even came here other than us. I lit my cigarette wondering what my dad would be thinking if he found out I did these things. His kids are probably so much better than I am. I decided to walk back home. My head hung low as I walked back into the house. I sighed and sat on the couch. My mom went to work already. It was almost 8. Maybe if I surprised everyone with breakfast it would improve my mood. So I did I made pancakes. Even though it didn't really help and halfway through making them I cried and almost burnt one. It's fine I'm fine. I plated them and went upstairs to wake everyone up.

.   .   .

"Wake up!!" I said opening the curtains I flopped in my bed next to Jules. They all groaned and covered their eyes from the sun. "I made breakfast." They all quickly got up and sprinted to the kitchen. I chuckled and ran after them. "Wow, it looks so good!" Theo exclaimed. "Thank you I put all my love into it," I said dramatically. After we finished eating the boys decided to help with the dishes while Jules and I cleaned my room. "So Jules. Have you taken interest in anyone?" I questioned. "Well, there is this one girl I met at the party," she said blushing. "Ooo do tell!" I said excitedly. We started chatting before Theo and Boris joined us. We all convinced Jules to ask this mystery girl out Kotku must know her so I decided to call her.
Once we got her number Jules decided to call her and ask her out. We all anxiously waited for her response. Jules hung up the phone and her face dropped our shoulders dropped and our faces showed worried expressions. "I'm kidding she said yes!" Jules said her face lighting up. We all cheered. "Go get ready!" I told her "okay okay" She ran upstairs I told
her she could use the little bit of makeup I had. We were all extremely excited for her. After a bit, she came down and showed us her outfit. "You look amazing!!" I exclaimed going up to her. "Thank you" She smiled blushing. "Well, I'm gonna go meet up with her. Thanks for everything guys" She said hugging all of us. "You guys are really great," She said waving and leaving the house. The three of us sat down bored out of our minds. "What do you guys wanna do?" Theo asked. "Wanna watch a movie?" Boris asked. We shook our heads. "We always watch movies" I replied. I suddenly got an idea "wanna get drunk?" I said smiling widely. I had some bottles from the party in a backpack. Well more like a lot I stole a bunch of bottles from the party while I could. They both nodded. I'm sure my mom wasn't coming home tonight because she left cash on the table before she left. She'd probably be with Frank. We headed upstairs Theo grabbed some bottles while Boris and I debated which song to play. We played some random songs and danced around.
. . .
Narrator pov

The three were wasted. They were dancing around and singing their lungs out to random songs. The music blasted loudly throughout the house. The only place you could barely hear the music was the bathroom. "I think I love you!" Y/n said to Boris. "I love food too!" He replied not hearing a thing she said. She started laughing so hard she almost peed. She suddenly felt super sick. 'Oh shit' She thought slapping her hand over her mouth rushing to the bathroom. It felt like she was throwing up her guts. After she finished she wiped her mouth and laughed. She laid down in the bathtub and drifting to sleep.
. . .
Your Pov

I woke up in the bathtub covered with a blanket. I looked over and saw Boris and Theo on the floor sharing a blanket. I softly smiled. I snuck around them into my room and grabbed my camera. I came back and snapped a photo of them. Taking another but with me this time. I snuck back into the tub. Boris was close enough to where I could hold his hand so I did. I couldn't sleep so I decided to listen to some music while I waited for them to wake up. Boris held onto my hand tightly my face heated up quickly. After a bit, I was able to fall asleep again. I woke up maybe around an hour later to see Boris and Theo awake. Boris was still holding my hand. Turns out Jules had called earlier saying how her date went and saying how she wanted to talk to me about it. I said I'd call her later. Boris and Theo told me how my mom didn't come home last night. I assumed she was with Frank so I decided to call him first then call Jules. The line rang for a little while.  "Hello?" Frank responded, "Hey it's y/n is my mom there?" I asked. "Oh yeah she's right here want to talk to her?" he asked. "NO! I mean no. Just tell her I called thanks." I said hanging up.  I called Jules next. The line rang for a few seconds before I heard her soft voice "Hello?" She answered. "Hey, Jules! It's Y/n I just called to see how your date went?"  "Oh hey Y/n it was great Rue and I have so much in common!" She sounded so excited "That's great!" "Well Y/n I'd love to talk more but my mom's calling me talk soon!" she said. "Alright bye," I hung up. I'm glad she found someone she has a lot in common with it made me happy. Sadly Theo had to go back home and so did Boris I hugged them both and said bye. "See you tomorrow," I said kissing Boris bye. He gave me a hug and waved before walking away.

.  .  .

 A few hours later a car drove into the driveway. I went downstairs to inspect who it was but quickly hid once I saw that it was Frank and my mom. I sighed and wondered what bullshit was going to happen now. I ran upstairs to my room and shut my door hoping nothing would happen. I hate when she brings him over here. All they do kiss, go out, and leave me home alone. "Y/n!" My mom called. I sighed. I walked out of my room and went downstairs. "Yes?" I asked clearly annoyed. "I just wanted to apologize for how I was with you I hope you can forgive me." She finished looking down. 'It's not like you aren't going to do it again I thought. "Fine, I forgive you" "Just like I have the other 50 times," I mumbled. My mom smiled widely. I gave her a fake smile. 

"And also you have a phone call it's Theo," she said. I walked over to the phone. "Hey, Theo what's up?" I said sitting down watching Frank and my mom make out weirdly in front of me. "Since it's almost Thanksgiving Boris and I were planning to do something at his house if you wanted to come," he said. "Yeah of course I'll be there!" I exclaimed joy filling my body. "Also we're coming to my house after school tomorrow," he said. "Got it" I replied. We said goodnight and hung up. 

.  .  .

"If you ever go to Ukraine people will treat you as big star," Boris said to Theos dad. "You didn't tell me your father was in movies potter!" Boris exclaimed. Theo shrugged. I smiled at the two. "I mean it was only one or two yknow it was mostly t.v. work." Theos dad explained, "Hey listen Theo I'm gonna take Xandra to the MGM Grand for thanksgiving dinner you wanna come?" Xandra bit her lip I could tell she didn't want him to go. Theo noticed this as well. "We thought we might just do our own thing, dad, We'll probably go to Boris' house for, dinner," Theo said Xandra scoffed. Boris and I glared at her as she sipped her wine. "But I guess I could come with you guys if that's what you'd rather" Theo smirked.  'Cheeky son of a bitch' I thought smiling at Theo. "The reservations have been made already so." There was an awkward silence. "Well, I'll let you two work it out. Boris. Y/n. Do you like cop movies?" Theos dad asked us. "Sure," Boris said. I nodded. "I made one with Mickey Rourke. You wanna see it?" Our eyes lit up "Really?" I asked in awe. "Really," Larry said nodding over to follow him. I got up and walked with him. "This was delicious thank you," Boris said I hit his back playfully. "Mickey hated me by the way. I don't know what the problem was cause I thought he was pretty cool but you know the guy was just threatened by me for whatever reason." He kept rambling on and on. In the end, Xandra and Theo made a deal. "But you stay out of my cigarettes," she said sternly. I smiled listening to their conversation. 

AN: I am so sorry I haven't posted in forever school is a bitch but this is my last week so I should be updating more. please don't leave meee big stuff is coming please don't hate me. I know this chapter was short but its only because I wanted the next chapter to be separate from this one love u all stay safe! <3

𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 (𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨 𝙓 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now