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It's been a few days since we've moved in here I haven't seen Boris but I'm sure when I start school I will.  I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I turned around looking at the clock. 9 am it read. I sighed and got up today was going to be a long day. I took a shower and then came downstairs to my mom sitting on the couch with a man. "Oh, Y/n you're up!" she said setting her glass of water down. "Uh yeah, I am who is that?" I said pointing at the mysterious man. "Hello Y/n it's nice to finally meet you," The man said getting up to shake my hand.

He put his hand out which I quickly declined by moving his hand and looking towards my mom. "Yeah, whatever. Who is he?" I said starting to get frustrated. "Well let's talk," my mom said patting the empty seat next to her. "This is Frank he's my boyfriend.." My mom said awkwardly. My jaw dropped. "This... you two.." I didn't even know what to say. "Is this why we moved here!? Because of some guy?"  I said getting mad my fists were balled.

"Cmon Y/n its not like that" Frank said. "Shut up you don't know anything! And actually, it's exactly like that" I finished running back to my room. I slammed my door and locked it struggling to put my shoes on. I heard knocks at my door. "Open the damn door Y/n!" My mom said. "Let's talk about this" Frank said. "I need some air please just leave me alone for once!!" I opened my window ignoring their pleads and hopped out on the roof. 'How the hell am I supposed to get down' I thought. When suddenly a miracle Boris passed by.

He seemed to see and jogged over. "кукла what are you doing?" he said in a worried tone "What does that mean?" I said sitting down, "Never mind that what are you doing?" He said relaxing his shoulders. "It's my mom she introduced me to her new boyfriend and it's weird," I said looking down at my feet. "I will help you down and then we can talk okay сладкая?" He said smiling. I nodded. Half the neighborhood was empty Boris and I lived a few streets away from each other. He found an old mattress and put it under me.

"Jump," He said. I laughed nervously but then thought 'what's the worse that could happen the jump isn't that far up ill be fine'. So I did as told, I jumped off. I landed on the dirty mattress "ew" I said quickly getting up with the help of Boris. "Thanks" He nodded and we started walking "Where are we going anyway?" I asked. "Someplace we can talk," He said grabbing my hand. He started running so I did too. We arrived at what looked like an abandoned park. We both sat on a swing set and he pulled out a cigarette.

"Want one?" he asked me "Sure," I said taking one he pulled out a zippo lighter and lit his cigarette. He put the flame near my mouth and lit mine while I looked at him. "Thanks" He hummed in response. I forgot I had my mp3 player with me so I took it out "Wanna listen" I offered. "Sure" He put one headphone in and I put the other. Come as You Are started playing which made Boris practically light up with joy. I laughed "I like them too," I said.

𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 (𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨 𝙓 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now