Pancakes or Poptarts?

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Your Pov

 I walked back to my house thinking about what to tell my mom

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I walked back to my house thinking about what to tell my mom. I opened the front door to find my mom sitting down on the kitchen table flipping through a magazine. "Hey Y/n," my mom said looking up at me. "Hey," I said putting my backpack down and sitting next to her. "Oh, I was wondering if I could stay over at Boris' house if that's okay with you?" I asked fiddling with my fingers. "Yeah sure just call me when you get there," she said. "Okay thanks," I said getting up to go pack my things. As I was going upstairs I heard a knock at the door. I went to go answer it. I opened it and there stood the lanky boy I am very fond of. I went outside and shut the door behind me. "You're here early," I said. "Sorry," he said looking down. "Don't worry about it just come with me" I said grabbing his hand and sneaking him inside. We were going upstairs when he fell. I tried holding in my laughter "Y/n! Honey was that you!?" My mom said. "Uh Yeah I just tripped," I said continuing to drag him up the stairs. We got into my room Boris closed the door and locked it we both giggled and flopped on my bed. "I'm gonna start packing but here," I said handing him, my mp3 player. He gladly took it and started playing some music while sitting on my bed patiently waiting for me to finish. Once I did he stood up and grabbed my bag. "Wow didn't know you were such gentlemen," I said smiling he only shrugged. I grabbed my radio before heading out. "Bye, mom!" I said before leaving "bye honey have fun!" she said. We started walking our fingers brushing against both our hands. The sun was setting but luckily we made it to the house before it got any darker "And you're sure your dad isn't coming home tonight" I said looking around. "100% милая," He said taking me to his room. He opened the door and his room was a mess I could care less though I just came here to get high and hang out with Boris not care about his room. He went through his drawers for a few seconds before pulling out some joints "Woah where the hell did you get these?" I said examining them. "Kid from school," He said sitting down on his mattress I sat next to him "I've never done this before can you show me?" I asked him to which he nodded

Short time skip

Okay, it's been half an hour we were definitely high. We were laughing our asses off and dancing around while listening to music. We calmed down for a bit when suddenly 'I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas plays..' I grabbed Boris's hand and helped him up. "Cmon we have to dance to this one," I said smiling at his clueless dance moves. "Wait wait shhh this is my favorite part," I said putting my finger against his lips 'Russian roulette is not the same without a gun, and baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun' I lip-synced.

The song ended and we posed we started laughing and got really close together our lips almost touching both of us panting due to dancing. We then heard little taps at his window and hard knocks on the door. "Is it your dad?" I said worried he shook his head while mumbling. He opened the window and we both peaked out. 'shit' I thought there she stood the girl that sat next to Boris in the morning. The girl I flipped off. "shit" I said a little too loud. "what is it?" Boris asked me. "Nothing," I said putting my head back in. He went downstairs to what I assumed was to let her in. 'Think quick Y/n' I thought. Too late she was already in. I decided to go downstairs. I saw them hug I felt so weird. "Who's that?" The girl asked pointing at me with a disgusted face. "She is friend," Boris said. "Hi," I said with an awkward smile. "Y/n meet Kotk- "His girlfriend!" she interrupted him. "yeah that is Kotku," Boris said quickly. "Cool," I said. "Y/n can we talk?" Boris said I nodded and followed him to the bathroom. He closed the door. "If you want me to leave that's fin- "No! I just did not knew she would have came today" He said. "Hey it's fine don't worry about it just pretend I'm not even here," I said putting my hand on his shoulder. We went out and saw Kotku looking extremely angry. "How about we watch a movie?" I suggested shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah," Boris said with a smile.

𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 (𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨 𝙓 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now