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{your pov}

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{your pov}


We ended up staying at Theo's house longer than expected. We were watching the movies Larry was in. Theo told us we would be doing something at his house. We invited Jules but she had plans already so it was just gonna be the three of us like old times. I told them I'd try to get us some bottles. Boris said he'd get cigarettes. Larry said he would pick Boris and I up and take us to his house.

When we got to Theo's house Boris said he had something for the two of us. We were confused but intrigued. He pulled out two shirts with cats on them. Theo and I shared a look before smiling widely. We of course put them on. "How do we look!?" Theo and I said posing for Boris. Xandra and Larry had left by the time we went downstairs so we decided to mess around. We watched some TV but soon got bored.

. . .

"Every man, every woman carries one true home." Theo read as Boris sang in Russian while throwing snacks at him. Theo took the cigarette out of his mouth "English!" he told Boris. "нет!" he yelled. "In English you fucker!" Theo said. I took a drag from my cigarette and laughed. They chased each other around until Boris suddenly punched Theo. "Oh fuck! Oh, my fucking mouth!" Theo said touching his lip. "Are you okay?" I asked chuckling. He nodded Boris and Theo sat down next to me. We were listening to the TV "Ha! Did you hear that?" Boris asked us. "What?" I asked. "The man talking, he just wished happy holiday to his kids Buster and Casey" "Don't be stupid," Theo said sighing. "That's what he said! That's hard eh? Casey's okay. But calling your son Buster on TV" Boris said cringing. I smiled "That's not what he said" Theo retorted. "Then what did he say?" I asked. "How the fuck should I know?" Theo replied throwing his hands up. "Then why argue? Americans always call their kids stupid fucking names like apple and blanket and bear and shit." We kinda stayed quiet for a bit before looking back at the TV. "You and your mother go there?" Boris questioned Theo. "No, it was for tourists." "What did you do?" I asked "Nothing we just. She made turkey. We sang songs."

We got tired of watching TV so we played some music. Boris said we should snort the Vicodin Xandra had. He got a plate and placed the pill there and crushed it. "Can't we just swallow them?" I asked clearly nervous I've only ever done this drunk. "It hits harder this way" Boris smirked. He separated three lines and snorted one. Then passed it to Theo and then it was me. "Fuck it," I said before doing a line. Theo and I drank some vodka after. "How will we know when it starts working?"

. . .

"My dad killed a man," Boris said. "Bullshit" I scoffed. "No. It's true. He did it with a.. what do you call it? Pipe wrench" Theo hummed in response. I was completely out of it I was zoning in and out. "Now you. A secret." He said caressing my hand." I sighed. "My mom and dad used to hit me. My dad stopped after my younger sibling was born so he would just watch." I said taking a drag and tearing up a bit. "Your turn Theo," I said. "I dream about my mom. I dream somebody tells me where she's living. It's like some old slum across town and I run there and I run up the stairs but she's gone. She's always gone." I held his hand tightly. "That's not secret," Boris said quietly. "She won't see me because it was my fault. She was taking me to see the principal because they'd said I'd been smoking and it was raining and we were early and that's why we went into the museum. It was my fault she died and now she won't see me." He cried out. I felt bad for him. It's not his fault. Boris got up holding a hand out for me. I got up as well. "Swim potter," he said pointing to the pool.

𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 (𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨 𝙓 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now