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I started packing everything into boxes "Hurry up Y/n we need to leave soon!" my mom yelled running back and forth around the house trying to get everything together." I'm almost done!" I replied putting the last of my things into my box. "Well finish faster god!" I heard my mom say. Ever since her and my dad got a divorce she's been acting like this she used to be so kind and sweet and now she has this attitude with me and starts blaming me for everything including their split up and saying it's all my fault when she gets drunk.

I mean I get it she misses him and I do too but you don't see me acting like a bitch to everyone I come across even my own family. My mom decided it was best for her and me to get a fresh start. She wanted to go somewhere far. I didn't mind I didn't have any friends or family after all other than my parents and sibling. My dad ended up getting custody of my younger brother and well I got the short end of the stick. I got stuck with my mom. It's okay though I know since she's pretty rough right now I can get away with more things.

I'll admit I was gonna miss this place I had a lot of great memories here but like mom says "It's for the best" I finished packing what was left of my room and started taking boxes downstairs. I grabbed the last box and headed downstairs when I saw my dad. "Dad!" I yelled putting my box down and running up to hug him. "Hey N/N!" he said hugging me super tight. I felt a wave of sadness pour over me. "Please take me with you dad" I pleaded tugging at his shirt. "I wish I could but you know I can't" he replied with a sad tone. I gave up knowing whatever I did the answer would still be no. I let go of his shirt and finished putting my things in the truck.

We were about ready to leave. I hugged my dad for the last time. "Promise you'll call?" he said looking down at me "I swear as soon as I get there I will," I said he held out his pinky. I gladly hooked mine onto his. "It's time to go Y/n," my mom said from inside the car. I waved at my dad and then hopped in. I didn't know where we were going so I decided I'd ask my mom on the way. We were too poor to afford plane tickets and then have all the things moved over there so we just decided it'd be best to drive over there. I pulled out my mp3 player and put my headphones in. I was trying so hard to distract myself I didn't even realize the tears streaming down my face. I guess this was harder for me than I thought. I just decided I'd get some sleep for now.

.  .  .

I woke up to my mom pulling into a gas station. "We should use the bathroom while we're here you go first I'll get some snacks." I nodded and went to the bathroom. This whole experience is crazy my parents barely split up and we're already moving. I was already over the whole thing. I got out and went back to the car. "So mom where exactly are we going?" I said looking towards her.

"Well we're going to Las Vegas," she said with a wide smile while I sat there looking dumbfounded. "What? The houses are cheaper where we are going. And plus maybe you'll make friends or maybe even a boyfriend!" She teased. I only scoffed and looked towards the window. "Look I know you may be mad because of how fast this all is but it's for the best," she said smiling snd putting her hand on my head. I looked down and realized she's hurting too. I showed her a weak smile. She squeezed my hand then went back to driving.

.  .  .
Location: New Home

Well, we're here in our new home. We got off the car and walked into the house. "Woah," I said as my mom turned the lights on. The house was a major upgrade. "Woah is right," she said laughing a bit. We quickly started bringing our things into the house. Three bedrooms three bathrooms. I picked my room and my mom picked hers. I quickly put my things in but my mom and I struggled to bring my bed. "Ugh I can't get my stupid bed" I complained.

Suddenly a man and a lanky boy came close to my mom and I. "Help needed?" He asked in a thick Russian accent. "Only if it's no trouble," My mom said. The man shook his head and said something to the boy in Russian. The lanky boy then came up to me and held his hand out. "I am Boris" I gave him an awkward smile and shook his hand "I'm Y/n" I smiled and he did the same. "Okay start" Boris's dad said. Boris helped me bring a dresser up to my room and my mirror. I looked over and saw my mom and his dad bringing my mom's bed up.

.  .  .

We finally finished since we didn't really have much it didn't take too long. At this point, Boris and I were building my bed but very confused. We had the radio on when one of my favorite songs came on "Twenty five years and my life is still..." I smiled and then continued looking at the dirrections "So tell me about you Y/n" Boris said making eye contact with me. "Um well I moved here cause my parents split up, my mom can be a bitch, and I don't have friends. Your turn" I said.

He sighed "My dad is miner and my mother is dead. She jumped out a window while drunk" He finished looking down. "Oh thats shitty i'm sorry" I said. "Is okay." We finally finished my bed and I just decided i'd fix everything else tomorrow. We went downstairs to find our parents talking. "Well we shall go" Boris's dad said. He got up and said bye to my mom. I turned to Boris "Thanks for helping me and we should hang out sometime you could you know show me around. Only if you want though" I said smiling. "No problem and yeah that would be nice" We waved at each other and he left.

My mom closed the door and as soon as she did I smiled widley. "So you hungr- Oh I see. You think he's cute!!" She said poking me "Ugh I don't he's weird and smells like liquor." I said. "Whatever you say" She said walking away. I will admit I was fond of him and I did think he was cute but I don't know enough about him to fully have a crush on him. Well we will just have to wait and see if these feelings will soon change.

Authors Note: Whats up dolls the first actual chapter to this book is finally out after days of procrastinating I finally finished this. Proud of me? Well you should be. I really hope this chapter was enough to satisfy you all. Just know there will be more chapters to this book because I dont know I like Boris better :). Theo will be introduced to Y/n most likely in the next chapter and Kotku won't be introduced till later on. I really hope this was good. Anyways if anything feel free to dm me on here or on instgram (in my bio). Remember you are valid and loved!! Stay safe dolls!! <3 Love you all- Billie

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