Heyyo. It's me, I'm back again. I think it's been a year I haven't updated about this book, right? Something like that. I don't know. But forgive me for letting this book hang for too long, it is not my intention to keep readers waiting.
My apologies *bows*
Oh, I think this chapter is suck and short but... *bows again*
Here the chapter
. . . ಥ‿ಥ . . .↓🔻↓🔻↓🔻
--------------------------------------------------------(Y/N) P.O.V
After dinner, we sat silently at the living room. Kurenai said she had a mission tomorrow, so she head back home first. And leave me, Asuma and Tenzo. I look at Asuma as he staring at Tenzo with eyebrows frown. I move my gaze at Tenzo, he looks like he want to jump out of the window. I take his hand and put it with mine.
Well, before we get to Asuma's house. Tenzo hesitated wanting to bring along his face mask. And I told him not to bring it because it was just Asuma and not anyone else. He looked at me and towards his mask, it felt like a few minutes had passed as I leaned against the door frame, looking at him with my arms crossed. He left his mask on the table and walked towards me. Not before he looked back at his mask.
But now I know why he wants to bring his mask along.
"You make him feel uncomfortable, Asuma-nii." I scold him as I squeez Tenzo's hand slightly.
"What? I want to make sure that he is good and not what I thought he is like the other Anbu." He said with arms crossed over his chest.
"He is good at first until you make him uncomfortable the whole time we have dinner and he is not what you think he is." I glare at him and make a staring contest.
He let out a light chuckled before light up his cigarette. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Calm down (Y/N), You have made your choice, if you think he is the best and I will not hinder your relationship." Asuma smirked.
I look at Tenzo, he looked a little relieved to hear it.
"Oh and I didn't catch his name, you didn't tell me his name. You only told me that he's your bestfriend and boyfriend. Wouldn't you like me to call him a friend or boyfriend too?"
I frowned at him a moment, trying to give him his name. Tenzo told me not to call or tell anyone about his name and he just kept quiet, not even he just nodded or shook his head. When Asuma asked him a question, I was the one to answer for him. I had to tell Asuma that he was a bit shy, that half true.
"What his name then."
What name should I give. I look at Tenzo, he glance at me worried that I would tell his current name.
"Asuma? I think you know that Anbu will never reveal their identities, right? I know you already know his face but ..."
"Okay, okay." He wave me off and laughed lightly. He silence for a second before he leaned forward and motioned for me to do the same. "Is he good? I mean in bed..."
My eyes widen and I think my face has turned a deep shade of red. I glanced at Tenzo as he keep a straight face pretending that he didn't heard anything but I know he heard what Asuma said.
I cleared my throat and deadpan at Asuma. "It's already late, and we should head back home."
"I'm kidding (Y/N)." He chuckled at me before stand up and lean beside me. "I mean seriously did you guys al–"
I clapped my hand over his mouth to shut him. "Shut up, Asuma." I hissed at him before take Tenzo's hand with me. "Come on."
He chuckled softly and we thanked Asuma for dinner before rushed out the door, only to heard Asuma laughing.
"What are you laughing about?" I let go of his hand and crossed my arms with a huff.
"Nothing." He grin at me. I rolled my eyes at him and walk faster towards my house. He followed closely behind me.
Our journey was not quiet or awkward, it was embarrassing. I mean, during the walk to my house, he kept teasing me about what Asuma said when we were at his house earlier.
And of course my face was already flushed with embarrassment. How could he joke like that when we were still in the middle of the road and people were still passing by? I would simply punch his arm and he just laugh at me more.
Finally we reached the front door of my house, while I was looking for the key in my pocket, I noticed that a finger was covering the keyhole and indirectly the door lock was open.
I looked at him, he was pulling his finger back and saw a stick with a key shape at his fingertips. Wood Style Jutsu.
"What's the point of me having a key if you just use your fingers to open it?" I raised an eyebrow at him as he looked at me with the same reaction as me.
"I thought you said you forgot to bring the key?" I looked at the door as I remember saying that to him. I laughed awkwardly and turned the doorknob and entered the house. Without looking back I knew he was following me and closing the door.
I flopped down on the coach and he do the same beside me. We just sat there in silence and stared at nothing. I glanced at him who was staring at the coffee table in front of us.
I stood up and walked towards the bedroom before looking at him again. "Umm, I want to take a shower and after I'm done you can take a shower, after that we can go to sleep.... Maybe some cuddles or...-" I stopped talking when he suddenly got up and came over to me.
"Or do something that is currently on my mind?" He locked his gaze to my eyes and I noticed that his eyes became darker and sharp deep towards my soul. We just stared at each other and I think I could get lost in his gaze.
Without realizing it I made a movement and cupped his cheek with both my hands before bringing him down and locking his lips with mine. The kissed started forceful and hard but soon we melted into each other's touch and we kept kissing passionately. His hand found my waist and I stepped close to him while wrapping my arms around his neck to deepening the kiss.
His hands moving down to my thighs, I lift them up and wrap around his hips. I broke the kiss to catch some breath and locked eyes with him.
The lust, desire, craving. All I can describe by looking at him, his eyes. What he wants is just like what I want.
He lean in for another kiss as he walk into the room, my bedroom. He put me down on the bed without breaking the kiss and climb on top of me. We kissed for a while before releasing it.
He looked at me with his lustful eyes, I bit my lip as my eyes looked at each of his faces before calling his name.
"Tenzo." I breath out.
'Ahh, my heart is beating fast. Am I ready? To give it to him? My body, my virgin, everything? As long as it's him, maybe everything will be okay, right?'
"I want to try it." I whispered. "Would you help me with it, Tenzo? Everything, give me everything you have."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs tightly around his hip and bring him down with me.
I ask for him to give everything then I will give everything to him too.
Sorry, but I can't write 'lemon' you naughty readers. Might be in a fews chapter there will be a lemon . . juice, don't know. 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ
The Keywords
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ 'M i g h t B e'

•Tree Love• || Yamato X Reader ||
Teen FictionA story about love.... A normal girl who has been assigned from Lord Third to the Anbu because of her specialities in fighting, She's skilled in kenjutsu. She found someone who make her hearts to beat faster everytime when she meet or talk with hi...