(Y/N) P.O.V
~A year and half later~I sigh and just lie down on the bed while pondering on the ceiling. 'What is this, what's wrong with me, why I feel so weird. No, this isn't right, but why.' I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, I stopped in front of the mirror and looked at myself, soon I shook my head as I opened the tap to wash my face.
I walked into the kitchen and I could still see his face, his smiled it seemed to calm down. His eyes look soft when he smiles, that sweet smile. I chuckle at myself, I automatically stop and blink at myself when I realize what I'm thinking. 'No, no ,no. (Y/N), you need to stop!' I shook my head and drink a glass of water.
"I have to meet Kurenai." I said to myself as I got to change and walked out of the house.
I shove my hand into my pocket, I was lost in thought. What the hell is this, why I'm feeling this way? Do I have feelings like this before, maybe I do but to my parents. But this feeling is different from the others, no, I will not allow myself, possibly not now.
As I was lost in thought I didn't notice someone were calling my name, at first I ignore it and just keep walking, the second it shouted my name I immediately stop on my track. Just wait for the person who called my name to come to me.
"(Y/N)?" The familiar voice said as I turned to see Kurenai standing behind me.
"Oh, Kurenai." I smile sheepishly at her. "Sorry, I didn't hear you call my name."
"Alone? Where you going?" She ask as we walked but didn't know where to go.
"I just wanted to find you but it looks like you found me." I look up at her since she was taller than me.
"What do you want to see me for?" She raised her eyebrows.
"I have something to talk to you about or more precisely to ask you something but first, let's find something to eat."
"Sounds good to me." I smiled and I kept quite as we walk down the street, she didn't say anything until we approach at dango shop.
"What's on your mind?" She asked after we took a seat.
I look at her as I shrugged. "I don't know."
"What you mean you don't know?"
I sigh before take a deep breath and let it out slowly and said. "You must know what that means. I-..It- well it's weird."
"What weird?"
"First, I don't know what it is, secondly, I don't know what it means." She looked at me with a look that showed she didn't understand what I was saying. I looked at her and continued. "You know when I talk or meet him I feel like nervous. I don't know why but sometimes when he smiles it makes me happy, his eyes looks soft when he smiles. Feel calm." I smile softly as I feel heat rush my cheeks and look at Kurenai notice that she was smirk at me.
"A boy?" I nod. "Who is it?" She ask, raised her eyebrows.
"Umm..it just, someone I know from Anbu?" Don't want to tell who it is. "What is that mean?"
"I think you have a crush on him." she smiled broadly.
"A crush?" I repeat that word.
She nodded. "Maybe, you like him?" She said with a question at the end.
"Like?" My eyebrows raising at her as I shook my head. "No, it wouldn't be like that."
"From what you say, you like seeing him smile, you feel calm when he smiles, you feel nervous when you with him. That's why I said maybe you have feelings for him." She shrugged and eat her dango.
"It's Kakashi?" She add.
My eyes wide at her sudden guess. "What? No." I shook my head like a kid who didn't want to eat medicine.
"Do you also feel that way with Asuma-nii?" She almost choked when I said Asuma's name.
"W-what you mean I also feel that way?" Her cheeks turn blushed red as I laugh at her.
I shook my head, I waved her off and start eating my dango as I reflect. It's that true what she said? I had a feelings at him? Really? I doubt it. Sigh, I should ask Kakashi senpai about it.
"Really senpai? You're just like Kurenai." I sigh and lean against the couch. I was able to find him at his house just lazy around reading his book.
He look at me and nod. "Is that what I think." He shrugged. "Did you meet him today?"
"I haven't seen him since yesterday." Yup, I didn't see him since I don't have any mission or training.
"Me too."
I lift my eyebrows. "You too?"
"Yeah, I hope he's fine on his mission." He said with a worried tone.
"Mission? With who? How long he went on a mission?" He didn't take a day off? Did he go alone? Is he okay out there? Jeez, I'm worry too much.
"I think he go with another team. A weeks maybe." He said taking a sip of his tea.
"That long?" I sigh and stared at the the coffee table.
"You worry about him?" I look at him and give him a sad smile.
"Yeah, he's my bestfriend. You look worried too." He nodded.
"Of course, he's my bestfriend too." He said. We became silence a moment before he spoke.
"Tell him."
"Huh?" My eyes widen at his suggest.
"Take him out, spend some time with him, tell him how you feel." He gave me a ridiculous suggestion and I shook my head no.
"No, senpai, I won't. Why do I have to do that?" I wonder why senpai suddenly said that.
"You like him?"
"I-I don't know senpai. I...didn't know this feeling, maybe I do like him...as my bestfriend, just like you senpai, I like you being my senpai and my bestfriend." I smile sweetly at him as he give me his closed eye smile. He didn't wear his mask so I can see his smile, his soft smile.
"I'm sure you will, one day. Don't worry about him, he's a good man with a kind heart. He looks like an innocent boy, sometimes he looks fierce and serious when he's angry."
"Yeah, he looks scary when he's angry." I mumble as I heard a chuckle at my side.
"Are you going home? Just stay, have a dinner here. I'll cook." I nod as he stand up and head towards his kitchen.
The smile appreared at my face when I think back to what senpai just said. 'He's looks like an innocent boy.' Yeah..sometimes he is. May I take him out? What if he refuses? Or he's not interested? And if he's gladly to accept it? 'Gahhh!' I shook it off my mind and sigh. Maybe I need to be quiet, and see how long. For now let me focusing on my mission and my ninja career first. I'm still young and more time. A minute later just lay down on the couch, senpai call me from the dining table.
"Senpai." As I take my seat opposite him, I said. "Umm, can you not tell him? Just keep it a secret, I mean, I want to focus on the ninja of my career. Just let me have this feeling first, then I'll think about it?" I raised my eyebrows at him with an awkward smile on my face.
He look at me for a second before nod his head with his closed eye smile. "Sure, if that's what you want, I'm fine with it." I smiled widely at him.
"Thank you."

•Tree Love• || Yamato X Reader ||
Teen FictionA story about love.... A normal girl who has been assigned from Lord Third to the Anbu because of her specialities in fighting, She's skilled in kenjutsu. She found someone who make her hearts to beat faster everytime when she meet or talk with hi...