Senpai Loves To Tease [2]

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I watched (Y/N) as she slowly walked into the kitchen with her hands behind her back and she silently watched what Tenzō was doing. I couldn't help but laugh a little at her behavior. 'Why don't you just tell him, (Y/N).' I thought as I clear my throat causing her to quickly stepped back and look at me. She sigh and crossed her arms, she was about to say something before she was interrupted.

"Do you need anything, (Y/N)?" Tenzō spoke without diverting his gaze from what he was doing. (Y/N) snapped and turn towards him.

"N-nothing." She shook her head. "I just w-want to see what you were doing." She giggles nervously and asking. "Umm, is there anything I can help you with?"

Tenzō shook his head and look at (Y/N). "It's okay, I can do it myself." He smiled. "You just sit down and huddle with senpai, otherwise he'll get bored there. When I'm done cooking I'll call you two." He turned to the kitchen counter to resume what he was doing.

"O-okay." She said a little disappointed in her voice. She walked slowly step by step towards the couch where I was sitting on.

"Why? He rejected you to help him." I ask as she stop and staring sternly at me. I laugh at her before she flopped down to sit beside me and whined.

"Shut up, senpai."

"Don't be sad, he just doesn't want to be bothered." She sigh and lean against the couch.

"Yeah, but I'm not sad just a little disappoint." She slow down her voice as she glance towards the kitchen, should I say that to Tenzō more precisely? Before I spoke she suddenly move to the side and her head was on my lap.

"What are you doing?" I ask and she look up at me.

"Lie down?"

"Yeah but why on my lap?" I question her and I bounce my lap slightly. She grumble as she hit my arm.

"Your lap looks like a pillow, so I lay down." I sigh and look at the kitchen.

"What if Tenzō saw us like this? He'll be sad." She jerked her head toward me and rised her eyebrows.

"Why does he want to be sad? It's not like I'm his." She said in hushed tone.

"Who knows if he'll be sad." I shrugged. She giggles and shook her head, a smile across at her face as I let her lie on my lap.

I took my book out of my pouch and began to read it. I laughed a little while reading, and sometimes I even chuckled at myself. This book really made my day. Before I could turn to another page, I noticed that my book was being pushed down and I staring at her. She looked at my book where cover in red wrap for a moment before she suddenly snatched my book out of my hands and start reading the headline.

"Hey, give it back." I said as I tried to take back my book but failed when she jerk it away from me. "(Y/N)."

"You really like to reading this book,senpai? It's-"

"It's not porn it's basically about something romantic." I interrupted her as she sigh.

"I haven't finished speaking yet."  I raised my eyebrow at her as she shook her head. "Nothing."

She started flipping through my book and reading it, I quickly leaned forward to retrieve my book. But I forgot that she was lying on my lap causing her to fall off the couch with a loud thud. (Y/N) groan in pain as she rubbed her head.

"(Y/N)! I'm sorry, are you okay?" I ask and help her to sit up back on the couch. She probably hit her head when she fell.

"Do I look okay? My head hurts, senpai." She whine and still rubbed her head. I laugh awkwardly as I reached out my hand to rub her head to remove some of the pain.

"Sorry." I apologise as she shook her head.

"Nah, it's okay."

"What was that loud noise?" Tenzō suddenly appeared in the living room with a slight concern look on his face.

"She fell off the couch." I chuckle and got a pretty strong hit on my arm.
"Oww." I rubbed my arm as she pout.

"It's your fault, senpai."

"Seriously, what happen?" Tenzō made an annoyed face as I try to explain.

"She stole my book and I tried to retrieve it back, but she refuse to and she fell off the couch." I laugh and quickly apologise when she was about to hit my arm again. Did she really love to hit people? I gave her my closed eye smile and mumble. "Sorry."

Tenzō sigh and turn back toward the kitchen. "You both need to be careful when playing jokes, especially with senpai." He let out a light chuckle and I protest.

"Hey!" I heard a little laugh coming from my side. I look at (Y/N) as she lean against the arm couch and slid her tongue out at me. I frowned and start reading back my book.


"Dinner is ready." Tenzō called from the dining table. I close my book and turn at (Y/N), only greeted by her sleeping face. 'She's asleep, maybe she's been waiting for Tenzō to finish cooking.' I smiled at myself and tried to wake her up.

"Oi, (Y/N) wake up. Dinner is ready." She grunted and tried to push me away. She doesn't want to wake up. I poked her in the ribs.

"No.." She mumble as she shook her head slighly. She tried to find comfort in her sleep on the couch. And I started to learn that she had a hard time to getting up when she was sleeping, just like me. I laughed and try again to wake her up.

"You want me to carry you or you want Tenzō to wake you up and bring you there." She hummed in respone but didn't wake up. I sigh and get off the couch to call Tenzō but were interrupt when she call my name.

"Kakashi senpai." I turn toward her, It's been a while since she called me like that. Slowly she open her eyes and look at me. "I'm awake, I'm awake." She sighed and stretching out her hand before standing up from the couch.

"Can't sleep peacefully." She mumbled as she walk past me. I sigh and follow to the dining table. (Y/N) yawned as she sat at the dining table.

"You look very sleepy, are you not sleeping enough?" Tenzō ask as she put her palm under her chin with a tired eyes.

"Yeah, I was a little tired after training this afternoon and my head was a bit dizzy." She said and glancing over at me. I raised my eyebrow with a sorry eye.

"After this try to get enough sleep." Tenzō told and I interrupt.

"I'm was tired too." I got a sharp glance from Tenzō and a sigh from (Y/N).

"Yeah senpai you too, try to get some good sleep." I gave him a close eyesmile as (Y/N) hummed in anoyyed tone.

"Tired of teasing me?" She mumble and put a food into her mouth. I clear my throat and try to change the topic.

"Tenzō, do you like someone?" At the corner of my eye, I saw (Y/N) almost choked as I smirk at her before turn back at Tenzō and notice that his cheeks were slight red.

"Why are you suddenly asking?" His voice was a bit shock by my question.

"Just asking." I shrugged and startled a bit when her feet were kicking my feet through under the table, as a sign for me to shut up.

"I don't know." Tenzō mumbled.

"Come on Tenzō, if you like someone then tell me, who is it?." I smile excitedly at him and rest my elbow on his shoulder.

Tenzō sigh as he shook his head. "I don't know senpai. Just drop it and eat." He look at me before shrugging his shoulder.

"Alright. But you have to tell me, okay?" I smirk at him. He hummed in respone and quickly glance over at (Y/N).

(Y/N) grit her teeth and gave me her bored expression. I sigh through my grin before make o-shaped mouth. Ignoring her glare and start to eat my already cold food.


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