Senpai Loves To Tease [1]

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(Y/N) P.O.V

"Hey, nee-chan, can we take a break for awhile?"

Here you are stuck with the blonde who just following you to the training ground, and complained tired after training for less than three hours.

"Come on Naruto. Don't be tired soon, we just started training, you're saying you want to be strong, right?"

"Yeah! But I haven't had breakfast since this morning." He was whining about hunger. I sigh as I walk toward the tree.

"Come here, Naruto." He smiled broadly when he saw me take out a box of food that I made this morning, he ran towards the tree where I was and sat opposite me.

"You made this nee-chan? It's look delicious." It was a simple omelet with bacon, the only groceries left in my cupboard.

"Who else would do it if it wasn't me?" I raised an eyebrows at him as he grinned sheepishly with his hand scratching behind his head. I smiled at his cuteness. "Eat, then we'll continue training." He nodded and started eating the food.

"Did you get into academia? Naruto." I ask as I opened my book.

"Just tecently." I hummed in respone. I look at Naruto and notices that his eyes were focus at my right shoulder or at the tattoo. Yeah, I only wore a black pants and shirt with no sleeves and a chūnin flack jacket. I cleared my throat before asking.

"How about at school, is everything okay?"

"It's good." He nodded but his eyes didn't leave from my upper right arm. He brought his hand to where the tattoos were and touched them as he ask. "Isn't that the symbol of Anbu?" He look at me as I nod. "Since when you joined them?"

"Umm, on the day we first met?" I said and closed my book before put it in my pouch.

"That's why you rarely train with me and you always say you're busy." He pout as he crossed his arms over his chest and look the other way.

I laugh awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah, sorry Naruto. You should know how when you work at Anbu, it's not like other jonin and chūnin work."

"Hmph!" He pout again and this time he turn around so his back was facing me. 'Jeez, kid.' I sigh as I move closer to him and poked at his ribs. He flinched and laugh a little.

"Come on Naruto. I'm here, right? Training with you now." He turned around and sigh, trying to give me a smile. "Are you done eating?"

He nodded as I put the food box back where I took it. "Let's continue." His eyes lit up with a grin and ran back to the middle of the field.

"Hurry up, nee-chan!!" He shouted as I lazyly stand up walk to where he stand.


"See you tomorrow, nee-chan!" He waved and run wherever he wants to go.

I waved back as I thought. 'Tomorrow?'. I shrugged it off and walked to buy some groceries before go to Tenzō's house. 'Huh? Wait.' I stop walking when I suddenly thought about it. Sleepover at senpai's house? Tenzō's house? Tenzō? My mind was screaming when I thought about it. My jaw dropped slightly and it soon replaced with a smile, a goofy smile.

"Someone is smiling on their own."

Someone said as I snapped my head and look at the person in front of me. There he is. Standing there with arms crossed over his chest. And why heart beating so fast when I see him or be alone with him, just like now. I take a deep breath trying easy my nervous.

"Hi, senpai." I gave him a sweet smile. Yeah sweet smile just for him. Him.. Nah. "What are you doing here?" I ask and stepped a bit towards him.

"Just walk around and I see you standing here, smiling by yourself. So I came." He smile as I nervously adjust my vest. Why? I don't know. "What's in your mind?" He ask.

"Hm? N-nothing." I shook my head slightly as he chuckled.

"Where do you want to go? can I accompany you?" It felt like my breath stopped in my throat as he walked and stood next to me.

"I-I want to go buy some g-groceries." Why I was stutter to talk!. "You want to ac-accompany me?" Stop stuttering (Y/N)!

"Yeah, I can't? We can go straight to my house later." He said and we walk down to the shop.

"Oh, y-yeah sure." I bit my lips as we walk in silence before he spoke.

"You look quiet, not like that, you were smile like you miss someone or you miss me?" I stopped walking and stared at him in shock as I feel blood rushing heat to my cheeks. I shook my eagerly and start walking.

"No. N-nothing, I-I don't have anyone, yet. One day maybe." I whispered the last part and look onto the ground as he laugh.

"I'm kidding, you look nervous when I say you miss someone." I shooked my head again and glance over at him. 'Why he suddenly said that I miss someone and him?' I look at him, he still smile at himself.


As we arrived at Tenzō's house, someone spoke or it sounds like teasing tone. "Oh, did the two of you just come back from dating?" That voice I know well. I bit my lips and look at him a moment before shook my head.

"It's not, senpai. I bumped into her and just accompanied her to the store." Tenzō spoke after he unlock the door and turned to look at senpai. "Can't I?"

Kakashi senpai just stared at him with his hands in his pocket, but I could sense that he was smirking under his mask. "No, I didn't say you couldn't." He said as he glance over at me. I raised an eyebrows and stared back at him.

"Do you two want to go in or just stand outside?" Tenzō said from the inside as he walked into the kitchen. When is he coming in? And how long I and senpai staring at each other. Before he could enter I immediately stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"Senpai, please stop teasing. Okay?" I raised an eyebrows at him as he chuckled lightly.

"It's fun to see you blushing because of Tenzō." He laugh a little and walked inside, leaving me alone.

"Senpai..." I whine like a kid as I follow him behind.


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