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(Y/N) P.O.V

Today was Tenzō birthday! And he already turned into one digit after two. 23? Oh god how can I didn't remember about his age! Whatever I will ask him later.

I got up from the bed and sigh. 'What should I do for him, cook?' I look at the clock on my desk, it was already 4 in the evening. I still have two hours before he came. What I want to cook? A stick? Ramen? Cake? I sigh and walk towards the kitchen. Just cook what is left in the kitchen.

Should I invited senpai too? It's been a long time since we have dinner together. He probably busy. I better cook faster so I can find him before Tenzō came here.

~~~One Hour and 30 minutes Later~~~

I pull out the last cookies from the oven and put it on the counter. I sigh, finally done. I put the cookies on the plate before put it down on the table with the rest of food. It is not like a party, it is only for us. Me and him. I walk to the room to change before walk out the house.

As I walk, I can't stop thinking of what he like? A present. What kind of present he like. Teddy bear? No, it's for girl. Icha-Icha? I stop walking immediately when I thought about Icha-Icha. Did he read it? I never see him brought or read it. May be he read it at home.... I shook my head and keep walking. Never mind that I will ask him later.

I quickly made my way to Kakashi house. Before I got to knocked, the door suddenly open. Revealing my superior senpai with outfit jounin and backpack. His shocked expression make me chuckled at him.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here?"

"I just thought that I want to invite you to have dinner with us." I raised an eyebrows at him.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), I want to but I have a mission with my team."

I nodded at him.

"Wait." He said as he walk inside his house. I lean against the frame door, waiting for him to come back. A figure walk out froom his room and made his way toward me with a box in his hand. "Here."

"What is it?"

"A gift, since today was Tenzō birthday." He give his closed eye smile. "Tell him happy birthday and I love him..."

I tilted my head slight at him and he add. "As my kouhai."

I made a mouth 'o' and nod. "Alright, goodluck on your mission senpai." I wave at him and walk back to my house.


As I stepped into the house suddenly something came across my mind, like I forgot something. I gasp when I remember what I thought before... Tenzō's gift! How can I forgot it.

Have time to if I want to go buy? If Tenzō had arrive, he can wait right? I need to-


I nearly dropped the box in my hand when suddenly there was a voice greet me. I know who it was. I turned around with a smile on my face.


He lean closer to give a quick peck on my lips. I pull him inside by hand and walk straight to the dining table. His eyes a bit widen as his mouth watered slightly when he sees the food on the table. It's not that much but it enough for us.

I turn around and wrap my arms around him. "Happy birthday Tenzō! Sorry it didn't have any cakes or balloon or candles or-"

"It's fine, I like it. I don't need all that as long as you are with me, that is enough."

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