Chūnin Exams (Start Your Engines)

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~The Chūnin Exam Begins~


After we register for the Chunin Exam, we walk into the room only to meet with our other six classmates and other ninja from different country. They all look at us like we do something wrong.

"Woah, what's this?"

"Guees we are not alone." Sakura said standing next to me. "Man, I had no idea there'd be so much competition."

"Sasuke! Where have you been? Boy you have no idea how much I was hoping you'd show up. Here I've missed those rudy good looks of yours!"

'Ino Yamanaka, now she's annoying and not just because she's got the same stupid thing for Sasuke that Sakura's got-'

"You porker back off he's mine!" Sakura yelled next to me with her finger motion at Ino.

"This forehead they let in still got those big frown lines on your billboard brow? I see."

"Leave my forehead out of it!"

"Oh, it's you guys... I knew this was gonna be a drag, but I didn't know it gonna be this lame."

'Shikamaru Nara, always complaining never does anything about it. The laziest kid in the academy.'

"So all three stooges are here." I said to them.

"Hey, you know what pipsqueak? Ah forget it you're waste of time."

'And the one is Choji Akimichi, more like it I think he'd need his own head if he could.'

"Well, well, well. Do you know that is looks like the whole gang's back together again."

'Kiba Inuzuka and his dog, forget what I said about Ino, this guy's most annoying of all. Aburame Shino, well he's just weird kind of a mystery, but that doesn't mean he isn't annoying too. And Hinata Hyuga, she's okay but I don't know why gets all shy and embarassed every time even like... Look at her it's kind of weird.'

I look at Hinata as both her index fingers touch each other while she was looking at the ground.

"You guys too huh? Man everyone's here with this stupid things." Shikamaru said with his hands in his pocket.

"Yeah here we all are the Nine Rookies, this is gonna be fun. At least for those of us good enough to make the cut. Right Sasuke?"

"Kiba, careful you don't get overconfindent."

"Just wait we are gonna blow you guys away, we've been training like crazy."

'Huh Kiba just being annoying.'

"What do you think we've been doing? Sitting around picking daisies? You don't know what trainning means!" I said, a little annoying with this guy.

"Hey you guys, you might want to try keeping it down a little, I mean no offense but you are the Nine Rookies right fresh out of the academy. I wouldn't go making a spectacle of yourselves just cool it, this isn't a class field trip." Said the guy with grey-haired who wearing a glasses.

"Well who ask you and who are you?" Ino ask him.

"I'm Kabuto Yakushi but really look around you, you've made quite an impression." I look around the room and they eyes are all on our groups. Man this is suck. "See those guys they from the rain village, they're tense and you don't want to rub them the wrong way right now. You can't help it, I mean how could you know how things work you're just rookies. You remind me of myself a while back."

"Kabuto is that your name, right? This isn't the first time you've taken the exams." Sakura said with her eyebrows knitted together.

"No, it's my seventh well they're held twice a year so this will be my fourth."

"Wow year veteran you must be really be an expert by now."

"Yeah, sort of cool you can give us all the inside tips."

~Let's skip this 'cause I'm getting bored writting this...~

"All right you baby face degenerates pipe down and listen! It's time to begin, I'm Ibiki Morino your proctor."

There a big cloud of smoke appear in front of us and there our proctor with a two scars cross on his face. Behind him, many of people that I don't know for what supposed.

"You, from Hidden Sound Village! No doing as you please before the exams! You want to be failed at the get go?"

"Sorry. It's our first time taking the Exams, so flipped out... Despite ourselves." The one from the Hidden Sound Village said.

"Hmph, this is a good opportunity, so I'll say this. There will be no battles, competition and the like without the permission of the proctors! And even if you get a permission, action that could lead to the death of an opponent will not be permitted. And pig that screws with me will be disqualified immediately. Got it!?"

"Heh, this exam looks to be easy." The other Ninja from Sound Village said.

'Too confident, he is?'

"Now then, we will start the first test of the Chūnin Exams! Turn in your applications, take one of this number cards in exchange and sit in the seat that matching that number!" The proctor hold a piece of number and show it to us. "After that we will hand out the paper for the written test!"

"Written? Paper? Paper...." I gasp loudly, it feels like my brain had been thrown away through the window. "A paper test?!"


After we picked up the number and seat at the seat, I look down on the table where the paper test has been placed. I look around where everyone's seats are all scattered...

I lean forward on the table and hold my head with eyes shut tightly. 'What should I do?'


"Huh?" I seat up and look to my right. "Oh! You are Hinata! Since when have you?"

"L-Let's both do our best." She smile shyly and that's weird.

"Y-Yeah." I smiled back at her.

'I didn't notice her at all. Hinata has no presence at all...'

I look in front when the proctor tap the chalk on the blackboard. "There are several important rules to this first test. I will take no questions, so listen well accordingly!"

'Rules?.. And no questions will be taken?' I thought. 'Why did (Y/N) Sensei never talk about this written test?!'

"Firat off is the first rule! You are given points each from the start, the written test has ten problems in all! Each problem is one point and this test is a point deduction system. You are deducted one point for each problem you get wrong. If you get three wrong, you'll have seven points!"

'And if I get ten wrong, I'll get zero points...'

"Pass or failure will be determind by the total points of three person teams."


"W-Wait a minute! What do you mean by total points of three teams?!" Sakura asked.

"Shut up! There's perfectly good reason for this! Now shut up and listen! If you've got it, here is the most important next rule! Those who are deemed by the sentinels as having committed an act of cheating or soething similiar to that...will have two point deducted for each act." The proctor smirk as he continue.

"In other words, there may be those who will be dissmissed during this test without waiting for the test grading. The time for the test is one hour, now start!"


Yeah I know...
This is going to be the worst chapter I have ever written. I hate this and really sorry about that :)

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