I - A Broken Boy

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Tommy stared, shell-shocked, as Dream scooped up armfuls of iron armor and diamond tools out of the chests lining the walls, tossing them carelessly into an expanding pile in the middle of the roughly carved out room. Dream had found it just minutes earlier while digging a hole in Tommy's front yard.

"Dream, please, I'm-" Tommy started, attempting to plead with Dream. He didn't stop, didn't even acknowledge that Tommy had spoken, instead continuing to pile up items. Tommy watched as ender pearls and golden apples were tossed into the mountainous stack.

"I'm so, so sorry Dream, please don't do this." Tommy begged. This time, Dream paused, and looked over at the distraught boy, who had sunk to the ground, arms wrapped tightly around his knees in a desperate attempt to hold himself together.

"You hid this from me Tommy," Dream said calmly. His words were even and measured, and the circular white mask covering the top half of his face, leaving only his mouth exposed, betrayed no further emotions.

"I know I did, I'm sorry, it's all my fault," Tommy said, his voice breaking on the last word. "Please, I won't do it again." he pleaded.

Dream turned away from the pile of items, and began climbing out of the once hidden room. He made his way towards Tommy, footsteps silent on the green grass, his movements predatory. Dream dropped to a crouch besides Tommy and slung his arm around the quivering boy's shoulder, pulling Tommy securely against his side. It was as if he was claiming ownership over Tommy. You are mine, the gesture seemed to say. Dream turned his head to face Tommy, and began to speak.

"Do you remember why you were exiled Tommy?" Dream asked. Tommy said nothing.

"It's because you were a danger to the country. To everyone in the country. You were so obsessed with getting those discs back you nearly destroyed L'Manburg. Tubbo exiled you because you were acting selfishly and without thinking of how your actions might affect those around you. I have been so nice to you, Tommy." Dream's tone started to change. He sounded like he was actually hurt.

"I let you keep your armor for the past few days. I let you throw a beach party. I even let you go back to L'Manburg for an hour. But you haven't changed a bit. You're still a scheming, selfish, stubborn brat. And until you start to change, there is no chance of you ever returning to L'Manburg. Look at me, Tommy." Tommy lifted his gaze from the ground, and looked into the blank eyes on Dream's mask. Tears threatened to spill down Tommy's cheeks.

"Repeat after me," Dream said, holding Tommy's gaze. "I am selfish."

"I am selfish," Tommy murmured.


"I am selfish." Tommy said again.

"I am a danger to my friends."

"I am a danger to my friends." A tear rolled down Tommy's cheek.

"I am ungrateful for what I have been given."

"I am ungrateful for what I have been given." Another tear followed.

"I hurt those around me."

"I hurt those around me." Tears were now streaming down Tommy's face, dampening his shirt.

"I am nothing to anybody."

"I am nothing to anybody." A sob escaped from Tommy's lips.

"Very good Tommy," Dream said, rising off the ground. He motioned for Tommy to stand up with him. Dream pulled a matchbox out of the pocket of his hoodie, and drew a thin match out of it. Dream passed both the box and the match to Tommy.

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