XXII - Vices

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Tubbo couldn't stop shivering.

The cold assaulted him with ferocious intensity, gnawing at his exposed face and hands, brutally mauling the boy's skin. The netherite armor he wore emanated a small bit of heat, enough that his body wasn't quite numb, but instead teetering on the edge of hypothermia, barely keeping him alive. His horse had slowed to an exhausted walk, as had Quackity, Fundy, and Ranboo's steeds, the animals suffering from the bitter temperature as much as their riders.

"Quackity, how much farther are we supposed to go?!"

Fundy's weak voice drifted past Tubbo's frozen ears, the desperate words intended for the leader of their group.

"I told you, we're almost there. Just a little longer."

"The horses are in no condition to go on, and neither are we! Look: Tubbo's shaking like a fucking leaf!"

Tubbo, ashamed to be the weakest of the bunch, refused to meet Quackity's eyes as he turned his head to gaze at the indeed trembling boy.

"Fucking hell," Quackity sighed, slowing his mount so he could come parallel to Tubbo and walk alongside him. "We're too close to turn back. I've got strength potions, but we need to save those for right when the battle begins. Otherwise the effects might wear off too soon, and we'll be toast."

"So what are we supposed to do?!" Fundy demanded.

Quackity glared at the fox-man.

"Toss me your cigarettes."

Confused, Fundy obeyed, passing a brown pouch to Quackity.

"Tubbo, have you ever smoked before?"

"N-no." Tubbo stuttered.

"I really don't think this is a good idea!" Ranboo called from the back of the group. Quackity ignored him, passing Tubbo a cigarette out of the bag.

"Hold it with the orange part facing towards you. Yeah, just like that."

Tubbo's fingers could barely clench the narrow object, but he managed to follow Quackity's instructions with some difficulty.

"Now put just the tip of it in your mouth. I'll light it for you, don't worry."

The flickering flame was brought to the end of the cigarette, catching the paper before quickly burning out.

"Don't inhale the smoke, just suck it in."

Tubbo couldn't hold back the violent cough that arose from the foreign substance, quickly withdrawing the cigarette from his lips so he could lean to one side of his horse and retch hoarsely.

"Oh, shit! I told you not to breathe it yet man! Come on, stop coughing– you can do this. It'll warm you up once you get the hang of it."

Egged on by the promise of heat, Tubbo tried again, succeeding in sucking out the smoke with only a bit of coughing.

"Great, now you've got the tobacco lit, you can do the fun part! Just put a little bit of smoke in your mouth, and then inhale it when you take the cigarette out! Simple, right?"

Tubbo nodded.

"Don't breathe in too much smoke Tubbo. You're new at this, so it'll make you sick. Only do a small amount at first." Fundy said, looking worried.

The first draw he took was painful, burning his throat as he swallowed the smoke into his lungs; but it worked, warming him at his core, and he had shortened the cigarette before he fully came to terms with what he was doing. He smoked until he had almost reached the filter, and his lips were burned by the embers.

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