XXIV - Bloodbath

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Quackity charged forwards, axes held aloft in his hands, lips curved into a terrifying sneer, and Techno ran to meet him, dropping to a crouch just before they connected, using Quackity's own momentum to flip him to the side with his shield, sending the man sprawling a good few feet away. 

Fundy and Tubbo approached him from opposite directions as Ranboo circled around, heading for Tommy. Techno shouted a brief warning to his brother, and then focused his attention on Fundy, who held aloft a roman shield and a spear. 

The fox-man had a plumed helmet too, the hairs a fiery orange color that appeared to have been crudely glued on. Fundy stabbed at Techno with his spear, aiming for his shoulder, and Techno dodged out of its way, hooking the top of Fundy's shield with his own and wrenching it to the side, leaving ample space for him to direct a heavy swing at the man's armored chest. It was in no way a killing blow, but it knocked the breath from his lungs, making him stumble into Techno, who grabbed his shoulders and slammed a knee into his groin. Fundy crumpled to the ground with a whimper.

Tubbo rushed to take his place, slashing at Techno with a thin, katana-like blade, which Techno easily deflected with his shield. The boy, hoping to take Techno by surprise and injure him while he was distracted, stabbed at his other side with a shorter curved sword. Techno parried that as well, this time with his sword, and smashed the pommel into Tubbo's wide-eyed face. He fell back, in obvious pain, and Techno turned to face Quackity, who had recovered and was again bearing down on him. 

His first swing was blocked by Techno's sword, but the second glanced off of his shield and slammed into his thigh. Techno grunted in pain. Though the armor he wore protected him from the sharp edge of the axe, it couldn't nullify the force at which it had struck him with, and his leg buckled slightly. Forcing his weight onto his good leg, Techno aimed a kick at Quackity's chest, which connected and knocked the man to the ground. 

Tubbo reappeared, thrusting his shorter blade at Techno, which was effortlessly deflected, and stabbing the katana towards his head, missing his face but catching his ear, tearing out the golden piercings lining the cartilage. Techno grimaced, feeling rivulets of blood trickle along the inside of his ear. That would hurt like a bitch later, once the adrenaline wore off. The blood stirred the voices, and they began to awaken from their restless slumber, whispering with fervor.

Kill, kill, kill!

Techno punched at Tubbo with his shield, the rim colliding with the boy's right collarbone with a sickening crunch as it shattered. He made a strangled cry and clutched at his shoulder, dropping his katana in the process, pain engulfing his features.

Techno felt a pang of sympathy, but there was no time for regret. Fundy hid behind his shield as he stabbed his spear at Techno, clearly terrified. Techno blocked the attack and slotted his sword just below the head of the spear, sending the weapon soaring a good distance away. Fundy reached for something, presumably a knife, but as he did so Techno used his shield to rip away the fox-man's, and delivered a solid roundhouse kick to his chest, letting him crumple in on himself before shoving him into the snow.

Quackity was running at him again, axes bared like a wolf's teeth, a manic expression on his face. Techno feinted, but Quackity wasn't stupid enough to fall for such a simplistic trick, and countered, swinging an axe into Techno's side. The blow knocked the air from his lungs, and he was barely able to block the second axe as he fell to the ground. 

Something in his chest didn't feel right; he had definitely broken a few of his ribs. There was barely time to recover his breath as Quackity ran at him. Techno rolled onto his back and swung his shield towards his attacker, connecting with his knee. Quackity cried out as his leg gave out underneath him and he collapsed onto his ass. As Techno got up, Fundy lobbed his spear, the weapon arcing gracefully through the air, glancing off Techno's shield and landing in between Quackity's spread legs, the point sinking into the ground with a thud, barely missing his groin.

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