XXX - Family Ties

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After Schlatt's regime had ended and reconstruction of L'Manberg had begun, it was decided the new authority should become democratic, both to provide a more fair and equal system and to ease the public fear that another elected leader should metamorphosize into a vicious monarch. 

A parliamentary government was established, headed by Tubbo. There were barely enough citizens to vote for representatives, but Quackity managed to strong-arm his way in, Fundy trailing behind. 

Then the few remaining citizens took off, leaving the three governors and Ranboo, whom Tubbo had hired as his secretary.

"Governor" was a lofty word for Fundy's position. He felt that maybe a high-and-mighty governor should be appreciated and admired instead of shunted aside and spoken down to by his peers. 

Oh well. 

As long as he was alive.

That was his motto, and it almost made him turn back now, for drawing attention to oneself was a sure way to attract danger; especially when the attention was coming from Quackity. Yet he forged ahead, creeping down the panelled hallway, pausing at a set of double doors. They were made of a dull red wood, brass handles decorated with a stylized pattern. The tasteful knobs leered at Fundy with malice, daring him to enter.

"You won't like what's behind us," they seemed to say. "Watch out. Leave while you still can."

He swallowed, hard, and closed his hand around one, the cold metal chilling his palm as he timidly opened the door. It creaked, hinges wailing in protest, but he ignored the sound and poked his head into the room.

"Morning Fundy. What brings you to my office?"

A strong-smelling cologne attempted to mask the scent of rot and deceit permeating the space, as if Quackity had thought he could cover his tracks with a sour anise odor. He tried not to wrinkle his nose or gag as the perfume flooded his nostrils.

"Good morning. Have, uh, have you been here all night?" Fundy asked, shifting the conversation away from himself. Maybe he could make Quackity more amicable by fueling his ego.

"Sure, sure. Just finishing up some papers and things."

Fundy looked at the surface of the imposing wooden desk Quackity sat behind.

There was nothing on it.

"T-that's great! Y'know, I really appreciate your dedication to L'Manberg."

He didn't.

"Why, thank you Fundy."

"Yeah, y-you're great at this government stuff. I bet you could run the w-whole country on your own if you wanted."

"I'm touched. It's a relief to know my efforts are appreciated so deeply, and especially by you. I mean, you're not exactly the observant type." Quackity chuckled, and Fundy forced himself to laugh too. "But really, what a kind thing to say."

"Th-th-thank you." Fundy stuttered.

"Thuh– thuh– thuh–" Quackity imitated mockingly. "Come on, loosen up. There's no need to be so formal! This is a day for celebration!"


"Techno's execution! Don't tell me you fucking forgot?"

"Well, actually, I wanted to ask you about something related to that–"

"Jesus Fundy, sometimes you can be such a dumbass–"

"I was wondering if maybe–"

"Let's hope you never get charge of this place; otherwise we'd all end up dead!"

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