XVII - Snowy Ride / First Blood

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This chapter contains vivid descriptions of violence. Disturbing content is located at the very end of the chapter; please read responsibly.

"Are you sure about this?"

Techno worried at his lip, one hand grasping the leather reins buckled around Carl's snout, the other loosely resting on Tommy's shoulder, a gentle reassurance that he was there.

"Of course I'm sure. And don't patronize me."

"I wasn't- whatever. Alright. I'll help you up."

Techno released Carl's reins, assured by the horse's calm demeanor he wouldn't move until they had both clambered onto his back.


"Just do it already. I'm a busy man, you can't expect me to wait here all day!"

"Hang on tight, ok?"

Techno scooped Tommy into his arms, the boy's normally thin frame made bulkier by a puffy winter coat and thick mittens. Carefully, he lifted him onto Carl's mahogany back, making sure his brother was settled before hoisting himself up and reaching around Tommy to grab the limp reins.

"Uh, Tech?"


"How fast does Carl go?"

"Pretty fast."

"Oh." Tommy said, his voice much smaller than it had been a few seconds ago.

"Look, if you don't want to do this, we don't have to."

"I'm not scared!" Tommy blurted. "It's just, well, you know, what if something- something goes wrong, or whatever?"

Techno huffed a sigh. After their talk in the attic, Tommy had been adamant about getting out of the house, and once he recalled the horse Techno and Phil had discussed finding more feed for one late night, he had insisted he get to ride it. So here they were, bundled in soft fleece and sealskin coats, a red-and-white striped hat pulled snugly over Tommy's mop of messy blonde hair, the boy's cheeks as pink as the tight bun into which Techno had secured his own locks.

Though the fear was evident in his brother's voice, there was now a liveliness to Tommy that hadn't been there before, a sense of adventure on his lips, excitement in every breath he took; liquid anticipation had replaced the blood in his veins, only halted by the encroaching worry. And maybe it was selfish, but Techno couldn't give less of a shit about being cautious, not when for the first time in what seemed like forever, Tommy had regained a portion of his spirited nature.

"There's nothing to be scared of," Techno assured. "Carl's fast, but he's also reliable. He won't throw you off, and if you do fall, you'll land in the snow."

"Who said I was scared?" Tommy grumbled, looking irritated but relieved.

Techno snorted, checking one last time to make sure Tommy was secure in his position, and with a tap of the heels and a short snap of the reins Carl broke into a dutiful trot, freshly fallen flakes crunching beneath his hooves with every brisk step.

As the riders moved away from the small valley in which the house sat, hills and craggy ridges rose up around them, edges softened by powdery frost, turning an otherwise hostile landscape into a peaceful, wintry wonderland. When they came to the peak of the nearest rise Techno paused, letting the cool wind buffet their clothes and faces.

"Smell that, Toms?"

Tommy inhaled deeply.

"It smells like... like when you realize things aren't as bad as you think they are."

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