VII - The Hunt / Remembrance

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Flurries of snow swirled and tumbled through the frozen air, some landing on Dream's shoulders and melting into the green fabric of his hoodie while other flakes attacked his exposed skin, bludgeoning the tips of his fingers and the lower half of his face with silent frostbitten fury.

It had been no more than three hours since he had discovered Tommy was missing from exile but the miserable weather made it seem like much longer that Dream had trekked through the pitch-black forest, searching doggedly for any hint or sign of where Tommy might have gone.

Maybe it was foolish to begin the hunt while night hung ominously in the sky, but any tracks would disappear under the snow before morning broke. A lucky set of footprints sunken into a muddy patch of earth discovered early on had led Dream north, and now he was surrounded by pine and spruce trees that rustled and shook when he brushed against them, thin green needles spilling snowflakes that had collected on top of the branches.

Dream tightened his grip on the leather-wrapped hilt of his sword, squeezing it tightly to return some feeling to his fingers. He unsheathed the netherite blade and let it drag quietly behind him, the tip sinking with little resistance into the snow covering the earth. Recent battles with the creatures and monsters that emerged at night stained the blade red with blood, and as he pulled the sword along it traced an uneven pale-pink line across the ground while Dream continued to meander through the forest.

The blindness potion had surely taken effect by now, and if Tommy hadn't found shelter he would be looking for a body instead of the boy necessary to his plans. The thought of finding Tommy dead and frozen in some snowbank sent unfamiliar chills down his spine; not because he cared for Tommy, but because if he died months of planning would be for nothing. It was bad enough he had run away.

An unusually shaped mound of snow drew Dream's gaze. He sheathed his sword and crouched down to brush snowflakes away from the concealed object, exposing a bright yellow petal. Dream continued to uncover the delicate bloom, and was surprised to find more than one flower hidden underneath the snow. Yellow tulips and orangey-pink peonies lay innocently on the ground, frost tipping the edges of their petals. The stems of the flowers were rough, evidently ripped from their original home, shades of mottled brown slowly creeping up the once fully-green stalks.

Dream rose to his feet, leaving the blooms shivering in the snow.

Tommy had been here.

Something deeper in the forest rattled menacingly, and as Dream drew his sword a sharp twang sounded, immediately followed by a low thump as a crudely-made arrow whizzed neatly by him and buried itself in the trunk of a nearby pine. Dream cursed under his breath; this is what he got for trying to track down Tommy so late at night.

More hostile creatures made themselves known with a menagerie of unique clicks and hisses.He would have to retreat and wait for dawn.

Dream turned back, heading south towards the remains of Logstedshire. Tomorrow he would begin searching for Tommy again, and by the end of the week Dream would either have the boy back in his care, or a frozen corpse to dispose of.


Philza dropped his duffle by the door, and the worn canvas bag made a noisy thump as it hit the floor. He would be staying with Techno for the next day or so and though it wasn't necessary had brought a few changes of clothing and other bits and bobs, just in case. Phil always planned for the worst.

"Who's there?"

Techno's voice rang out sharply, the volume and intensity making Phil jump slightly.

"Just me Techno!" Phil called back, ruffling his large white wings. Techno was becoming increasingly paranoid, recently demanding identification from Phil before opening the door or lowering his sword which had surely been raised in a hurried panic before Phil announced himself.

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